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Between the Wars: Political Dynamics & Leaders

Explore key terms from the interwar period, including Russification, Czar, Proletariat, and Fascism, shaping global politics. Learn about influential figures like Lenin, Stalin, Gandhi, Mussolini, and Hitler and their impact on history. Dive into ideologies such as communism, totalitarianism, and nationalism that shaped societies post-WWI.

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Between the Wars: Political Dynamics & Leaders

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  1. Chap 7Between The Wars Vocabulary Words

  2. 1) Russification-The process of forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the Russian Empire 2) Czar- Russian king 3) Proletariat- the lower class workers of Russian society 4) Capitalists- the wealthy upper class business owners of Russian society 5) Bolsheviks- Radical Revolutionaries that sought change in Russia

  3. 6) Vladimir Lenin- Leader of the Bolsheviks 7) Soviets- Local governmental councils consisting of workers, peasants and soldiers 8) Communist Party- Name of the Bolshevik government that took control of Russia 9) Karl Marx- Writer of the Communist Manifesto whose ideas of government were adopted by the Bolsheviks 10) Joseph Stalin- Took control of the Communist Party after Lenin

  4. 11) Totalitarianism- Type of government that controls every aspect (both public and private) of its’ citizens life 12) Great Purge-Campaign led by Stalin that eliminated anyone who threatened his power 13) Command Economy- System in which the government made all economic decisions 14) Five-Year Plans- Economic development agendas started by Stalin 15) Mohandas Gandhi- Leader of the Indian independence movement 16) Civil Disobedience- The non-violent means to achieve one’s goal

  5. 17) Salt March- Peaceful demonstration meant to defy the salt tax instituted by the British 18)Kemel Ataturk- Led the Turkish rebellion for independence against the Ottoman Empire 19) Zionist Nationalism- Campaign for an independent Jewish state 20) Fascism- Militant political movement that emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to its leader 21) Benito Mussolini- Founder of the Fascist Leader in Italy

  6. 22) Adolf Hitler- Fascist Leader of Germany 23) Nazism-German brand of Fascism 24) Mein Kampf- Book written by Hitler that outlined his political beliefs 25) Emperor Hirohito- Emperor of Japan that became the symbol of Japanese power

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