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Response to Decision XXIII/5: Quarantine and Pre-shipment uses of Methyl Bromide

Response to Decision XXIII/5: Quarantine and Pre-shipment uses of Methyl Bromide. MBTOC - QPS. Scope of report on QPS. Decision XXIII/5 requested TEAP to: “ Summarise data submitted by Parties under Article 7 of MP on a regional basis, providing analysis of trends in data ”

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Response to Decision XXIII/5: Quarantine and Pre-shipment uses of Methyl Bromide

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  1. Response to Decision XXIII/5:Quarantine and Pre-shipment uses of Methyl Bromide MBTOC - QPS

  2. Scope of report on QPS Decision XXIII/5 requested TEAP to: • “Summarise data submitted by Parties under Article 7 of MP on a regional basis, providing analysis of trends in data” • See QPS Report is on pages 164 - 184 of TEAP Vol 1 (May 2012) • “Provide guidance on procedures and methods for data collection on methyl bromide use for QPS for Parties that have not yet established such procedures and methods, or wish to improve existing ones” • See Annexes on pages 185 – 215 of TEAP Vol 1 (May 2012) that contain examples of Forms used by Parties

  3. Methyl bromide produced for QPS Ozone Secretariat Data Centre May 2012

  4. Methyl bromide produced for QPS Ozone Secretariat Data Centre May 2012

  5. Methyl bromide QPS consumption Ozone Secretariat Data Centre May 2012 MB-QPS consumption exceeded non-QPS consumption for the first time in 2009 MB-QPS is the largest remaining emissive use of MB not subject to a freeze and reduction under the Montreal Protocol

  6. Methyl bromide QPS consumption • Latest (2010) consumption data • 10y global consumption trend downwards • Non-A5 trend is downwards, but up recently • A5 trend is upward, but level for past 5 years Ozone Secretariat Data Centre May 2012

  7. MB-QPS consumption in Non-A5 Parties * Parties that reported consumption largerthan 100 tonnes in 2010 • USA increasing since 2008 • Other countries reducing to lower consumption levels Ozone Secretariat Data Centre June 2012

  8. MB-QPS consumption in A5 Parties • China MB-QPS consumption trending downwards but still significantly larger than other A5 Parties Ozone Secretariat Data Centre June 2012

  9. Regional trends in MB-QPS consumption • “Western Europe and others” increased mainly due to US, and now has the same consumption as Asia • Other regions relatively low consumption of MB-QPS Ozone Secretariat Data Centre June 2012

  10. Regional consumption in 2010 • Asian region = “Western Europe and Others” Ozone Secretariat Data Centre June 2012

  11. Categories of methyl bromide consumers in 2010 • Eighty six (72 A5, 14 Non-A5) reported MB-QPS in 2010 and at least one other time since 1999 • Fifteen (17%) of the Parties (11 A5, 4 Non-A5) reported MB-QPS consumption in 2010 consumed 100 tonnes or more Ozone Secretariat Data Centre June 2012

  12. Main categories of MB use for QPS# * WPM – Wood packaging material; # - TEAP Progress Report 2011 The main four uses amount to over 70% by weight of the MB consumed for QPS TEAP estimates that 31- 47% of these top four consumption categories (grain, logs, soil, WPM) can be replaced immediately with commercially available alternatives

  13. TEAP guidance on procedures and methods for data collection on MB-QPS • TEAP provides examples of QPS-MB monitoring and reporting in 6 Parties and regions: • Form developed by TEAP (1999) also shown in Annex • Many Forms were quite detailed and collected a lot of information • Not exhaustive list but provided as examples of Forms that are available and being used • EU no longer uses a Form as all uses of methyl bromide including QPS have been phased out but previous form included as example

  14. Elements TEAP considers useful for data collection on MB-QPS • TEAP provides a list of elements that it considers important in monitoring MB-QPS • List shows essential versus optional items to monitor • Form is divided into: • Common headings e.g., date, location etc. • Treatment of articles or products (commodities) - Target pest, reason for treatment, others • Treatment of Soil (pre-plant) - crop, reason, pest, area, other • Parties may wish to request the Ozone Secretariat upload the Forms and TEAP’s list to its website to facilitate review and potential use by Parties for making Forms

  15. International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) work on methyl bromide update • IPPC provides areas for action and guidance to National Plant Protection Organisations to replace or reduce MB as a phytosanitary measure e.g., use less, reduce emissions, replace MB with alternatives • ISPM-15 (about 20% of global MB-QPS) allows heat instead of methyl bromide for the treatment of Wood Packaging Material (WPM). This is used in A5 and non-A5 Parties • Non-wood pallets made of plastic, cardboard, plywood and particle board are exempt ISPM-15 treatment • An IPPC Expert Panel is evaluating more alternatives for ISPM-15 for the treatment of Wood Packaging Material:

  16. Work by Expert Panels in the IPPC …update on progress Source: IPPC 1324300176_Report_2011_SC_Nov_2011-12-15.pdf

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