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IST 2003-04 Work Programme Update: Priorities and Collaboration Initiatives

Explore the latest updates in the IST 2003-04 Work Programme focusing on defining detailed priorities, enhancing participation, strengthening collaborations, and launching new research initiatives.

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IST 2003-04 Work Programme Update: Priorities and Collaboration Initiatives

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  1. Information Society TechnologiesWork Programme 2003-04 UpdateAnton LavrinAnton.Lavrin@tuke.sk Corrected 15. May 2004

  2. ISTC discussions, opinion & adoption of WP 2004 23 October……….. ISTC meeting on plans and draft outline 19 November.….… ISTC meeting on FET proactive initiatives 13 January……...… ISTC meeting on 2nd Joint IST-NMP Call 6 February.……….Text v.1 to delegates 18 February.……… ISTC meeting on text v.1 24 February……… Text v.2 to ISTC delegates for written comments by 8 March March/April ………Inter-service, Consultations, translations etc. May……………… Commission Decision and publication:5. - 20.05.04. June ……………… Join call wit NMP publication 16. 06. 04 September ……….Closure date: 22.09.04 at 17.00 (Brussels local time) October………….. Closure date for “Join Call” 14. 10. 04 (Brussels l.t.)

  3. IST 2003-04 Work Programme • Defines priorities for calls for proposals in 2003 and 2004 • Foresees update to define detailed priorities of calls for proposals in 2004 • How to best strengthen the content coverage of the 2003-04 Strategic Objectives and strive towards an appropriate involvement of all key actors? • Solution must provide clear understanding by the proposers of the rationale for the call and simplicity in the formulation of objectives and foci

  4. Coverage of priority research tasks • Overall, the results of IST calls in 2003 ensure a very good coverage of the areas addressed • High quality projects • Concentration of effort on the critical issues necessary to achieve the 2003-04 priorities • Only relatively few priority research tasks were weakly covered • e.g. “Microelectronics system-level design”, “TV Anytime and eCinema”, “Intelligent housing for persons with special needs”, “Near to the eye display technologies”

  5. Participation of NMS and ACC organisations ISTC WG, Budapest workshop, SO-specific analyses • Targeted actions to create opportunities suited for NMS and ACC participants, such as redefined Strategic Objectives for Europe-wide e-government services, the opening of running projects, and specific SSAs for NMSs and ACCs • Promote old instruments (STREPs) over new (IPs) to foster sustained long-term participationor open IPs for NMSs participants • Promote more support for developing infrastructures • Strengthen private-public links and encourage greater participation by industry

  6. Participation of SMEs • SO-specific analyses ( • About half suggested extending scope of on-going FP6 actions • About one third suggested waiting for WP 2005-06 to address any weaknesses. Only a few areas suggested opening for new research actions in 2004, and nobody suggests additional support actions in 2004 • Expectation that current portfolio of such support actions (e.g. IDEALIST 34,IST MENTOR+, GET IN, EUROPEAN IST) will offer the general support necessary for a positive medium-term impact on NMSs, SMEs (and ACCs) involvement

  7. Participation of INCO organisations • Projects in support of international co-operation (e.g. ECOSPLAN, GAPFILL, SITE, MOCCA) are still scarce • Complementary, sub-regional activities, with preference expressed for topics relevant to targeted sub-regions, are suggested for submissions in 2004 rather than in the second half of FP6

  8. “ERA” co-ordination and support actions • SO-specific analyses based on common characteristics of such actions • Clear relationship between scope of proposed IST research area and related national efforts • Genuine commitment to collaboration from relevant countries • Sufficient resources available to catalyse their development and implementation

  9. IST 2003-04 WP Update - Proposed solution

  10. WP 2003-04 Update - Objectives • To offer additional entry points to some key actors by extending on-going FP6 actions • To launch complementary preparatory actions for international collaboration • To improve the networking and co-ordination of national, regional and European research activities • To address new emerging objectives and research tasks through a new wave of FET proactive initiatives and a set of inter-disciplinary R&D areas that further align and co-ordinate priority research tasks within IST Strategic Objectives and between IST and other FP6 thematic priorities (Join Call)

  11. WP2005-2006 – Perspective ! • The Commission will propose to the Committee proposal for specific measures to be introduced in WP2005-06 and that will be already in Call 4. • The principle will be to include in Calls 4 and later, if needed in Call 5, a focussed set of research topics that are dedicated to reinforce the integration of the research effort in the New Member States within the EU research effort in these fields. These will be open for STREP projects and will have a dedicated budget that can be between 50 and 70 MEuro. The number of topics oriented on INTEGRATION of NMSs and ACCs will be open. (Some indications / objectives of areas have been already mentioned by these delegates and can be the basis for the discussion). • The opening in Call 4 and Call 5 of these measures will give enough time for the constituency to prepare for these calls using in particular the partnering events mentioned above.

  12. WP 2004 Calls: Overview Calls will be open in May and June 2004 IST Call 3: indicative funding € 28m Closing 22 September 2004 Joint call with NMP (6FP priority 3): indicative funding € 180m Closing 14 October 2004 FET Proactive initiatives: indicative funding € 80m Closing 22 September 2004

  13. IST 2003-04 WP Update – Call 3 correction OBJECTIVES: To stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of organisations from the New Member States (NMS)[1] and the Associated Candidate Countries (ACC)[2] in the activities of IST. [1] New Member States of the EU: Cyprus, Czech Rep., Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. [2] Associated Candidate Countries: Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. To prepare for future international co-operation in IST. (INCO) To progress towards the achievement of the objectives of a European Research Area in a given IST field. (IST ERA net)

  14. IST Call 3 Objective2.3.3.1 / 10MEuro (correction): • The focus is on (i) the establishment and reinforcement of networks of research organisations from the NMS and the ACC with organisations from the other Member States, (ii) information and awareness events, and (iii) the promotion of research competencies in the NMS and the ACC. • Activities could include (i) the organisation of brokerage events and seminars where researchers - industrial and academic - from the NMS and the ACC can meet researchers from the other Member States with a view to participating in proposals, (ii) the organisation of conferences with researchers from across Europe, and (iii) the creation, maintenance, promotion and linking of databases of researchers and industrial and academic research organisations in the the NMS and the ACC which contain information that would facilitate partner searching for the creation of consortia. • Activities are expected to have a pan-European focus on thematic issues related to one or several IST Strategic Objectives Specific support actions only. [1] [1] See section 2.3 of the IST 2003-04 Work Programme.

  15. IST Call 3 – Objective2.3.3.2 / 8 MEuro (INCO): • The objectives are (i) to enable European researchers to access knowledge, skills, technology and facilities available outside the EU, (ii) to strengthen Europe’s participation in international R&D activities and accompanying measures, and (iii) to exploit R&D and policy complementarities so as to explore mutual benefits of the co-operation and increase access to market opportunities. • Emphasis is put on activities which are relevant to the following groups of third countries[1] : Developing countries; Mediterranean partner countries; Russia and the other New Independent States; and Western Balkan countries. • Activities could include organisation of workshops or other regional/local events to build constituencies and raise awareness; dissemination, benchmarking and validation of research results in IST; promotion of European technologies; exchange of best practices; technology watch exercises; mapping of R&D resources and capabilities; and activities related to standards and interoperability issues. Coordination actions or Specific support actions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]The list of target countries for specific measures in support of international co-operation is provided in Annex C of the SP1 Work Programme (see General Annexes / C: List of Groups of INCO target countries on http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/sp1_wp.htm).

  16. IST Call 3 – / 10 MEuro (ERA): • Support is provided for the improved networking and co-ordination of national, regional and European research policies, programmes and funding schemes related to one or several IST Strategic Objectives[1], aiming at improved integration of European IST research. • Activities could include benchmarking of national, regional, European and third country research, road-mapping, development of long-term shared visions for research and exploitation, stimulation of future co-ordinated or common programme proposals, and opening up of national programmes. • As an indication of the granularity of a field and the scale of operations and ambition, the expectation is that a total of 10-15 fields, related to one or several IST Strategic Objectives, will be addressed by the selected actions. Fields that cut across objectives and disciplines are encouraged. PS.: Coordination actions or Specific support actions (minimum consortium must include only national or regional research management, coordination or financing bodies responsible for IST development.) [1]See section 2.3 of the IST 2003-04 Work Programme More information: http://www.cordis.lu/coordination/era-net.htm

  17. Second Joint Call between IST and NMP • Objectives: • Materials, Equipment and Processes for Production of Nano-Photonic and Nano-Electronic Devices - 60 mill. Euro • Bio-sensors for Diagnosis & Healthcare – 60 mill. Euro • Integrating Technologies for the Fast and Flexible Manufacturing Enterprise – 60 mill. Euro • Total indicative budget • 180 million Euro (90 million Euro from IST and 90 million Euro from NMP) • NMP Committee Working Group has recommended an equal repartitioning between the three Objectives • One step application procedure – organised by NMP Committee More information: http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/nmp.htm

  18. 1. Materials, equipment & processes for productionof nano-photonics & nano-electronics devices Objective: To master nanoelectronics & nanophotonics for low-cost mass production (60 MEuro) • R&D focus: • Nano-electronic and nano-photonic/optical materials (e.g. compound semiconductors, functional polymer and glass materials) and related fabrication processes • Integrated non-conventional nano-MOS logic and memory devices, photonics/nano-electronics integration technologies for functional devices, and related production technologies • Materials, processes and equipment for very advanced nano-structuring and nano-patterning technologies required for the high volume production of nano-electronic and nano-photonic integrated circuits • Instruments: IP, STREP (radical innovation), SSA

  19. 2. Bio-sensors for Diagnosis & Healthcare Objective: Integration of bio-sensors & smart/hybrid materials for innovative bio-medical sensing & intelligent diagnosis (60 MEuro) • R&D focus: • Development of technological platforms, taking into account all aspects of the life cycle of biomedical sensors and health monitoring systems • Radical improvement of sensitivity, accuracy, precision, stability, selectivity, reproducibility, reliability, cost and where necessary sterilisation and bio-compatibility • Integration activities aiming at increasing molecular (MR) and cellular recognition (CR) capabilities • Activities addressing health issues in a holistic manner using and/or including the development of bio-sensor-based integrated systems • Instruments: IP, STREP (radical innovation), SSA

  20. 3. Integrating Technologies for Fast & Flexible Manufacturing IST Strategic Objective:“Products & Services Engineering 2010 Objective: To support European leadership in engineering & manufacturing: (60 MEuro) • R&D focus: • 1. Advanced control and networking of embedded systems for dynamic reconfiguration of complex manufacturing processes • 2. Multidisciplinary and dynamic work environments facilitating multi-stakeholder involvement and life cycle management of manufacturing systems, products and services • 3. Innovative approaches to customisation fulfilment, logistics and maintenance via mobile miniature and wireless devices or smart tags • Instruments: IP, STREP (radical innovation, international cooperation, IMS), SSA

  21. FET Proactive Initiatives • Objectives: (iv): Quantum information processing Integrated projects only (v): Global computing (vii): Emerging nano-electronics (vii): Bio-inspired intelligent information systems Integrated projects or Networks of excellence • Total indicative budget: 80 million Euro More information: http://www.cordis.lu/ist/fet/int-p.htm FET Proactive Infoday in Brussels 3-4 June

  22. : Quantum Information Processing and Communications: • The objective of this initiative is to contribute to building systems that successfully implement quantum algorithms on small scale systems - including writing, processing and reading of qubits. • The research shall be carried out by interdisciplinary teams that integrate as much as possible the theoretical and the experimental aspects. Only approaches that will ultimately be scalable should be considered • Work on developing few qubit applications is highly encouraged, for example in the area of metrology or simulators of quantum systems. • Theoretical work should aim at further developing quantum information theory. Specific problems to be addressed include physical aspects of quantum information for elucidating concepts such as multi-particle entanglement, work on communication complexity, relation with classical computational complexity theory, etc. In particular work on the development of new quantum algorithms, new schemes for error correction, and protocols for distributed computing, and work in new areas like quantum random walks, etc. is highly encouraged. • Background documents are available at: www.cordis.lu/ist/fet/qipc.htm

  23. : Global Computing: • The key aim of the Global Computing initiative is to define innovative theories, computational paradigms, linguistic mechanisms and implementation techniques for the design, realisation and deployment of global computational environments and their application and management. • The expected result in the long term is to achieve real, integrated global computing in a wide range of application scenarios by providing foundational advances on suitably large classes of global computers, together with the integration of methods and concepts necessary to advance global computing as a whole. • Proposals should present a research approach aiming at substantial integration between theory, systems building and experimentation, following a foundational approach typical of computer science research. • They should tackle all the four issues of security, resource usage and management, scalability, and distribution transparency, all intended in a broad sense and in the context of global computing, as they are pivotal to realising the aim of the initiative. • PS.: Background documents are available at: www.cordis.lu/ist/fet/gc.htm

  24. : Emerging Nanoelectronics Three long-term directions are proposed to focus European-level research: • Hybrid molecular electronics to develop new functions or to improve the implementation of known functions, by incorporating new molecular-scale developments on appropriate submicron scale semiconductor platforms. • One-dimensional structures such as nanotubes or nanowires for the development of devices, functions, interconnections, etc. • Single molecules for the development of reproducible functions and to compose circuits. This research is likely to require progress on the understanding of electrical characteristics of single molecules and contacts. Special interest is given to organic molecules, their potential for self-assembly and the multidisciplinary research they would motivate PS.: Background documents are available at www.cordis.lu/ist/fet/nid.htm.

  25. : Bio-inspired Intelligent Information Systems The design and construction of novel intelligent information systems will focus on: • multidisciplinary characterisation of computational properties, structure and other physical constraints of large assemblies of interconnected neurones that process information in the perceptual, motor or cognitive domains and serve as a model for new IT architectures and design; • mechanisms of evolution, development and plasticity that support self-construction, and self-repair of artificial or hybrid (biological/artificial) intelligent information processing systems; including exploration of hardware and materials suitable for interfacing to the nervous system, or for implementing sensors, processors and actuators in modifiable, adaptive, growing systems; • integrated control architectures that generate and exploit world- and/or self-awareness. Background documents are available at : www.cordis.lu/ist/fet/bioit.htm

  26. Continuous Call (Still open!) Future and Emerging Technologies (60 MEuro) : FET Open STREPS (two stage submission) Coordination actions Specific support actions More information: http://www.cordis.lu/ist/fet/cal-o.htm

  27. Information for participants Proposals will be submitted electronically via the Internet! • Proposal coordinator applies for passwords for himself and for his partners • He gives basic proposal information to help plan the evaluation (without commitment) • Coordinator and partners then have access to the submission website, where they compose their proposal • The proposal coordinator signals completion of the proposal by pressing “submit”; (Alternatively, he downloads a proposal preparation tool - EPT - and prepares the proposal offline, then, using his password, he uploads and submits the completed proposal) • Later submissions of the proposal overwrite earlier ones • Submitted proposals are released to IST at call close

  28. Information for participants Proposals consist of two parts • Part A (Form templates): A1 - Proposal summary (one form per proposal) A2 - Details of participants (one form per participant) A3 - Financial breakdown (one form per proposal) • Part B Portable data format (PDF) document with supporting tables,written to a predetermined structure, describing the proposed project PS.: Part A forms and Part B structure varies per instrument and per call. Make sure to use the correct version of the electronic submission tool!

  29. Information for participants 1. Build your consortium, write your proposal Proposals for objectives not included in the call are rejected Proposals for instruments not included in the call are rejected Proposals without an eligible consortium are rejected 2. Sign a consortium agreement 3. Download the IST Guidance notes for evaluators for the call Ask experienced colleagues to evaluate your proposal, using exactly the rules and forms we give to our evaluators Then re-edit your proposal according to their recommendations ! 4. Submit your proposal on time At the call deadline the submission window will close! So submit several days early, then update very day *

  30. Information for participants A help desk for proposers´ questions ist@cec.eu.int tel +32 2 296 8596 A help desk for electronic submission problems support@epss-fp6.org tel: +322233 3760 (Don’t wait till it’s too late to call for help!) A network of National Contact Points (dot forgot on a help from your DELEGATE as well) http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ncps.htm Partner search facilities http://www.ideal-ist.net http://www.partners-service.cordis.lu/ Brokerage events – Info days in Brussels Commission contact person for each objectives open in call (they are open for conlsutations)

  31. Information for participants (Suspected) handicaps for this IST call… One-man SSAs • Training mafias • “General” IST meetings and trainings • Grand schemes And advantages… • Partners who are in the country and in the business • Experience of IST • Starting fast, delivering results quickly

  32. ÚSPEŠNÝ NÁVRH PROJEKTU 6RP (Lavrin): • 1. Dobrý nápad - obsah – rozsah (už aspoň čiastočne vyriešený) • 2. Dobrí partneri • PS: Viewhttp://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/partners.cfmpotential partnersfor 6FP activity areas. http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/contract-prep.htm, http://www.ideal-ist.net/, partner search facility (B. WEBER).(Expressions of Interestfrom August 2002 not very useful !!) • 3. Manažment (v plánovaní a v realizácii) • 4. Znalosť a skúsenosť + odskok na stránky detailov výziev: • http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/calls_open.cfm, http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/calls_en.cfm, http://www.euprojekt.sk/sk/desktopdefault.aspx • „Work Programme“ • „Guide for Proposer“ (for ... Instrument) • „Guidelines on Proposal Evaluation and Selection Procedures and Guidance Notes for Evaluators“ • „Financial Guidelines“ • „Model Contracts“ • +PS:NCP + Delegate: http://www.sarc.sk/ - Any questions to EC:ist@cec.eu.int, Manuál: http://www.iserd.org.il/ist.htm(M. W. Morron !! ) • +++ INFO- DAYs and Consultations in Brussels

  33. + CALLs http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/infocentre/index_en.cfm http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/calls_en.cfm http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/calls.cfm http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/calls_open.cfm PARTNERI http://fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/partners.cfm http://europa.eu.int/information_society/topics/ework/ IST http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/p2/index_en.html http://www.cordis.lu/ist/home.html http://www.cordis.lu/ist/projects/projects.htm http://www.cordis.lu/ist/search.htm http://www.cordis.lu/ist/activities/activities.htm

  34. ++ NMP Priority http://www.cordis.lu/nmp http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/p3/index_en.html http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/nmp.htm http://www.cordis.lu/coal-steel-rtd/ !! SMEs+ Enterprise http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/index_en.htm http://www.insme.info/page.asp ANOTHER http://www.elpub.org/ http://www.esf.org/index.php?language=0 http://www.europeum.org/sf/SF.asp (CZ Štrukturálne fondy !!) http://www.csfinfo.com/(Írske ŠF !!)

  35. +++ COMM. FIGEL http://europa.eu.int/comm/commissioners/figel/index_en.htm ERA Portal http://www.cordis.lu/era/home.html http://www.europa.eu.int/geninfo/info-en.ht ANOTHER info - links http://www.elpub.org/ http://www.sarc.sk/ +IDEALIST + www.tuke.sk/oep http://www.euprojekt.sk/euproject/DesktopDefault.asp IST SR http://www.rokovania.sk/appl/material.nsf/0/0DDDCF58A3B4D727C1256DFF0046AF3B?OpenDocument

  36. ++++ ERA Portal +ERA NET IST http://www.cordis.lu/coordination/era-net.htm http://www.insme.info/page.asp http://www.cordis.lu/era/home.html http://www.europa.eu.int/geninfo/info-en.htm CISTRANA –Web portal will be openin near future National R&D and innovation service: http://www.cordis.lu/national_service/en/ R&D and Innovations trends http://trendchart.cordis.lu/ http://www.cordis.lu/foresight/home.html http://www.cordis.lu/indicators/home.html http://www.cordis.lu/science-society/home.html (oriented to 6FP )

  37. ĎAKUJEM Anton.Lavrin@tuke.sk + NCP ? + http://www.tuke.sk./oep

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