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Evans Church of Christ

Evans Church of Christ. Eschatology. “ Last ” - - “ End-of-time ” things End of the world The Resurrection The Judgment Eternal Destinies Heaven Hell. Eschatology. Eschatology. Questions.

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Evans Church of Christ

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  1. Evans Church of Christ

  2. Eschatology • “Last” - - “End-of-time” things • End of the world • The Resurrection • The Judgment • Eternal Destinies • Heaven • Hell

  3. Eschatology

  4. Eschatology Questions “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” 1 Pet.3:15 Answer = Defense

  5. Will we know Each other ? Questions 1 Yes No Saul - 1 Sam.28:3-15 “knew it was Samuel” Luke 16:19-31 - Rich man and Lazarus Matt. 17:1-8 - Transfiguration of Jesus Moses Elijah

  6. Could I be happy if A loved one is in Hell? Questions 2 Yes No God loves us more than we can love others God will be happy in heaven God will be able to make us happy in heaven.

  7. Will there be enough Room in heaven ? Questions 3 Yes No Rev. 21:16 “foursquare” 12,000 furlongs Calculated about 2,250,000 sq. miles Cube = 3,375,000,000 cubic miles How much space will we need ? Omnipotent God will not have a problem Figurative

  8. Why punish instead Of reforming ? Questions 4 Time of reformation is now 2 Peter 3:9 “longsuffering” “not willing that any should perish” “all should come to repentance” “Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? Ezekiel 18:23

  9. Isn’t eternal Punishment overkill ? Questions 5 We are created in the image of God We will have no end Sin cannot be tolerated as long as God exists Hell separates sinners from the righteous. An eternal heaven demands an eternal hell.

  10. Why did God create Men he knew would Go to eternal Hell ? Questions 6 Opportunity to be saved - live in heaven Obedient be saved - disobedient be lost John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

  11. Are Hades and Hell The same thing ? Questions 7 No Luke 16 - Rich man and Lazarus Hades - place where souls of men go at death Eccl. 12:7 “spirit shall return unto God” Hell - eternal place of punishment 2 Thes. 1:8-9

  12. Will we be Conscious ? Questions 8 Yes Rich man and Lazarus - Luke 16:19-31 • All aware of their surroundings • Memory of the world • Abraham said “son remember” How could there be reward or punishment if we were not conscious ?

  13. Will there be Degrees of punishment And reward ? Questions 9 Yes Matthew 11:21-24 “more tolerable” Mark 12:38-40 “receive greater damnation” Luke 12:47-48 “many stripes” “few stripes”

  14. Will I still have my Wife/husband ? Questions 10 No Marriage is only for this earth Rom. 7:2 “as long as he lives” Mt. 22:29-30 “in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage”

  15. Will we be neither Male or female ? Questions 11 No Matthew 22:29-30 Galatians 3:27-28 1 Cor. 15:38 “But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.”

  16. Will there be Temptation in heaven ? Questions 12 No Satan is the tempter - Matt. 4:3 “the tempter” 1 Thes. 3:5 Satan will not be in heaven - Matt. 25:41 The absence of the tempter implies there will be no temptation in heaven.

  17. What is the new Heaven and Earth ? Questions 13 2 Pet. 3:13 - Rev. 21:1 “look for new heavens and a new earth” Not a renovated earth Peter did not say: • “earth be refurbished” • “Lord would reign on earth” • “anyone would inhabit earth”

  18. What is the new Heaven and Earth ? Questions 13 Matt. 24:35 “heaven and earth will pass away” 2 Pet.3:10 earth will be burned up 1 Pet. 1:4 - inheritance reserved in heaven First heaven and earth - gone An allusion to heaven

  19. Heaven Hell Contrasted Eternal------------------- No sorrow or pain ----- Joy ----------------------- Rest ---------------------- City built by God ------ Light --------------------- Righteous -------------- --------------------- Eternal --Intense pain/ suffering --------Place of Weeping ---------------------No Rest Lake of fire & Brimstone -----------Outer Darkness ------- Devil & His angels

  20. Questions Answered HEAVEN Heaven is a place to win and Hell is a place to shun

  21. Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ 515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga. 30809 706-855-1249 evanscoc@bellsouth.net www.evansgachurchofchrist.org Sunday Morning December 1, 2013

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