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Starter. What are the strengths/weaknesses of questionnaires in sociological research? Recap your knowledge using page 7 of your booklet. MIC Lesson 2 Questionnaires. Objectives: To recap on the strengths and limitations of questionnaires To apply this knowledge to the study of education

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  1. Starter • What are the strengths/weaknesses of questionnaires in sociological research? • Recap your knowledge using page 7 of your booklet.

  2. MIC Lesson 2Questionnaires • Objectives: • To recap on the strengths and limitations of questionnaires • To apply this knowledge to the study of education • To plan an answer to a MIC question

  3. In context • Questionnaires can be used in education to study • Subject and university choice • Bullying and the experience of schooling • Achievement and school factors • Parental attitudes to education These are the contexts you could be asked about in the exam

  4. Also think about… • What is different about researching education? • Consider the things we looked at last lesson in relation to problems researching pupils, teachers and parents

  5. Now think about… • Combining the two, so… • Why might questionnaires be a suitable/unsuitable way to investigate teaching labelling?

  6. Task • Using the textbook pages 117-119 complete the table on page 8

  7. Key study using questionnaires • Connor and Dewson (2001) posted nearly 4000 questionnaires to students at 17 higher education institutes around the country in their study of the factors influencing the decisions of working class students to go to university • Bowles and Gintis measured students personality traits using a questionnaire similar to those used to reveal the traits valued by employers. They compared questionnaire results with students average grades/exam scores. They found a correlation between personality traits valued by employers such as docility, passivity and obedience and high scores at school

  8. How can we put this into context? • Read Item A on page 10 • Use page 121-122 to help you • Have a go at planning it as a group on A3 paper first • Now use page 11 to create a complete plan using PERVERT • This needs to be done in enough detail!

  9. Plenary

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