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Energy Efficient and Environmental Friendly Exploration & Production Technologies

Energy Efficient and Environmental Friendly Exploration & Production Technologies . Talus’s Environmental Advantage. Efficiently find new deposits using our technologies Recover oil in a compressed time span using native reservoir energy to achieve high rates of production

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Energy Efficient and Environmental Friendly Exploration & Production Technologies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Energy Efficient and Environmental Friendly Exploration & Production Technologies

  2. Talus’s Environmental Advantage • Efficiently find new deposits using our technologies • Recover oil in a compressed time span using native reservoir energy to achieve high rates of production • Minimizes environmental impact by restricting activity • Drill automatically, twice as fast, at half the price, leaving no effluent

  3. Talus’ Technology vs. Traditional Exploration & Production Technologies

  4. ISC Technology Produces More Oil in an Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Way • In Situ Combustion (ISC) technology maximizes resource recovery fast and efficiently • It uses “air”, a benign injectant • Indigenous stranded natural gas is used as fuel for power generation to add new energy to energy depleted fields in a closed loop system • Total recovery (primary and secondary) can be compressed into 7 - 10 years

  5. ERA Technology Finds New Oil and Gas Deposits With Minimal Impact • ERA identifies commercial hydrocarbon deposits with a high degree of success • Stationary ERA is performed from a modified pick-up truck causing minimal impact • Multiple stationary readings can determine oil and gas composition and rate of flow • Our new version, “NaI-SS Recon” can perform ERA reconnaissance surveys while traveling and find best locations (sweet spots). Soon NaI-SS will be mounted in a helicopter for airborne reconnaissance

  6. MonoDrill Automated Machine • Compact and efficient MonoDrill drills twice as fast, uses 1/3 the manpower, and occupies 1/3 the footprint of traditional drilling rigs • No discharge of effluent, a closed loop fluid dynamics system recycles drilling fluid to be used again • Automated pipe handling eliminates drillings most dangerous jobs • Modular design allows MonoDrill to break down into 10,000 lb components that can be airlifted thereby eliminating the need for roads in sensitive areas

  7. Talus’ ISC Enhanced Recovery Technology vs. Traditional

  8. Exploration Impact - ERA vs Traditional

  9. MonoDrill vs. Traditional Drilling Mark Seyer, CEO mseyer@talusresources.com832.830.8767

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