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Crayfish. What part of the crayfish is the arrow pointing at?. walking legs. What are the 4 main things that crayfish need in order to live?.
What part of the crayfish is the arrow pointing at? walking legs
What are the 4 main things that crayfish need in order to live? Food Water Air Shelter
What term is used to describe a living organism that eats both plants and animals? omnivores
What part of the crayfish is the arrow pointing at? antennae
What term is used to describe a living organism that uses the sun’s energy to make its own food? producer
What are the 3 main parts of a crayfish body? head thorax abdomen
What part of their body do crayfish use to protect themselves from predators? pincers
Is grass considered a producer or a consumer? producer
What term is used to describe a living organism that eats only plants? herbivores
What do you call an animal that is eaten by another animal? prey
Is a cat a producer or a consumer? consumer
What term is used to describe a living organism that needs to eat in order to survive? consumer
What term is used to describe a living organism that eats only animals? carnivores
What do you call an animal that hunts for other animals to eat as food? A predator
What do you call an animal whose body temperature changes to adapt to the climate around it? cold-blooded
What term is used to describe a living organism that uses the sun’s energy to make its own food? producer
In the classroom the crayfish live under flowerpots, what do they live under in marshy ponds? rocks
Are humans considered warm-blooded or cold-blooded? warm-blooded
Is an apple tree a producer or a consumer? producer
What is the hard outer-layer of a crayfish called? exoskeleton
What term is used to describe a living organisms that eats dead animals or animals that are weak and dying? scavengers
Traits that are passed downby your parents are called _____ traits. inherited
Traits that you get sometime AFTER you are born are called _____ traits. acquired
Your mom has blue eyes and you have blue eyes … this is an example of an _____ trait. inherited
Your dad has big ears and you have big ears. This is an example of an _____ trait. inherited
You cut your chin and get a scar. This is an example of an _____ trait. acquired
A girl has pierced ears. This is an example of an _____ trait. acquired
A crayfish has swimmerets. Is this an example of an acquired trait or an inherited trait? inherited
A crayfish is a female. Is this an example of an acquired trait or an inherited trait? inherited
A crayfish has 2 senses that are the same as humans. What are they? sight and touch
What are the small appendages on the underside of a crayfish called? swimmerets
Crayfish eat dead animals. This means that crayfish are considered _____. scavengers
The telephone rings and Mary picks it up. Is the ringing phone the stimulus or the response? stimuls
Name 2 things a crayfish does if it feels threatened. • backs up - curls into a ball - they raise their pincers - hides under rocks
What is the respiratory organ that helps the crayfish to breath? gills
What is the respiratory organ that helps the crayfish to breath? gills
Why do crayfish burrow in mud? to hibernate
Why do crayfish burrow in mud? to hibernate