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Joint Airfield Operations Working Group Background: Developed based on CSAF concerns, CENTAF/CC CDI on theatre ops and need to improve cross-tell between service ATC policy/procedures POCs. Met on 2 Jun 04 to discuss working group intent, meeting schedules
Joint Airfield Operations Working Group • Background: Developed based on CSAF concerns, CENTAF/CC CDI on theatre ops and need to improve cross-tell between service ATC policy/procedures POCs. • Met on 2 Jun 04 to discuss working group intent, meeting schedules • Also covered contract ATC, certification requirements, ATC recording procedures, joint ATC pub and service ATC guidance • Will meet at least quarterly • Milestones: Next meeting will be in last week of Jun 04 • POC: AFFSA/XAO, Lt Col Arch, DSN 857-2175 Retention Survey • Background: In an effort to understand ATC and Airfield Management (AM) enlisted personnel intentions on retention, AFFSA requested AFPC/DPSAS specifically target 1C1 and 1C0 personnel during the CSAF Retention Survey • Received data from AFPC in Apr 04 • Developing AFFSA survey to ask more specific ATC and AM questions • Milestones: Draft survey 80% complete. • POC: AFFSA/XAO, Lt Col Arch, DSN 857-2175
Contracting ATC • Background: Decisions to contract USAF ATC facilities is made at the functional level, however AFFSA/XAO is currently developing a standardized Statement of Work (SOW) template, to ensure facilities/MAJCOMs have a starting point when developing the contract. • Milestones: Gathered several ATC service contracts in use by the ANG and AFSPC. Next, will draft template for USAF Contracting review. Eventual product to be available on the AFFSA website. • POC: AFFSA/XAO, Lt Col Arch, DSN 857-2175