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RECOMMEND Presentation of the RIP Roadmap by all RECOMMEND project partners Status Quo: October 2013. RECOMMEND Part I Presentation of the RIP Roadmap by Partners: AT, PL, CZ & SI 24th Oct . 2013, 4th WS in Poland. THE RIP Road Map. General information about the RIP:
RECOMMEND Presentationofthe RIP Roadmap byall RECOMMEND projectpartnersStatus Quo: October 2013
RECOMMEND Part IPresentationofthe RIP Roadmap byPartners: AT, PL, CZ & SI24th Oct. 2013, 4th WS in Poland
THE RIP Road Map • General informationaboutthe RIP: • Eachpartner will create an individual RIP forhisregion • The RIP will consistof 2 independentparts • Roadmap forthe RIP- • Regional Implementation Plan - • The Roadmap focuses on theWHY a specialgoodpracticeornewidea was chosenandWHOandHOWit will beimplementedwithinthepartnerregion • Target ofthe Road Mappresentationatthe WS 4: informingthepartnersabout • yourselectedactionforthe RIP • thereasons / back groundinfoforyourselection • Whichstakeholders will implementyour RIP WHY? HOW?
RECOMMEND RIP Road Map Lower Austria Benjamin Kuscher 24th Oct 2013 Toruń / PL
Overview: now - then Our current situation Our proposal • Each eco-funding scheme in Lower Austria manages its own pool of experts (often the same persons) and wants to keep control. • There is a lack of cooperation between the eco-funding institutions. • There are already existing search tools but with specific needs for specific institutions – • The tools are used only by one organisation. • Finding the appropriate external eco-expert or eco-funding scheme is not easy enough Short description about your challanges which hinder respectively make the implementation of eco friendly actions difficult: *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx A common search tool (My eco-expert) will be used to strengthen transparency regarding • qualification, • experience, • competence and • licensees of all consultants The target is to light out the funding jungle oursolution
New plan for My ECO-Expert Energieberatung Umweltberatung Klimabündnis Environmental Consulting by Chamber of Commerce eNu Ökomanagement NÖ RECOMMEND Pilot My ECO-expert RECOMMEND RIP Clients Companies Public Org.
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER A 24th Oct 2013
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER B 24th Oct 2013
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER C 24th Oct 2013
Realisation of My eco-Expert Please state in key words which main support and main obstacles /threats/ difficulties you are expecting to face when establishing the RIP in your region. Eco-experts will supportthecreationofonesinge searchtool. Chamberofcommerce will seeitascompetition Yellow circles: support Redcircles: obstacles Ökomanagement supportsthetransperantselectionofexperts Opposition in theowndepartmentbecausetheywanttokeepcontroleoftheir expert pool. The federalgov. supportsclearandtransperantcriteriaforeco-experts Eco-experts will fearthe additional work in providingtherequestedinformation.
Promotion possibilities for RIP Any idea how you resp. the RECOMMEND team can promote the Final RIP on regional / national and / or international level? e.g. signing the RIP at press conference, round table with stakeholders, press release, promoting at international events such as Open Days…) 24th Oct 2013
TO DO List for the next months 24th Oct 2013
RECOMMEND RIP Road Map Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship Rafał Modrzewski 24th Oct 2013 Torun / PL
Overview: now - then Our current situation Our proposal Innovation voucher scheme - regional R&D sector not used efficiently Low level of cooperation between R&D sector and companies Lack of instruments of support for clusters development (ecoclusters) Establishing new innovation voucher scheme Establishing instruments of support for clusters development Short description about your challanges which hinder respectively make the implementation of eco friendly actions difficult: *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx oursolution
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER A 24th Oct 2013
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER B 24th Oct 2013
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER C 24th Oct 2013
Realisation of RIP Please state in key words which main support and main obstacles /threats/ difficulties you are expecting to face when establishing the RIP in your region. Engaged business supportinstitutions EU legalobstacles Yellow circles: support Redcircles: obstacles R&D potential Politicalchanges RegionalOperationalProgrammeresources Entrepreneurs’ mentality
Promotion possibilities for RIP Any idea how you resp. the RECOMMEND team can promote the Final RIP on regional / national and / or international level? e.g. signing the RIP at press conference, round table with stakeholders, press release, promoting at international events such as Open Days…) 24th Oct 2013
TO DO List for the next months 24th Oct 2013
RECOMMEND WS4 Poland RIP Roadmap - Czech RepublicPP4 – Jan Jareš, Ekoport
Road Map CZ – South Bohemia • based on ongoing PA – pilot innovation vouchers scheme • in relation to local pre-conditions of the region • low level of awareness on eco-innovation/eco-management • lesson learnt from other regions / best practice
Overview: now - then Our current situation Our proposal No eco-innovation / management tool in the region Low level of cooperation between R&D and local industry Other regions have lead No awareness among politicians Short description about your challanges which hinder respectively make the implementation of eco friendly actions difficult: *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx Pilot innovation voucher scheme (broad preferences) Verification, feed back collection, raising awareness on +‘s of the tool Scheme adjustment – „eco“ aspect (preference x special call) oursolution
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER A 24th Oct 2013
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER B 24th Oct 2013
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER C 24th Oct 2013
Realisation of RIP best practice / external experts low level of awareness Yellow circles: support Redcircles: obstacles step by step approach perception of „eco“ in CZ simplicity and transferability of the tool applicability of local R&D capacities towards industry
Promotion possibilities for RIP Any idea how you resp. the RECOMMEND team can promote the Final RIP on regional / national and / or international level? e.g. signing the RIP at press conference, round table with stakeholders, press release, promoting at international events such as Open Days…) 24th Oct 2013
TO DO List for the next months 24th Oct 2013
RECOMMEND RIP Road Map LEA Spodnje Podravje Uroš Majerič 24th Oct 2013 Torun / PL
Overview: now - then • Establishment of the cluster • Proposal of efficient funding system for our situation • Connection with different organizations • Establishment of meetings on a regular basis • Lack of networking • Lack of eco innovation • Lack of funding systems • Lack of R&D Projects • Great interest for implementation in renewable energy sources and increase of energy efficiency Our current situation Our proposal Short description about your challanges which hinder respectively make the implementation of eco friendly actions difficult: *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx oursolution
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER A 24th Oct 2013
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER B 24th Oct 2013
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER C 24th Oct 2013
Realisation of RIP Please state in key words which main support and main obstacles /threats/ difficulties you are expecting to face when establishing the RIP in your region. support by national policies not enough support Yellow circles: support Redcircles: obstacles new connections with different organizations lack of financial funds
Promotion possibilities for RIP Any idea how you resp. the RECOMMEND team can promote the Final RIP on regional / national and / or international level? e.g. signing the RIP at press conference, round table with stakeholders, press release, promoting at international events such as Open Days…) 24th Oct 2013
TO DO List for the next months 24th Oct 2013
RECOMMEND Part IIPresentationofthe RIP Roadmap byPartners: EE, IT, UK & BG25th Oct. 2013, 4th WS in Poland
RECOMMEND RIP Road Map Tartu RegionalEnergyAgency Martin Kikas 25th Oct 2013 Torun / PL
Overview: now - then Acknowledgement of thebusinessesto rise motivation and awareness about the eco-management and eco-innovation Our current situation Our proposal Please state key words describing the kind of situation you have to face in your region which hinders eco friendly actions and which will be addressed by your RIP. E.g.lack of funding systems, lack of networking… Please state only key words which describes your best practice example:e.g. establishing a new funding system; establishing a new cluster etc… Short description about your challanges which hinder respectively make the implementation of eco friendly actions difficult: *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx *) xxxxx Different stakeholders (public and private) have low awareness of eco-innovation and eco-management. Insufficient motivation to implement eco-management systems and eco-innovation tools as it is not seen as a profitable for business. oursolution
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER A
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER B
My stakeholders STAKEHOLDER C
Realisation of RIP Please state in key words which main support and main obstacles /threats/ difficulties you are expecting to face when establishing the RIP in your region. Theimportance of eco-management and cleantechisraisng all thetime Lowawareness of businessabouiteco-innovation and eco-management Yellow circles: support Redcircles: obstacles GoodpartnershipwithStakeholders ABC Thebusinessesdon`t see economicalbenefit Tartu City developmentplan 2014-2020 supportseco-innovation and eco-management Financialsupportschemeisnotclearetoday
Promotion possibilities for RIP Any idea how you resp. the RECOMMEND team can promote the Final RIP on regional / national and / or international level? e.g. signing the RIP at press conference, round table with stakeholders, press release, promoting at international events such as Open Days…)