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Step Right Up!. The Eight (8) Steps of the Scientific Method. Introduction.
Step Right Up! The Eight (8) Steps of the Scientific Method
Introduction • Once upon a time, in a palace far, far, away, lived a very curious queen by the name of N Quire. Queen N Quire was always asking questions, which really bugged the rest of the royal family. They made a smart guess that if they all got together they could form a plan. Read on to find out how the royal family solved their problem.
Frame 1 • Use The Eight (8) Steps of the Scientific Method to help Queen N Quire and her royal family solve their problem. • Step 1. Question/Problem • Step 2. Hypothesis/Prediction • Step 3: Procedure/Plan • Step 4: Experiment • Step 5: Data • Step 6: Results • Step 7: Conclusion • Step 8: Further Investigation
Frame 2 • By the time you have finished this PLS, you will be able to: • 1. List and explain the eight (8) steps of the scientific method in order; • 2. Identify the three (3) kinds of variables found in experiments; • 3. Use the scientific method to plan and conduct your own experiment; and • 4. Apply the eight (8) steps of the scientific method to write a lab report.
Frame 3 • HOW TO USE THE PROGRAM: • Read the statement on each of the frames and then answer the questions that are at the bottom of the frame. You can check your answers on the back of each frame. • Some frames have a test on them. If you answer those incorrectly, follow the directions given to you on the back of the frame. • Use the whiteboard marker provided. When you are finished, please erase your answers. • If you wish to listen to this while you read, use the attached cassette tape.
Frame 4 • Queen N Quire, as we already know, was alwaysasking questions. This was alwaysher first step in trying to find something out. Queen N Quire walked around the royal palace all day and night saying, “What would happen if…?”, or “Why does…?”, or “How does…?” Everything that came out of her mouth ended with a question mark. • What is the first step of the • scientific method? ________
Back of Frame 4 • The first step of the scientific method is to ask a question. • Good for you! You’ve taken the first step to being part of the royal family!
Frame 5 • Queen N Quire’s second cousin, Helen Hypothesis, was always trying to predict what the answers to the queen’s questions would be. Helen Hypothesis walked around all day and night, following Queen N Quire, saying things like, “I predict that…”, or “I think that…”. And Helen Hypothesis alwaysgave a reason for what she thought was going to happen. • What is the second step of the scientific method? • A hypothesis begins with “ ________________” or • “______________________”…… • True or False: You need to give a reason for what you predict.
Back of Frame 5 • The second step of the scientific method is to make a hypothesis or prediction. • A hypothesis begins with “I predict” or “Ithink that”………. • True or False: You need to give a reason for what you predict. • Way to go! You’ve taken the second step to being part of the royal family!
Frame 6 • Queen N Quire had three sisters who were always trying to tell her what to do. They cried out, “You have to follow procedure!” “You need a plan!” “You should make a list of the steps you will take to answer your question!” • One sister, who was very able, said, “You need to identify your variables!” Another sister, who loved things, said, “You need to list your materials!” And another sister , who liked to follow the rules, said,”You need to list the steps you will follow to answer your question!” • What is the third step of the scientific method?______________________ • The three (3) parts you need to include in your procedure are ________, __________, and • ___________________________.
Back of Frame 6 • The third step of the scientific method is procedure, or planning your investigation. The three parts you need to include in your procedure are: identifying variables, listing materials, and listing the steps you will follow in your experiment. • You’re right on target for joining the royal family!
Frame 7 • After all this planning, Queen N Quire was ready to do something to find the answer to her question. She exclaimed, “I want to do an experiment!” “Let us conduct an investigation!” And so Queen N Quire, Helen Hypothesis, and the queen’s three sisters excitedly experimented in the royal laboratory on the fourth floor of the castle. They examined their procedure and exactly followed it. • What is the fourth step of the scientific method?
Back of Frame 7 • The fourth step of the scientific method is to perform your experiment. You conduct your investigation, following your procedure. • Brilliant! You’re halfway to getting the keys to the castle!
Frame 8 • You’re halfway to the castle, so it’s time for a rest stop. Use this wraparound to match the first four steps of the scientific method with their definitions. Good luck from the royal family! • hypothesis follow your plan to conduct • your investigation • experiment what do you want to know? • question plan your investigation • procedure your prediction; what you • think will happen
Back of Frame 8 2 4 4 1 1 3 3 2
Frame 9 • After performing her experiment, the queen remembered that it was time to feed her children. She noticed that one child was observing everything she did and writing it down. And then the baby said his first word – DATA (dada)! Of course, the queen ran right away to get the king to tell him what their baby’s first word was! • What is the fifth step of the scientific method? _______ • When you collect data, you ___________ and ______________.
Back of Frame 9 • The fifth step of the scientific method is data. You make observations and record them. • Keep going! You only have three steps left…
Frame 10 • Queen N Quire wanted results! So she asked the royal detective to carefully examine her excellent experiment. He analyzed the data she had collected, looking for patterns and trends. • What is the sixth step of the scientific method? ________________ • How do you examine your results? • _________________________ • XO*XO*XO*XO*
Back of Frame 10 • The sixth step of the scientific method is results. You analyze, or examine your data carefully, looking for patterns and trends. • Fine detective work Sherlock! You are two steps away from becoming royalty!
Frame 11 • On the seventh day, the royal family begged Queen N Quire to draw a conclusion. They pleaded, “You have your results, now please answer your originalquestion. Please tell us what happened in your experiment, and explain why it turned out that way!” And of course, Helen Hypothesis insisted that Queen N Quire include her in the conclusion. Helen Hypothesis said, “Don’t forget to say whether I was right or wrong!” • What is the seventh step of the scientific method? • ____________________ • What are the three (3) parts to include? _________________, _____________, and __________________________
Back of Frame 11 • The seventh step of the scientific method is the conclusion, which is the answer to youroriginal question. You explain whathappened and why. You also accept or reject your hypothesis. • Are you ready to take the final step? • Here we go….
Frame 12 The royal family was so happy that Queen N Quire had finally found the answer to her question! However, the answer only made Queen N Quire come up with a NEW question based on what she had just discovered!The royal family moaned and groaned as the queen set out upon her further investigation. What is the eighth – and final – step of the scientific method?
Back of Frame 12 The eighth and final step of the scientific method is further investigation. It is the new question you have based on what you just learned. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have proven your worthiness to become the newest member of the royal family! Here is the key to the castle. Use it to unlock the mysteries of the scientific method.
Frame 13 • Use the Electroboard, Learning Circle or Pic-A-Hole (Pocket Tester) in the MIP box to see how much you have learned. If you obtain 90% continue with the PLS; if not, turn back to frame four (4) and proceed through the PLS. • GOOD LUCK!
Frame 14 • Remember Queen N Quire’s three sisters who were always trying to boss her around? Well, the third sister, who was very able to do anything, liked to sit on the third step of the castle. She liked things that came in threes, so she decided that the queen would have to identify three variables every time she wanted to do an experiment. • How many types of variables must be identified in every experiment?
Back of Frame 14 • Three types of variables must be identified in every experiment. • Read on to whet your appetite for variables!
Frame 15 • Think of variables like the toppings on a pizza. They both affect how something turns out. The toppings you get on your pizza will affect how the pizza tastes, and the variables in an experiment will affect the results of the experiment! • Bon apetit! • What are variables? • _______________________________________ • How are variables like toppings on a pizza? • _____________________________________
Back of Frame 15 • Correct! Variables are factors in an experiment that affect the results. • Variables are like toppings on a pizza because they both affect how something turns out. • Read on to find out more about variables…. • ……and pizza!
Frame 16 • The manipulated variable (a.k.a. the independentvariable) is the ONE variable that the scientist intentionally changes (changes on purpose). There can only be ONE because otherwise you wouldn’t know what caused your results. For example, if you had more than one pizza topping, you wouldn’t know which one was affecting the taste of the pizza. • Key words: different, change • What is the manipulated variable? • What is another name for the manipulated variable? • Why can there only be one manipulated variable?
Back of Frame 16 • The manipulated variable is the one part of the experiment that is intentionally changed. • Another name for the manipulated variable is the independent variable. • There can only be one manipulated variable because otherwise you wouldn’t know which factors were affecting your results. • BRILLIANT! Getting hungry for more knowledge?
Frame 17 • The effect of the manipulated (independent) variable is called the responding (dependent) variable. It can be tested and measured. For example, the taste of your pizza is AFFECTED by the toppings you put on it. • Key Words: affect, measure, test • The responding or ______________ variable is the part of the experiment that ________________________.
Back of Frame 17 • The responding or dependent variable is the part of the experiment that is affected by the manipulated (independent) variable. • You’re proving to be a very able person! Ready for one more?
Frame 18 • The controlled (constant) variables are the parts of the experiment that are kept the same. A good experiment has several controlled variables. • Key word:same • What are controlled variables?___________________ • Why should an experiment have more than one controlled variable? __________________________________ • What is another name for the controlled variable? _____________________________________
Back of Frame 18 • Controlled variables are the parts of the experiment that are kept the same. • An experiment should have more than one because it’s important to keep everything the same except for the one part that is being changed on purpose. • Another name for controlled variables are constant variables. • Well done! You’re a very able scientist!!
Frame 19 • If you would like to challenge yourself with • Flip Chute Cards or Task Cards, do so now. If • you obtain 90% continue with the PLS; if not, • turn back to frame fourteen (14) and proceed • through the PLS.
Frame 20 • Use the following Scientific Organizer to plan and conduct an experiment of your own design. Remember to see me for approval of your plan before you begin.
Back of Frame 20 • Remember to phrase your question as a question with a question mark at the end • ??????????????????????????????????????? • Your hypothesis/prediction should begin with “I predict” or “I think” that……… • because ……….. • It’s important to give a reason for what you think will happen!
Frame 21 • Now you’re ready to plan • your experiment!
Back of Frame 21 • Variables: • Manipulated (independent) variable – the one part of the experiment that you will change intentionally. • Responding (dependent) variable – the effect of the manipulated variable, it is measured or tested. • Controlled (constant) variables – the parts of the experiment that are kept the same. • Materials: • List all materials needed to conduct the experiment. Be specific! • Procedure: • Write as a list of numbered steps. • 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. • 5. • Etc.
Frame 22 • Great plan! Now it’s time to conduct your experiment and record your observations.
Back of Frame 22 • When creating a data table, the manipulated (independent) variable goes in the left hand column, and the control goes in the right hand column. Record observations in bulleted format.
Back of Frame 23 • Results: Remember to look for patterns and trends. • Conclusion: What is the answer to your original question? • What happened and why? • Do you accept or reject your • hypothesis? • You’re a super scientist!
Frame 24 • Now challenge yourself by using the Task Cards or Pic-A-Hole (Pocket Tester). If you obtain 100% continue with the PLS; if not, turn back to frame four (4) and proceed through the PLS.
Frame 25 • Now that you know how to plan an experiment, it’s time to follow your plan to conduct your experiment and record your results in a lab report. • Please use the following pages to write a rough draft of your lab report. Refer to everything you’ve done so far in this PLS to help you. Then write your final copy using the lab report packet in the MIP box, and hand in to me for grading when complete. • I SCIENCE
Frame 26 • Title: _____________________________ • 1) Question: _______________________ • _______________________________? • 2) Hypothesis : I predict or I think that ___________________________ • because _______________________ • ______________________________
Frame 27 • 3) Procedure/Plan: • Manipulated (independent) variable: _____________________________ • Responding (dependent) variable: _____________________________ • Controlled (constant) variables: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Frame 28 • Procedure/Plan (continued) • Materials: ____________________________________________________________ • Procedure: • ______________________________ • ______________________________ • ______________________________ • ______________________________ • ______________________________
Frame 29 • 4) Experiment: follow your step by step procedure. • 5) Data: Create a data table to record your observations.