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Discover the intricate world of fungi, their characteristics, reproduction, and significance in nature. Explore different species and their roles as parasites or decomposers. Unravel the unique structures of mushrooms and yeasts.
Fungi/Jamur Indikator : KD 1.1. mengagumi jamur kompleksitas ciptaan Tuhan menurut ajaran agama yang dianutnya KD 1.2 Mengagumiakaluntukberpikirsecarailmiahdalamkemampuanmengamatibioproses. KD 2.1. 1.menunjukkan tanggung jawab dalam belajar mandiri maupun kelompok 2.menunnjukkan ketekunan dalam melakukan pengamatan dan eksperimen 3.menunjukkan keaktifan dalam mengeluarkan pendapat/menghargai pendapat teman
Fungi/Jamur KD 2.2 Menunjukankepedulianterhadapkeselamatandiridalammelakukankegiatanpengamatandanpercobaan. KD.3.6 1.menjelaskan pengertian jamur 2.menjelaskan ciri-ciri jamur 3.menjelaskan macam-macam jamur 4.menyebutkan klasifikasi jamur KD.4.6 1.menyajikan data hasil observasi lapangan di lingkungan sekolah dalam bentuk tabel
TUJUAN: KD 1.1. : Siswadapat mengagumi jamursebagai kompleksitas ciptaan Tuhan menurutajaran agama yang di anutnya. KD 1.2. Siswadapatmengagumiakaluntukberpikirsecarailmiahdalamkemampuanmengamatibioproses. KD 2.1. : Siswa dapat menunjukkan tanggung jawab dalam belajar mandiri maupun kelompok pada saat mengerjakan LKS. Siswadapatmenunjukanketekunandalammelakukanpengamatanjamurdisekitarsekolah. Siswadapatmenunjukankeaktifandalammengeluarkanpendapatdalamdiskusi
KD 3.6. : Setelah mengamati gambar pada LKS dan membaca buku serta diskusi informasi siswa dapat menjelaskan ciri-ciri jamur. Setelah mengamati gambar pada LKS dan membaca buku serta diskusi informasi siswa dapat menjelaskan macam-macam dan klasifikasi jamur. Setelah mengamati gambar pada LKS dan membaca buku serta diskusi informasi siswa dapat menjelaskan cara reproduksi jamur. KD 4.6. : Melalui pengamatan gambar di LKS, membaca buku dan diskusi informasi siswadapatmelengkapi tabel dan mengkomunikasikan
Fungi (singular:fungus) are nonvascular plant like organisms that have nochlorophyll
Fungi live in moist, shady areas. Some species of fungi live and grow on other living things. They are called parasites
Parasites are organisms that obtain their food from living organisms. Examples : -The fungus that kills elm trees -destroy crop plants -attack people, the itching of athlete's -infect fishes, in home aquariums.
Other species of fungi get their food from dead matter. These fungi are called saprophytes.
These fungi decompose, or break down, dead plant and animal matter. These broken down products become the foods of other living things.
The umbrella-shaped structure growing on the dead leaves is the gemmed amanita fungus
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Structure of Fungi the Fungi kingdom have threadlike structures called hyphae
hyphae produce special chemicals called enzymes. The enzymes digest, or break down, the cells of living or dead organisms.
The broken down cells and their chemicals are used by fungi as food. Fungi absorb food through the walls of the hyphae.
Life Cycle of Bread Mold. The bread mold Rhizopus can be found growing on the surfaces of bread and fruit
Most fungi reproduce by means of spores. Spores are small reproductive cells.
sulfur polypore orange cup
Mushrooms One type of fungus called the mushroom Mushrooms belong to a special group of fungi called the club fungi. club-shaped structure
The umbrella-shaped part of the mushroom are most familiar is the mushroom's cap The cap is part of the mushroom's fruiting body. It contains spores
The cap is at the top of a stalk, a stem like structure that has a ring near its top.
mushroom upside down, you would see its gills. The gills are the mushroom's spore factories
When a water droplet hits this puff ball fungus the fungus releases a cloud of spores. To what special group of fungi do puff balls belong?
Yeasts Yeasts belong to a group of fungi called sac fungi. Sac fungi produce spores in a saclike structure.
Yeasts, have no chlorophyll. They obtain their energy through a process called fermentation. During fermentation, sugars and starches are changed into alcohol and carbon dioxide gas. At the same time, energy is released.
Bakers add yeast to bread dough. Yeast produces carbon dioxide. This causes the bread to rise. The carbon dioxide also produces hundreds of tiny bubbles in the bread
Yeasts, are unicellular, reproduce by forming spores or budding. During budding, a portion of the yeast cell pushes out of the cell wall and forms a tiny bud. In time, the bud forms a new yeast.
Yeast cells reproduce by budding. The three tiny bumps at the bottom of the yeast cell will develop into three new yeast cells.
Molds They often placed decaying breads, cheeses, and fruits such as oranges on the infection.
Bread mold reproduces by producing spores, which are released from Long hyphae anchor the mold to the bread. Short hyphae absorb food from the bread
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered that a substance produced by the blue-green mold Penicillium could kill certain bacteria that caused infections.
Growing of mold on bread? Bread mold looks like tiny fluffs of cotton. The fluffs are groups of long hyphae that grow over the surface of bread.
Shorter hyphae grow down into the bread and resemble tiny roots.
The shorter hyphae release the enzymes that break down the bread.
The broken-down bread is food for the mold and is absorbed by the hyphae, and they begin to develop into a new mold.