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This article summarizes the latest findings in hadron fragmentation from experiments at PHENIX, dA, ATLAS, and Belle, and outlines future research plans. It covers topics such as spin physics, nuclear effects, and proton structure studies.
PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pAand Hadron Fragmentation in Belle Matthias Grosse Perdekamp, Illinois (I) AL for W-Bosons W-trigger in run 13 Results, Plans (II) Forward Spin physics wit the MPC Transverse spin: AN : Results Gluon spin at small x: Results, Plans (III) Nuclear effects: JdA in the MPC, DY in ATLAS (IV) Fragmentation Functions from Belle for Proton Structure Studies (Francesca Giordano) PHENIX pp, dA ATLAS pA and Fragmentation in Belle, January 12th , 2015
Summary of Physics Results from PHENIX & Belle 2011-2014 PHENIX Preliminary result on, AL for W-Bosons at forward rapidity Presented at Spin 2014 in Beijing by Francesca Giordano NSF funded, UIUC led W-trigger for PHENIX muon arms expect Daniel Jumper’s thesis and publication in 2015 Thesis result on MPC ALL to constrain contributions of low x Gluons to the Proton Spin Thesis 2013: Scott Wolin based on NSF funded, UIUC built forward PbWO4 Calorimeter (MPC) Single transverse spin asymmetries, AN at forward- and mid-rapidity: Thesis 2011: John Koster John Koster, Phys.Rev. D90 (2014) 012006 based on NSF funded, UIUC built forward PbWO4 Calorimeter (MPC) Belle Preliminary result on Collins function of Kaons Presented at DIS 2014 in Warsaw by Francesca Giordano expect publication in 2015 Precise measurement of Pion and Kaon Fragmentation Function in e+e- Thesis 2013: Martin Leitgab(Maurice Goldhaber Research Scholarship) M. LeitgabPhys.Rev.Lett. 111 (2013) 062002 RHIC&AGS Thesis award 2012 PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
RPC-3 north test assembly at the Nuclear Physics Lab at UIUC (I) AL-W with the PHENIX Muon Arms Quark and anti-quark helicity distributions (A) UIUC/KEK led forward muon trigger upgrade for W-Physics completed in December 2011. Funded through NSF-MRI/JSPS. Performed well in runs 2012 and 2013. (B) Two successful polarized proton runs at √s=510 GeV with combined ∫Ldt = 370pb-1 and polarizations of 52% and 56% in 2012 and 2013. (C) First parity violating spin asymmetries for W-bosons with the PHENIX muon arms presented at Spin 2014 in Beijing in October. W-trigger project: 90 collaborators from 17 institutions led by N. Saito and M. Perdekamp RPC-3 South RPC-1 North PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
Undergraduate Research in the UIUC RPC Laboratory The PHENIX W-Upgrade was Funded by an NSF MRI Undergraduate students 18 UIUC, 7 ACU, 2 Muhlenberg College 1 Illinois Wesleyan, 1 Dortmund, 1 Carleton, 1 SMU 17 CEU posters at DNP Meetings 4 REU students Faculty summer visitors: Rusty Towell, Don Isenhower, Brett Fadem UIUC students in grad school: Chang Lee, Case Western Max Candocia, UIUC Andrew McCormick, Harvard Nick Muchia, Northwestern Tyler Natoli, U. of Chicago Aaron Veicht, Columbia Sung Ho Yoon, MIT Emiliy Zarndt, Indiana Amahd, Zarah - SMU Bassett, Dan - UIUC Bayse, Austin - ACU Burnap, Alexander – UIUC Candocia, Max - UIUC Deinlein, George – UIUC Ebertle, Louisa - Carleton Goldberg, Leah - Illinois Wesleyan Ide, Justine - Muhlenberg Johnson, Paul - UIUC Jumper, Daniel - ACU Kim, Hye Ryong - UIUC Kim, Yongsun - UIUC Kish, Jay - ACU Lee, Chang - UIUC Lichtenwalner, Phil - Muhlenberg McCormick, Andrew - UIUC Mucia, Nicholas - UIUC Natoli, Tyler - UIUC Rao, Gaurav - UIUC Simpsong, Jessica - UIUC Sparks, Nathan - ACU Strack, Jason - UIUC Tech, Sebastian - Dortmund Tranchica, Zach - UIUC Veicht, Aaron - UIUC Watts, Cole - ACU Wood, John - ACU Wright, Ryan - ACU Yoon Sungho - UIUC Zarndt, Emily - UIUC 2005 – 2011 working on the NSF MRI for the PHENIX Muon Trigger PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
Pedro Montuenga UIUC PHENIX-Spin & Belle Group 2011-2014 Martin Leitgab Ph.D. 2013 Senior Research Engineer Lockheed Martin / NASA Scott Wolin Ph.D. 2013 Systems Engineer Northrup Gruman JhnJea Choi Francesca Giordano Pedro Montuenga Daniel Jumper Matthias Perdekamp John Blackburn Cameron McKinney PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
AL-W Analysis for Runs 2012 and 2013 Maximum Likelihood Method based on signal- and background-distributions for 9 tracking parameters – see poster by Daniel Jumper. Francesca Giordano co-leads the PHENIX W-analysis for the muon spectrometer arms. Final analysis push at PHENIX Spin Fest 2014, July 11th – August 8th with 25 participants + lecturers. PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
Spin Symposium Beijing, October 2014, Francesca Giordano, UIUC for PHENIX DSSV: projected impact of new 2013 STAR and PHENIX data with projected W-data DSSV from “The RHIC Spin Program” Aschenauer et al. arXic:1501.01220 PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
Spin Symposium Beijing, October 2014, Francesca Giordano, UIUC for PHENIX NNPDF projected impact of new data: STAR & PHENIX data might be able to detect flavor symmetry breaking for light quark sea polarization ! NNPDF from “The RHIC Spin Program” Aschenauer et al. arXic:1501.01220 PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
AL(W ) Plans NNPDF projected impact of new data: STAR & PHENIX data might be able to detect flavor symmetry breaking for light quark sea polarization ! Publication of final results in 2015 (thesis Daniel Jumper) Francesca Giordano and Daniel Jumper collaborate with Emanuele Nocera to introduce muon arm AL into the NNPDF fit. Possibly additional run in 2016 - decision by BNl-ALD expected this month. NNPDF from “The RHIC Spin Program” Aschenauer et al. arXic:1501.01220 PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
(II) Spin Physics with the MPC AN for π0 at √s=62.4 GeV and 3.1 < η < 3.8 Phys. Rev. D90 (2014)012006 – Thesis John Koster, UIUC MPC North PbWO4 with APD readout. MPC built at UIUC with NSF funding. AN of similar magnitude from √s=19.4 GeV at FNAL to √s=200 GeV at RHIC PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
(II) Spin Physics with the MPC AN for EMC Cluster at √s=200 GeV, 3.1 < η < 3.8 Phys. Rev. D90 (2014)012006 – Thesis John Koster, UIUC In the OPE the AN Sub-leading order twist leading order twist AN does not fall of as 1/pT as expected at leading order twist. PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
Fit to pT dependence of AN for EMC Clusters Thesis John Koster, UIUC + discussion with Zhangbo Kang In the OPE the AN add two first terms The pT dependence of AN can be fit with a form that AN re-summed to higher order twist might take PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
(II) Spin Physics with the MPC ALL for Clusters at √s=500 GeV, Run 2009 Thesis Scott Wolin, UIUC: First MPC ALL Relative luminosity corrections, δR/R=2.4 x 10-4 from 1.2 x 10-3 MPC Cluster ALL MPC Cluster Decomposition ALL ~ 0, for ∫Ldt=10pb-1 from run 2009. ∫Ldt=270pb-1 in run 2013 ! PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
Status of Δg(x) and Importance of MPC ALL De Florian, Sassot, Stratmann, Vogelsang Evidence for Gluon Polarization in the Proton Phys.Rev.Lett. 113 (2014) 012001 Truncated Integrals with Uncertainties The uncertainty on ∫Δg(x)dx for 0.001<x<0.05 Is about 0.5 - as large as the proton spin! This is exactly the MPC acceptance !! PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
The Impact of a Run 2013 MPC ALL DSSV from “The RHIC Spin Program” Aschenauer et al. arXic:1501.01220 Projected ALL in the MPC for run 2013 Compared to present DSSV with DSSV uncertainty Includes also 2015 STAR jet measurements PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
Towards a MPC ALL Measurement for Run 2013 FEE upgrade to improve triggering for run 2013: Scott Wolin (Thesis: MPC ALL run 2009, relative luminosity) Develop waveform fitting algorithm for new FEM (see poster): Pedro Montuenga (Thesis: MPC ALL run 2013, suppression of non-photonic background based on waveform algorithms) Reduce systematic uncertainty from relative luminosity from over δR/R~1 x 10-3to less than δR/R < 0.5x10-4(see poster) SW & Cameron McKinney (Thesis: Physics simulations, MPC ALL run 11, relative luminosity) Future Plans: 2015 Publish ALL run 11 & improved δR/R Complete calibrations + relative luminosity analysis for run 13 2016 Publish ALL run 13 PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
(III) Nuclear Effects in dAu at RHIC and pPb at LHC: Gluon Saturation at High Parton Densities at Small pT is balanced by many gluons dilute parton system, deuteron dense gluon field , Au CGC test: Presence of dense gluon field in the Au nucleus leads to multiple scattering and parton can distribute its energy to many scattering centers “Mono-jet signature”. D. Kharzeev, E. Levin, L. McLerran, Nucl.Phys.A748:627-640,2005 PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
Probing for Saturation Effects in Hadron-Hadron Correlations in d+Au with the Forward MPC Beau Meredith (thesis), Phys.Rev.Lett. 107 (2011) 172301 • Experimental signature: • Broadening in the correlation of back-to-back jets or hadrons • Suppression of away-side jets or hadrons Peripheral d-Au collisions The MPC is an NSF funded UIUC built forward EMC based on PbWO4 Crystals with APD readout. Central d-Au collisions MPC integrated in the piston of the muon spectrometer magnet. Away Side hadrons/jets in central d-Au suppressed by factor 5 at x~0.0005 Mono-jets !? CGC ? PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
Probing for Saturation Effects in Hadron-Hadron Correlations in d+Au with the Forward MPC Beau Meredith (thesis), Phys.Rev.Lett. 107 (2011) 172301 • Experimental signature: • Broadening in the correlation of back-to-back jets or hadrons • Suppression of away-side jets or hadrons Peripheral d-Au collisions The MPC is an NSF funded UIUC built forward EMC based on PbWO4 Crystals with APD readout. Central d-Au collisions Z. Kang, I. Vitev, H. Xing arXiv:1112.6021 pQCD + ISR, FSR, cold nuclear matter effects MPC integrated in the piston of the muon spectrometer magnet. Away Side hadrons/jets in central d-Au suppressed by factor 5 at x~0.0005 Mono-jets !? CGC ? PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
Continue Search for Saturation in pPb at ATLAS • o Use run 1 p-Pb data set to measure • Drell-Yan cross section for |η|< 2.4 • at √s=5 TeV and determine RpA(DY). • Reference can be taken from NNLO. • o DY probes initial state in nucleus free • of possible final state effects. Synergy • with existing DY expertise at UIUC & • important input for interpretation of • Pb-Pb results. • Possible future extension: • Use jet-photon events to study for • possible jet modifications and to • reach lower x. • Use jet-jet events to extend the • analysis to |η|< 4.9 and reach the • lowest x possible ATLAS pp: differential Drell-Yan Cross Section JHEP 1406 (2014) 112 Electron & muon results combined Xmin ~ 0.0003, 26 GeV < mll < 66 GeV PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs
Physics - Analysis - Instrumentation: Overall Plan for PHENIX, Belle, ATLAS Activities 2015-17 → Daniel Jumpers’ poster (D. Jumper, F. Giordano) (whole group + NPL techs) (F. Giordano ) → Francesca Giordano’s talk (I. Choi, undergraduate RAs) → IhnJea Choi’s poster → Cameron McKinney’s and Pedro Montunega’s posters (C. McKinney, P. Montunega) Perdekamp will be on sabbatical in Fall 2015 to allow presence at CERN and at BNL. (Y. Kulinich) PHENIX pp, dA, ATLAS pA, Belle FFs