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Learn about the body's defense mechanisms, including surface barriers, phagocytes, antimicrobial proteins, and inflammation. Explore the innate and adaptive immune responses to protect against pathogens.

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  2. INNATE (NONSPECIFIC) DEFENSES • Includes two lines of defense: • First Line of Defense: • External Surface Barriers: Skin and Mucosae • Second Line of Defense: • Antimicrobial proteins • Phagocytes • Inflammation

  3. Adaptive (Specific) Defense System • Third Line of Defense: • Takes considerably more time to mount than the innate response • Attacks particular foreign substances (antigens)

  4. INNATE (NONSPECIFIC) DEFENSES • External Surface Barriers: Skin and Mucosae • Skin, a highly keratinized epithelial membrane, represents a physical barrier to most microorganisms and their enzymes and toxins • Mucous membranes line all body cavities open to the exterior and function as an additional physical barrier • Secretions of the epithelial tissues include: • Acidity of the skin secretions (pH 3 to 5) • Inhibits bacterial growth • Sebum contains chemicals that are toxic to bacteria • Vaginal secretions of adult female are also very acidic • Stomach: • Mucosa secretes a concentrated hydrochloric acid solution and protein-digesting enzyme (both kill microorganisms) • Saliva: • Cleanses the oral cavity and teeth • Lacrimal fluid of the eye contain lysozyme • Enzyme that destroys bacteria • Mucus (sticky): • Traps many microorganisms that enter the digestive and respiratory passageways (hairs, cilia)

  5. INTERNAL DEFENSES: CELLS AND CHEMICALS • Nonspecific cellular and chemical devices to protect itself: • Recognize surface carbohydrates, proteins unique to infectious organisms (bacteria, viruses, and fungi) • Phagocytes, natural killer cells, antimicrobial proteins, and fever • The inflammatory response enlists macrophages, mast cells, all types of white blood cells, and dozens of chemicals that kill pathogens and help repair tissue • Fever

  6. PHAGOCYTES • Confront microorganisms that branch the external barriers • Macrophages are the main phagocytes of the body • Derive form white blood cells called monocytes that leave the bloodstream, enter the tissues, and develop into macrophages • Free macrophages (alveolar macrophages of the lungs and dendritic cells of the epidermis) wander throughout the tissue spaces • Fixed macrophages (Kupffer cells in the liver and microglia of the brain) are permanent residents of particular organs • All macrophages are similar structurally and functionally

  7. PHAGOCYTES • Neutrophils: • Most abundant type of white blood cell • Become phagocytic on encountering infectious material in the tissues • Are the first responders and become phagocytes when they encounter infectious material • Eosinophils: • Another type of white blood cell • Are weakly phagocytic but are important in defending the body against parasitic worms • Mast cells: • Role in allergies • Have the ability to bond with, ingest, and kill a wide range of bacteria • Normally not included as a phagocyte but they share their capabilities

  8. Mechanism of Phagocytosis • A phagocyte engulfs particulate matter much the way an amoeba ingests a food particle • The phagosome thus formed is then fused with a lysosome to form a phagolysosome

  9. Mechanism of Phagocytosis • Pathogens can sometimes elude capture because phagocytes cannot bind to their capsules (example: pneumococcus) • Adherence is both more probable and more efficient when complement proteins and antibodies coat foreign particles, a process called opsonization • Coating provides sites to which the phagocytes receptors can bind • Exception: Neutrophils produce antibiotic-like chemicals (defensins) that pierce the pathogen’s membrane • Unhappily, the neutrophils also destroy themselves in the process, whereas macrophages, which rely only on intracellular killing, can go on to kill another day


  11. Natural Killer Cells (NK) • Are able to lyse and kill cancer cells and virally infected cells before the adaptive immune system has been activated • Are a small group of large granular lymphocytes • UNLIKE lymphocytes of the adaptive immune system, which recognize and react only against specific virus-infected or tumor cells, Natural Killer cells are far less picky • Detect the lack of “SELF” cell surface receptors and by recognizing certain surface sugars on the target cell • Name “natural” reflects this non-specificity of these cells • Are not phagocytic • Mode of killing involves an attack on the target cell’s membrane and release of cytolytic chemicals called perforins • Shortly after perforin release, channels appear in the target cell’s membrane and its nucleus disintegrates • Also secrete potent chemical that enhance the inflammatory response

  12. Inflammation: Tissue Response to Injury • Occurs any time the body tissues are injured by physical trauma, intense heat, irritating chemicals, or infection by viruses, fungi, or bacteria: • The four cardinal signs of acute inflammation are redness, heat, swelling, and pain • Chemicals cause dilation of surrounding blood vessels to increase blood flow to the area and increase permeability, which allows fluid containing clotting factors and antibodies to enter the tissues • Soon after inflammation the damaged site is invaded by neutrophils and macrophages

  13. Inflammation Process • Begins with a flood of inflammatory chemicals released into the extracellular fluid • Toll-like receptors (TLRs): • Macrophages and certain cells lining the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tracts bear these surface membrane receptors • Ten types have been identified: • Each recognizing a specific class of attacking microbe • Example: • One type response to glycolipid in cell walls of tuberculosis bacterium • One type response to a component of gram-negative bacteria such as salmonelle • Triggers release of cytokines that promote inflammation and attracts WBCs • Injured and stressed tissue cells, phagocytes, lymphocytes, mast cells, and blood proteins are all sources of inflammatory mediators • Histamine, kinins, prostaglandins

  14. Inflammation Process • All chemicals produced cause small blood vessels in the injured area to dilate • Local hyperemia results (accounting for the redness and heat of an inflamed region) • Swelling presses on adjacent nerves contributing to pain • Pain also results from the release of bacterial toxins, lack of nutrition to cells in the area, and the sensitizing effects of released prostaglandins and kinins • Aspirin and some other anti-inflammatory drugs produce their analgesic (pain-reducing) effects by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis • Increases the permeability of local capillaries • Exudate fluid: • Contains clotting factors (gel like substances that isolate the area, preventing the spread of harmful agents) and antibodies • Dilutes the harmful substances • Brings in large quantities of oxygen and nutrients needed for repair


  16. PHAGOCYTE MOBILIZATION • Soon after inflammation begins, the damaged area is invaded by more phagocytes—neutrophils lead, followed by macrophages • If inflammation was provoked by pathogens • A group of plasma proteins is activated • Lymphocytes and antibodies invade the injured site

  17. PHAGOCYTE MOBILIZATION • 1.Leukocytosis: • Chemicals called leukocytosis-inducing factors released by injured cells promote: • Rapid release of neutrophils from red bone marrow • Within a few hours the number of neutrophils in blood increases 4 to 5 fold • Increase in WBCs • Characteristic of inflammation

  18. PHAGOCYTE MOBILIZATION • 2.Margination (pavementing): • Neutrophils adhesion molecules (CAMs) help them cling to the inner walls of the capillaries and post-capillary venules

  19. PHAGOCYTE MOBILIZATION • 3.Diapedesis (emigration): • Continued chemical signaling prompts the neutrophils to squeeze through the capillary walls

  20. PHAGOCYTE MOBILIZATION • 4.Chemotaxis: • Neutrophils usually migrate randomly, but inflammatory chemicals act as homing devices (chemotactic agents) • Attract the neutrophils and other WBCs to the site of the injury • Within an hour after the inflammatory response has begun, neutrophils have collected at the site and are devouring any foreign material present


  22. PHAGOCYTE MOBILIZATION • Monocytes follow neutrophils into the injured area: • Develop large numbers of lysosomes with insatiable appetites • Replace the neutrophils in the battlefield • Central actors in the final disposal of cell debris as an acute inflammation subsides, and they predominate at suites of prolonged, or chronic, inflammation

  23. PHAGOCYTE MOBILIZATION • The ultimate goal of an inflammatory response is to clear the injured area of pathogens, dead tissue cells, and any other debris so that tissue can be repaired • Once this is accomplished, healing usually occurs quickly

  24. HOMEOSTATIC IMBALANCE • In severely infected areas, the battle takes a considerable toll on both sides, and creamy, yellow pus, a mixture of dead or dying neutrophils, broken-down tissue cells, and living and dead pathogens, may accumulate in the wound • If the inflammatory mechanism fails to clear the area of debris, the sac of pus may be walled off by collagen fibers, forming an abscess • Surgical drainage of abscesses is often necessary before healing can occur

  25. HOMEOSTATIC IMBALANCE • Tuberculosis bacilli: • Some escape resistant to digestion by macrophages • Escape the effects of antibiotics by remaining enclosed within the macrophage host (infectious granulomas) • Tumorlike growth can develop • Central region of infected macrophages surrounded by uninfected macrophages encased by an outer fibrous capsule • Could harbor these pathogens for years without symptoms • Could break out and become active

  26. Antimicrobial proteins • Enhance the innate defenses by attacking microorganisms directly or by hindering their ability to reproduce • Interferon • Complement proteins

  27. Interferon • Virally infected cells can do little to save themselves, some can secrete small proteins to help protect cells that have not yet been infected • Small proteins produced by virally infected cells that help protect surrounding healthy cells • Interferon diffuses to nearby cells, where they stimulate synthesis of a protein known as PKR, which then “interferes” with viral replication in the still-healthy cells by blocking protein synthesis at the ribosomes • Not virus specific • Produced against a particular virus—protects against a variety of other viruses


  29. Interferon • Family of related proteins, produced by a variety of body cells, each having a slightly different physiological effect • Lymphophytes secrete gamma (immune) interferon • Most other leukocytes secrete alpha interferon • Used to treat genital warts and hepatitis C (spread by blood and sexual intercourse) • Fibroblasts secrete beta interferon • Active in reducing inflammation • Besides anti-viral effects, activates Macrophages and Natural Killer Cells

  30. COMPLEMENT • Complement (fills up or completes) refers to a group of about 20 plasma proteins that provide a major mechanism for destroying foreign pathogens in the body • Normally circulate in the blood in an inactive state • C1 through C9 • B, D, and P, plus several regulatory proteins • Activation unleashes chemical mediators that amplify virtually all aspects of the inflammatory process • Non-specific defense mechanism

  31. COMPLEMENT • Can be activated by two pathways: • Classical: involves antibodies, water-soluble protein molecules that the adaptive immune system produces to fight off foreign invaders • Alternative: triggered when factors B, D, and P interact with polysaccharide molecules present on the surface of certain microorganisms • Each mechanism involves a cascade


  33. Fever • Abnormally high body temperature, is a systemic response to microorganisms • Systemic (whole body rather than to one of its parts) response to invading microorganisms • The hypothalamus (body temperature) is reset in response to chemicals called pyrogens, secreted by leukocytes and macrophages exposed to foreign substances in the body • High fevers are dangerous • Denature proteins

  34. Innate/Adaptive Defenses • Unlike the innate system, which is always ready and able to react, the adaptive system must “meet” or be primed by an initial exposure to a specific foreign substance (antigen) before it can protect the body against that substance, and this priming takes precious time

  35. ADAPTIVE (SPECIFIC) DEFENSES • Aspects of the Adaptive Immune Response • It is specific: • Recognize and destroy the specific antigen that initiated the response • It is systemic: • Not limited (restricted) to the initial infection site • It has “memory”: • After an initial exposure the immune response is able to recognize the same antigen and mount a faster and stronger defensive attack

  36. ADAPTIVE DEFENSES • Humoral (humors: fluids) immunity: • Antibody-mediated immunity • Provided by antibodies present in the body’s “humors” or fluids • Produced by B lymphocytes • Circulate freely in the blood and lymph • Mark bacteria, bacterial toxins, viruses for destruction by phagocytes or complement

  37. ADAPTIVE DEFENSES • Cellular (cell-mediated) immunity: • Protective factor is a living cell • Cellular targets: • Virus-infected tissue cells • Parasite-infected tissue cells • Cancer cells of foreign graft • Lymphocytes act either: • Directly by lysing the foreign cells • Indirectly by releasing chemical mediators that enhance the inflammatory response or activate other lymphocytes or macrophages • Associated with T lymphocytes and has living cells as its protective factor

  38. ANTIGENS • Substances that can mobilize the immune system and provoke an immune response • Ultimate targets of all immune responses • Most are large, complex molecules (both natural and synthetic) that are not normally present in the body (NONSELF) • Can be complete or incomplete

  39. COMPLETE ANTIGENS • Two important functional properties are: • 1. Immunogenicity: • ability to stimulate the proliferation of specific lymphocytes and antibodies • 2. Reactivity: • Ability react with the activated lymphocytes and produced antibodies • Limitless variety: • All foreign proteins, nucleic acids, some lipids, and many large polysaccharides • Proteins are the strongest antigens • Pollen, microorganisms, fungi, viruses

  40. ANTIGENS • Haptens are incomplete antigens that are not capable of stimulating the immune response, but if they interact with proteins of the body they may be recognized as potentially harmful • Small peptides, nucleotides, and many hormones—are NOT immunogenic • Certain chemicals: antibiotics, chemicals in poison ivy, animal dander, detergents, cosmetics, etc.—NOT immunogenic • BUT, if they link up with the body’s own proteins, the adaptive immune system may recognize the combination as foreign and mount an attack that is harmful rather than protective (allergies) • Have reactivity but NOT immunogenicity

  41. ANTIGENIC DETERMINANTS • Specific part of an antigen that has immunogenic properties: • Bind to free antibodies or activated lymphocytes in much the same manner as an enzyme binds to a substrate

  42. ANTIGENIC DETERMINANTS • Large proteins have hundreds of chemically different antigenic determinants, which accounts for their high immunogenicity and reactivity • Large simple molecules such as plastics, which have many identical, regularly repeating units, have little or no immunogenicity • Such substances are used to make artificial implants


  44. Self-Antigens: MHC Proteins • The external surface of all our cells are dotted with a huge variety of protein molecules • These self-antigens are not foreign or antigenic to us, BUT they are strongly antigenic to other individuals • MHC proteins: major histocompatibility complex • Group of glycoproteins: surface proteins that mark a cell as SELF • Coded for by genes • Only identical twins have the same gene code • Two major groups: • Class I: found on virtually all body cells • Class II: found only on certain cells that act in the immune response

  45. ADAPTIVE (SPECIFIC) DEFENSES • Cells of the Adaptive Immune System • Three cell types: • Two types of lymphocytes: • B lymphocytes (B cells) • Oversees humoral immunity • T lymphocytes (T cells) • Non-antibody-producing • Constitute the cell-mediated arm of adaptive immunity • Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) • Do not respond to specific antigens but instead play essential auxiliary roles

  46. LYMPHOCYTES • Originate in the red bone marrow from hematopoietic stem cells • When released from bone marrow, the immature lymphocytes are essentially identical • Maturation (into T cells / B cells) depends on where in the body they become immunocompetent, that is, able to recognize a specific antigen by binding to it

  47. LYMPHOCYTES • T cells mature in the Thymus under direction of thymic hormone • Positive selection produces self-MHC restricted T cells • Those cells that are able to recognize SELF are allowed to continue the maturation process • Those that fail undergo apoptosis (programmed death of cells) • Negative selection identifies T cells that are self-tolerant • Those that react too vigorously with self MHC are selected against and eliminated • This ensures that the T cells surviving this second screening process exhibit self tolerance (relative unresponsiveness to self antigens)


  49. LYMPHOCYTES • B cells become immunocompetent and self-tolerant in bone marrow • Mechanism is not completely understood but appears to be very similar to the thymus

  50. Lymphoid Organs • Location where lymphocytes become immunocompetent • Primary lymphoid organs: • Thymus • Bone marrow • Secondary lymphoid organs: • All other organs

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