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FLIGHT ACTIVATION MONITORING (FAM). Hans Koolen. EDITION 16/01/2013. ETFMS. ENHANCED TACTICAL FLOW MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ETFMS). Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM). To i ncrease the accuracy of ATFM thus reducing any differences in data between ATFM and ATC .
Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) To increase the accuracy of ATFM thus reducing any differences in data between ATFM and ATC. To improve short-term traffic demand forecasts. To reduce over-delivery. To enable more accurate slot allocations thus improved utilisation of the available capacity. To improve reaction to short-terms events.
Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) FLIGHT ACTIVATION MONITORING (FAM) Part of ETFMS
Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) The Objective of FAM is to: Take benefit from ETFMS data to improve Traffic Load counts Allow a more efficient use of the available capacity Provide an incentive for Aircraft Operators to update their EOBTs
Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) Functions of FAM Monitors flights which should have departed Identifies flights which should have departed and for which nothing is received to confirm their departure Takes action on these flights by shifting them several times (until a time parameter) and then suspending them, unless a message, which confirms that the flight is delayed or the flight is airborne, has been received Informs the AOs of the action for them to react
Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) Expected Result of FAM FAM will, for non-regulated areas free capacity, and for regulated areas also release slots which are unduly occupied by flights not departed, thus making these slots available for other aircraft which are ready to depart.
Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) Application of FAM (1) FAM is applied on all flights, whether regulated or not, departing from and/or landing at areas where CPRs are received by the CFMU and FAM is activated. Flights departing from and landing in non FAM enabled areas are NOT affected by FAM, irrespective if they fly through CPR covered or non CPR-covered FAM enabled areas en-route. CPR coverage is an essential requisite for FAM to be applied. When CPR coverage in a particular area is not at the level considered as ‘safe’, then FAM is deactivated for this area. Where FAM is applicable, the timing starts at departure if it is FAM enabled, or if it is not, at the entry of the first CPR-covered FAM enabled area (AUA), provided there is continuous FAM coverage to destination.
APPLICATION OF FAM (2) 1. X } FAM applies 2. X 3. } FAM does not apply 4. = FAM enabled CPR-covered areas
Example 3 WSSS - EBBR FAM = YES Start = ETO LRBBACC Example 1 LGAV - EIDW FAM = YES Start = ETO EIDWACC Example 5 LFML - ENGM FAM = YES Start = CTOT/ETOT Example 6 LGAV - LMML FAM = YES Start = ETO LMMMACC Example 7 WHHH - LEMD FAM = YES Start = ETO LECBACC Example 2 LPPT - EINN FAM = YES Start = CTOT/ETOT Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) • CPR/FAM-Covered Areas: • Austria (FAM) • Belgium (FAM) • Czech Republic (FAM) • Denmark (FAM) • Finland - Tampere (FAM) • Finland - Rovaniemi • France (FAM) • Germany (FAM) • Greece • Hungary (FAM) • Ireland (FAM) • Italy (FAM) • Lithuania (FAM) • Maastricht UAC (FAM) • Malta (FAM) • Netherlands (FAM) • Norway - Oslo (FAM) • Norway - Stavanger (FAM) • Portugal (FAM) • Romania (FAM) • Slovak Republic (FAM) • Slovenia (FAM) • Spain (FAM) • Sweden (FAM) • Switzerland (FAM) • United Kingdom Example 4 EGLL - EPWA FAM = NO
If ETFMS receives no message that they are airborne, Flights departing from within, or with an elapse time to a CPR-covered FAM enabled area of less than 3 hours will be ‘shifted’ in ETFMS up to 5 times for 5 minutes each time and will then be suspended after another 5 minutes (i.e. after 30 minutes in total). ATOT shifted 5 times 1615 1635 1640 1625 1620 1630 1610 1600 Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) Parameters (1) ETOT/CTOT EOBT FLS
If ETFMS receives no message that they are airborne, Flights departing from non- CPR covered areas with an elapse time to a CPR-covered FAM enabled area of 3 hoursor more will be ‘shifted’ up to 23 times for 5 minutes each time and will then be suspended after another 5 minutes (i.e. after 120 minutes in total). ATO shifted 23 times Elapse time to FAM area > 3 hours 0810 1000 0815 1005 1010 0825 0820 0450 0500 Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) Parameters (2) ETOT/ CTOT FLS EOBT ETO
Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) Properties Minimum Flight Level (FL090) for FAM application (even if covered by CPR) - to filter out unwanted suspensions of Helicopters etc. Disabling FAM by Group of Aerodromes - to filter out unwanted suspensions by aerodrome (e.g. military flights). Undo FAM for individual flight or group of flights - to solve unwanted suspensions due to intermittent radar coverage. FAM status in ETFMS HMI and CHMI - gives information on the FAM status of flights.
Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) Flight Suspension Message (FLS) due to FAM • TITLE FLS • ARCID ABC100 • ADEP EBBR • ADES LIRF • EOBD 030526 • EOBT 0945 • COMMENT NOT REPORTED AS AIRBORNE • TAXITIME 0020
Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) Actions Required by AO and Tower to avoid suspensions In order to avoid flights being suspended due to FAM, it is important that: Aircraft Operators update their flight plans with accurate EOBTs and then adhere to their EOBTs and CTOTs. Towers ensure that departing flights are sequenced in such a way to be able to respect their ETOTs and CTOTs.
Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) Actions Required by AO and Tower when FLS is sent The flight is still effectively on the ground either on stand or already taxiing : The Aircraft Operator should then ensure that the flight plan is re-initiated in ETFMS by means of a DLA or CHG message with a correct EOBT. FCMs should not be used. ETFMS will then respond with a DES or SAM message depending if the flight is non-regulated or regulated respectively. The Tower of departure should not let the aircraft start-up or depart before such a message (DES or SAM) is received. The flight is already flying : No action is needed neither from the AO nor from the Tower of departure. NOTE : A DEP message if possible should be sent by the Aerodrome of Departure.
Flight Activation Monitoring (FAM) Response to FLS by AOs - Detail 1. For flights which will still operate The correct response by the Aircraft Operator to an FLS due to FAM for a flight which will still operate is the DLA or CHG with an updated EOBT. The FCM should not be used to reactivate a flight which has been suspended by FAM. NoteAn FCM sent as a response to an FLS due to FAM, will be rejected by ETFMS and a message sent back with: COMMENT - CONFIRMATION MSG IGNORED FOR FLIGHT SUSPENDED BY FAM. PLEASE USE DLA OR CHG INSTEAD. 2. For flights which will not operate The correct response by the Aircraft Operator to an FLS due to FAM for a flight which will not operate is the CNL message.
Thank you for your attention Hans Koolen Johannes.koolen@eurocontrol.int