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Projection Radiography (X-Ray). Instructors: Brian Fleming and Ioana Fleming flembri@pha.jhu.edu, ioana@cs.jhu.edu January 7th, 2010. Today. X-Ray production Interaction with matter / tissue Instrumentation Applications. 1. Atomic Structure. Balanced == Neutral -- No Charge!
Projection Radiography (X-Ray) Instructors: Brian Fleming and Ioana Fleming flembri@pha.jhu.edu, ioana@cs.jhu.edu January 7th, 2010
Today • X-Ray production • Interaction with matter / tissue • Instrumentation • Applications
1. Atomic Structure Balanced == Neutral -- No Charge! Missing Electron == ? Extra Electron == ?
Electrons • Orbiting in shells
Electron Binding Energy • Atom’s ground state – lowest energy configuration • Basic principle: bound energy < unbound energy + electron energy • Binding energy is difference • Binding energy of hydrogen electron: 13.6 eV 1 eV is the kinetic energy gained by an electron that is accelerated across a one (1) volt potential
Ionization and Excitation • Ionization is “knocking" an electron out of the atom creates 1 electron and 1 ion (what charge?) • Excitation is “knocking" an electron to a higher orbit
Characteristic Radiation What happens to ionized or excited atom? • Return to ground state by rearrangement of electrons • Causes atom to give of energy Energy given off as radiation • infrared • light • x-rays
Ionizing Radiation Radiation with energy > 13.6 eV ionizes H • Energy required to ionize: • Air: 34 eV • Lead: 1 keV • Tungsten: 4 keV (average binding energies) • Radiation energies in medical imaging • 30 keV - 511 keV • can ionize 10 - 40,000 atoms
Particulate Radiation • Any subatomic particle (proton, neutron, electron) can be considered to be ionizing radiation (nuclear, beta) if it possesses enough kinetic energy to ionize an atom • An electron accelerated across 100 kV potential difference yields a 100 keV electron
What are X-Rays ? Electromagnetic EM Radiation • radio, microwaves, • infrared, visible light, ultraviolet • x-rays, gamma rays • Particle / photon: E = h * ν • Planck's constant h = 4.14 * 10-15 eV-sec • f is frequency • Electromagnetic wave: λ = c / ν • C = 3 * 108 meters/sec; speed of light X-Rays vs. light vs. radio waves
2. How are X-Rays produced? X-rays are produced when accelerated electrons interact with a target, usually a metal absorber, or with a crystalline structure. Electron radiative interactions: • Characteristic x-rays: • Electron ejects an inner-shell electron • Reorganization generates x-ray • Bremsstrahlung x-rays • Electron “grazes" nucleus, slows down • Energy loss generates x-ray (primary source of x-rays from an x-ray tube)
EM Radiation Interactions w/ matter Completely different than particulate radiation (electron) interactions: • Photoelectric effect • Compton scattering
Photoelectric effect • Photon with energy 40keV enters • Photoelectron from K-shell with energy (40-33.2)=6.8keV exits • Electron from M- to K-shell • Characteristic radiationat (33.2-0.6)= 31.6KeVin a random direction. • The Atom now has positive charge • What if the energy is higher/lower? • Atom completely absorbs incident photon • All energy is transferred • Atom produces • - characteristic radiation, and/or • - energetic electron(s) • Characteristic radiation might be • - x-ray • - Other light (very important) Iodine Energy levels K -33.2keV L -4.3keV M -0.6keV K L M Example
Compton Scattering • Photon collides with outer-shell electron • Photon is not absorbed, but it loses energy and it changes direction (angle θ) • E - Energy of incident photon • E’ - Energy of scattered photon • m0 is rest mass of electron • m0c2 = 511 keV
Medical Imaging • Photoelectric effect • Responsible for contrast between tissues • Compton effect • Undesirable • How can we control the angle? • Important concepts • Attenuation • Dose
Attenuation Beam Strength • Photon count = number of photons in the burst • Energy flow = how much energy the bust is carrying Intensity of an x-ray beam = energy fluence rate (per unit area per unit time) • The process describing the loss of strength of a beam of electromagnetic radiation. • Tissue-dependent attenuation is the primary mechanism behind contrast in radiology.
Linear Attenuation Coefficient • Assuming “narrow beam” geometry = same width as the beam detector • Homogeneous slab of thickness Δx • Fundamental photon attenuation law • N = N0 e -μ Δ x • μ = linear attenuation coefficient • In terms of intensity: • I = I0 e -μ Δ x • This is known as Beer’s Law
Attenuation Coefficient • The linear attenuation coefficient μ of all materials depends on the photon energy of the beam and the atomic numbers of the elements in the material. • Since the mass of the material itself provides the attenuation, attenuation coefficients are usually characterized by μ/ρ, where ρ is the material density.
Attenuation Coefficient Human Density ~ 1 g/cm3 Δx = 20cm N0 = 1,000,000,000,000 Exercise 1: Eγ = 20 KeV Exercise 2: Eγ = 100 KeV N = 2,000 ΔE = 999,999,998,000 * 20 keV = 2e13 keV N = 33,000,000,000 ΔE = 967,000,000,000 * 100 keV = 9.6e13 keV
EM Radiation Dose • How many photons? → fluence • How much energy? → energy fluence • What does radiation do to matter? →dose
Exposure = the creation of ions • How many ions are created? • ExposureX, the number of ion pairs produced in a specific volume of air by EM radiation • SI Units: C/kg (charge per mass) • Common Units: Roentgen, R 1 C/kg = 3876 R
Dose As EM radiation passes through a material, it deposits energy into it by the photoelectric effect and Compton scattering. • How much energy is deposited into material? • DoseD, the energy deposited per unit volume • SI unit: Gray (Gy) 1 Gy = 1 J/kg (energy per mass) • Common unit: rad 1 Gy = 100 rads 1 R of exposure yields 1 rad of absorbed dose in soft tissue.
So did we kill our test subject? • 2 x 1013 keV = 3.2 x 10-3 J • Mass = 80 kg • 3.2e-3 J / 80 kg = 0.00004 rads = 0.04 mRad • 9.6 x 1013 keV = 1.54 x 10-2 J • 1.54e-2 J / 80 kg = 0.00019 rads = 0.19 mRad • Typical chest x-ray dose ~ 0.1 mRad • 1000 Rad =
Dose Equivalent Different types of radiation, when delivering the same dose, can have different effects on the body. • Dose equivalentH H = D * Q • Q = quality factor, • Q ≈ 1 for x-rays, gamma rays, electrons, beta, • Q ≈ 10 for neutrons and protons, • Q ≈ 20 for alpha particles. • Since Q ≈ 1, H = D • SI unit, Sievert (Sv). More common, rems
Effective Dose = The sum of dose equivalents to different organs or body tissues, weighted to produce a value proportional to risk (the body is not irradiated uniformly) • Annual effective dose (average) = 100 mrems • Chest x-ray = 0.1 mrems • Fluoroscopic study = several rems
Biological Effects of X-Rays • Injury to living tissue results from the transfer of energy to atoms and molecules in the cellular structure. • Atoms and molecules become ionized or excited. • These excitations and ionizations can: • Produce free radicals • Break chemical bonds • Damage molecules that regulate vital cell processes
Prompt and Delayed Effects • Radiation effects can be categorized by when they appear • Prompt, acute effects – skin reddening, hair loss and radiation burns which develop soon after large doses of radiation are delivered over short periods of time • Delayed effects – cataract formation and cancer induction that may occur months or years after a radiation exposure.
Prompt Effects • Will develop within hours, days or weeks depending on the size of the dose. The larger the dose the sooner the effect will occur • Limited to the site of the exposure.
Prompt Effects • The skin does not have receptors that sense radiation exposure. No matter how large a radiation dose a person receives, there is no sensation at the time the dose is delivered. • Some people who have received large doses claim to feel a tingling at the skin, however it is believed that the tingling is due to static charge at the skin surface rather than the direct sensation of radiation exposure.
Delayed Effects • Cataracts – induced when a dose exceeding 500 rems is delivered to the lens of the eye. Radiation induced cataracts may take months or years to appear. • Extremely unlikely to receive a substantial dose to the eye working with todays units.
Delayed Effects • Cancer studies of people exposed to high doses of radiation have shown there is a risk of cancer induction associated with high doses. • Studies demonstrate that cancer risk is linearly proportional to the dose • Radiation induced cancers may take 10-15 years to appear.
Cancer Risk EstimatesPutting Risk into Perspective • 1 in a Million chance of death from activities common in society • Smoking 1.4 cigarettes in a lifetime (lung cancer) • Eating 40 tablespoons of peanut butter (aflatoxin) • Spending two days in Los Angeles (air pollution) • Driving 40 miles in a car (accident) • Flying 2500 miles in a jet (accident) • Canoeing for 6 minutes (drowning) • Receiving a dose of 10 mrem of radiation (cancer)
Personnel Exposure Limits • Annual Dose Exposure limits have been established based on the recommendations of national and international commissions. • Exposures at or below these limits should result in no exposure effects
Exposure Effects • 1000 rad – second degree burns • 2000 rad – intense swelling within a few hours • 3000 rad – completely destroys tissue • 400 rad – acute whole body exposure is LD 50/30* *LD 50/30 – lethal to 50% of population within 30 days if not treated
Projection Images: The creation of a two-dimensional image “shadow” of the three dimensional body. X-rays are transmitted through a patient, creating a radiograph. • chest x-rays • mammography • dental x-rays • fluoroscopy • angiography • computed tomography
The three standard orientations of projection (slice, tomographic) images Axial, Transaxial, Transverse Coronal Frontal Sagittal Oblique Slice: an orientation not corresponding to one of the standard slice orientation.
Anode Angle Anode angles in diagnostic x-ray tubes range from 7 to 20 degrees, with 12- to 15-degree angles most common. The smaller the angle, the better the resolution.
X-Ray Tube Components • Filament controls tube current (mA) • Tungsten - preferred because of its high melting point (3370°C) • Cathode and focusing cup • Anode is switched to high potential • 30 -150 kVp • Made of tungsten • Bremsstrahlung is 1% • Heat is 99% • Spins at 3,200-3,600 rpm • Glass housing; vaccum
Exposure Control • kVp applied for short duration • Older machines have a fixed “shutter speed” • Newer machines allow for variable exposure times • Tube current (mA) controlled by filament current and anode voltage mA * exposure time = mAs • Max energy -controlled by anode voltage V (keV) • Radiation Dose -controlled by current and time (mAs)
Filtration • Low energy x-ray will be absorbed by the body (ouch!), without providing diagnostic information • Filtration: Process of absorbing low-energy x-ray photons before they enter the patient • Inherent Filtration • Within anode • Glass housing • Added Filtration • Aluminum • Copper/Aluminum • Measured in mm Al/Eq
Restriction • Goal: To direct beam toward desired anatomy
Compensation Filters • Goal: to even out film exposure
Colimators • Grids