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FACULTY PROMOTION REVIEW. Format for Promotion Review Portfolio KCTCS Faculty Hired 2004 and thereafter; all other full-time faculty who select this criteria. Promotion Review Portfolio Preparation. This presentation is designed to assist you in preparing a successful portfolio for promotion.
FACULTY PROMOTION REVIEW Format for Promotion Review Portfolio KCTCS Faculty Hired 2004 and thereafter; all other full-time faculty who select this criteria
Promotion Review Portfolio Preparation • This presentation is designed to assist you in preparing a successful portfolio for promotion. • You should have copies of the promotion guidelines. • You can access the guidelines on http://www.kctcs.edu/academicaffairs/
It is highly recommended that each candidate have a resource person who has successfully gone through the promotion process. During your promotion sequences from Instructor to Professor it is recommended that you begin saving documentation to support your portfolio content.
Instructions Use this format to assemble your promotion review portfolio. • Use a three-ring binder with tabs identifying each section required. • Provide clear, legible copies of documents. • Information should be from the last three academic years (July 1 to June 30), which includes the current academic year.
Information may be supplemented with significant activities and achievements from prior years. • All listings should be in reverse chronological order. • Clarity, organization and consistency in your portfolio will assist teams in making a positive outcome. • Verification must be included where indicated.
All required components of the portfolio must be included or addressed. • Eligibility for the year of promotion will include the current academic year. (You can count the year in which you apply.)
I. COVER SHEET • Your Name • Name of the College • Promotional Rank for which you are being considered
II. VITA • Include a copy of your vita/resume. • Personal Information • Education • Professional Certifications, Registries, Licensures • Experience
A. Personal Information • This should include your personal information such as: • Full name • Current Rank • Rank Dates to include: • Initial appointment to faculty • Appointment to Assistant Professor • Appointment to Associate Professor
B. Education • List colleges, universities attended, locations and dates; degrees awarded, dates, major(s). • Provide the number of graduate credit hours in teaching or related subject areas above your degree.
C. ProfessionalCertifications, Registries, Licensures • Provide organization and dates for all held.
D. Experience • Position • Dates • Responsibilities
III. TRANSCRIPTS • Provide CLEAR copies of official transcripts from each institution attended. • Provide copies of current certificates, licenses, and/or registries. (Identification numbers may be removed from copies.)
IV. PHILOSOPHY • Summarize personal philosophy concerning your work as a faculty member.
Philosophy • When writing your teaching philosophy you might want to include the following: • What is the key to a successful instructor? • What is a good learning environment? • Who are psychologists, theorists, or educators who have contributed to your philosophy? • How does your philosophy mesh with the overall mission and goals of KCTCS?
PERFORMANCE PLANNING AGREEMENTS • Provide copies of the current performance planning agreement and of the previous two years.
VI. INSTRUCTION • Provide a narrative summarizing activities in this area. • Elaborate upon activities that demonstrate: • Quality teaching • Teaching innovations • Or experimental techniques of instruction
Instruction (con’t) • Credit and Developmental Instruction • Provide a list or table of academic and/or developmental credit instruction activities for the current and previous two years. • List the courses taught each term • Credit hours • Summaries of student evaluations
Instruction (con’t) • CEU Instruction • Provide a list of CEU credit instruction activities for the current and previous two years. Include: • CEU courses taught • Number of CEU credit hours awarded • Number of participants • Brief description of course • Summaries of student evaluations of CEU instruction
Instruction (con’t) • The following may be provided to further demonstrate excellence in teaching: • A sample course syllabus to demonstrate innovative course structure or methodologies of instruction • Copies of classroom observations
STUDENT GUIDANCE AND ADVISING • Provide a narrative of all guidance and advising activities for the current and previous two years. • Include activities pertaining to: • Assigned advisees • Unassigned advisees • Include activities relating to: • Career counseling • Testing services • Non-credit students • Other counseling services
INTERNAL SERVICE (INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE) • List all internal service activities for the current and previous two years. • Include a brief description of active participation • Include supporting documentation: • Letters from committee chair(s) or member • Committee evaluation instrument • Committee minutes
INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE • KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures (2.5) defines institutional service as: • evidence of effective participation in college activities appropriate to the growth and viability of the institution and education programs therein • Activities may include, but are not limited to: • Committee involvement, workshop facilitation, continuing education, development of new program proposals, program accreditation, recruitment and marketing, grant proposal preparation, and mentoring of new faculty.
IX. EXTERNAL SERVICE (COMMUNITY SERVICE) • List all external community service activities for the current and previous two years. • Include: • A brief description • Supporting documentation • Brochures • Programs • Letters
Community Service • KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures (2.5) states that community service might include such activities as: • Serving on community boards, foundations, committees, commissions • Workshop facilitation • Continuing education or customized industry courses • Forums and community meetings • Delivering lectures or seminars • Arranging fine arts, cultural and recreational events • Professional assistance • Working with K-12 schools
PROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENT • Give a brief narrative about the importance of professional development, continuous improvement, to your working/teaching responsibilities. • In the narrative, refer to those activities in which you have participated in the current and previous two years. • Include workshops, conferences/institutes, and/or courses taken that enhance your job performance. • Attach supporting documentation
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT • KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures (2.5) states: • The demonstration and evaluation of the professional activities and service of a faculty member shall be based upon evidence of: • Professional growth • Development in areas of primary responsibility
EDUCATIONALLEADERSHIP • Provide a list and a brief description referenced to the appropriate evaluation and planning document (PPE/DOEA). Include: • College • Division • Program • Area • Discipline • System • Or other administrative responsibilities
Education Leadership (con’t) • Attach documentation • Appointment letters • Certificates • Evaluations • Submit examples from the current and previous two years. • Summary results of any evaluations
EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP • KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures (2.5) states: • The demonstration and evaluation of the educational leadership and service of a faculty member shall be based upon evidence of: • Effective participation in activities appropriate to the formation of education policy and faculty organization • Effective performance of administrative duties where applicable • Recognition of educational leadership
PERFORMANCE EFFECTIVENESS • Provide a copy of your Annual Faculty Performance Review Rating for the current and previous two years. • The college president will provide a list with the number of faculty in each performance review category at the college for the current and previous two years. • Provide copies of any documentation relating to progress toward tenure (Second, Fourth or Fifth Year Reviews).
LETTERS OF EVALUATION • Include letters from the following in the order indicated: • President of the College • Division Chair (If the division chair is being considered for promotion, the chief academic officer writes the letter.) • College Advisory Committee on Promotion (CACP)
LETTERS OF EVALUATION (con’t) • Six (6) or more letters including at least all associate and professor division members located on same campus (letters should be addressed to and sent to the college president*) • For librarians and counselors, the six (6) letters shall include their discipline colleagues with at least Associate and Professor rank.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • Provide additional information which you believe may be of assistance to the committee in making a recommendation. • such as special awards, Who’s Who, Peer Evaluations
APPENDIX • optional
Key Dates • January 3-February 3, 2012 Annual performance evaluations for promotion candidates • February 6 – March 2, 2012 • College Advisory Committee on Promotion review • March 16, 2012 • Recommendations due from college president/ceo, either affirmative or negative regarding promotions in rank for Associate Professor/Librarian II and Professor/Librarian I. • Second Week of April • KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Promotion meets. • May 1, 2012 • Individuals being promoted locally to rank of Assistant Professor/Librarian III and term contract faculty (all ranks) notified and copy of letter sent to Chancellor’s Office by this date.