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Overview of Operations Team Restructure, Staff Reporting, C-4 Operations, Advisor Appointments, Emergency Services, Glider Operations, and Technology Initiatives in CAP.
OperationsReport to the CAP Board February 2009Col Andrew E Skiba Senior Advisor Col Andrew E Skiba
Senior Advisor for Operations Col. Andrew E. Skiba • With the appointment of BG Richard Anderson to the Board of Governors and the resignation of LTC Gary Nelson as Homeland Security Team Leader, this presented an opportunity to review the Operations Team Structure and make some adjustments to the structure to better serve the Board of Directors, the membership and our customers.
Team Restructure • The Strategic Missions Advisor position became the Advisor-Operational Missions. This position combines all operational missions, including HLS, CD and Border Operations under one mission specialist advisor. I have appointed LTC Ernie Bilotto to this position with LTC Luis Garcia appointed as his assistant. Both members bring a vast amount of knowledge and experience to these very important positions.
Team Restructure • The Emergency Services Team Leader, the Advisor for FEMA, and the Advance Technologies Group Team Leader will coordinate and report through the Advisor- Operational Missions (LTC Bilotto) on all activities and projects they are working on. LTC Bilotto will report through me on all activities under his area of responsibility. These changes were coordinated and approved by the NATL/CS (COL Chazell) and the NATL/CC (General Courter) prior to implementation.
Team Restructure • We have had limited C-4 operations conducted other than training since the hurricane Katrina Operation in August 2005. and the Fossett Mission.The C-4 Coordinators all agree that it would be appropriate to explore other options on how to coordinate multi-Wing or Region missions. We are discussing potential Regional Coordinating centers or supplemental NOCstaffing as options to the C-4 Centers. • All staff positions have been filled on the Operations Advisor/Team Leader Team.
Staff Reporting • The Emergency Services Team Leader, the Advisor for FEMA, and the Advance Technologies Group Team Leader will coordinate and report through the Advisor- Operational Missions (LTC Bilotto) on all activities and projects they are working on. LTC Bilotto will report through me on all activities under his area of responsibility. These changes were coordinated and approved by the NATL/CS (COL Chazell) and the NATL/CC (General Courter) prior to implementation.
Operations Advisor- COL Walt Schamel • Col Schamel has been appointed to fill this position. He is a former Board Member (OK WG/CC) and a retired FAA Operations Inspector. He currently is the Director of Training for a large multistate Flight Training Corporation • Col Schamel is coordinating all flight operational issues between Stan/Eval and Glider Operations. Additionally, he has provided input on safety and aircraft accident/incident operations as required.
Glider Operations Team Leader- LTC William Creilly • LTC Crielly has recently been appointed to this position and is addressing several issues dealing with Glider Operations in CAPR 60-1. • LTC Crielly has been tasked to develop a National Glider Operation program
Standardization/ Evaluation Advisor – LTC Leslie Vazquez • NCPSC: Undergoing major overhaul. Reformatted as an on-line course modeled after the JEP/AOPA CFI renewal course. Video presentations on flight evaluation will be developed as part of the new program. Project 2/3 completed. Target Date April 2009. • Stan/Eval Reps: Established Region DOV conference call network • National Stan/Eval Web page completed and available to all users.
Emergency Services Team Leader- LTC Pete Andersen • Draft of a new CAPR 60-3 to support the changes needed to comply with NIMS/ICS completed. Target date for presentation and review by the NEC at their next scheduled meeting. • Reviewed the SQTR tasks associated with changes mandated by the move to ICS/NIMS. Updated list completed. Will present with the final CAPR 60-3 document
Emergency Services (Cont) • Reviewing and updating the USAF evaluation criteria to match the changes in CAP procedures required to meet the ICS/NIMS transition. Target Date February 2009 • Draft integration of CAPR 60-3 (ES) and CAPR 60-6(CD) 80% complete. Will coordinate with Advisor-Operational Missions.
Advanced Technology Group (ATG) Team- Col. Gene Hartman • The ATG is investigating several initiatives that may prove to be beneficial to our customers. While it is too early in the process to have meaningful data, The ND Wing is pursuing an advanced technology FLIR system that the state is very interested in. • The system is STC approved for installation on a C-182T aircraft with the NAV III system (G1000). Garmin has verified that the FLIR system will not interfere with the G1000 avionics package.
ATG (Cont) • The ULTA 8000FW system has triple the payload capability and features a high-resolution digital processor for Infrared imagery. • The State of ND is working closely with CAP and the manufacturer to evaluate this system and determine if it will be an effective asset for the state and provide CAP with another valuable mission.
ATG (Cont) ARCHER Working Group: • An ARCHER Working Group made up of representatives from USGS, MO Department of Natural resources, and the Univ. of Minnesota, along with CAP HQ staff and volunteer members have established a bi-monthly conference call to exchange operational experience along with post flight processing of ARCHER imagery. There is a potential follow-on sharing of the information with the American Society of Photogrammery and Remote Sensing, or The American Geographers.
ATGAir Defense Missions • Air Defense Missions: In addition to the Falcon Virgo missions, an increase in Fighter Intercept training has been noted in many wings. • Air Defense training is planned by the fighter squadrons with up to 2 sorties per month per unit.
Homeland Security, Border Operations and CD • Now reported under Operational Missions
Advisor- Operational Missions- LTC Ernie Bilotto • Established Conference Call schedule and coordination with Team Leader ES • Working to establish internal reporting protocol with other team members • Coordinating integration of CAPR 60-6 (CD) with CAPR 60-3 (ES). Target date not established at this time.
FEMA Team - Col. Don Prouty • New FEMA Region II liaison, Tom Opalack assigned to replace Col. Greenhut who moved out of area. • Follow-up coordination completed to insure that CAP Wings that flew FEMA missions in Dec were reimbursed. • January 27th conference call: 8 of 10 Regional Liaisons participated. • CAP invited to FEMA Air Operations Conference held in Feb in ATL. NHQ and several members from the field attended.
Communications – LTC Mike Marek • Narrow band transition progress was slow during Dec but plans and budgets are being approved quicker now. The first wings have transition funds loaded into WMIRS. • CAPR 100-1: Draft completed 30-day comment period. PACR submitted comments requesting a downsizing of the regulation, similar to that accomplished on CAPR 60-1. If this is accepted, alternate guidance policy must be established for the narrow band transition that is contained in chapter 12 of the draft.
Communications (Cont) • Canadian frequency coordination meeting held at NHQ on January 12. A solution was proposed to address the limited frequency issues in the Northeast region. The proposed solution includes not using repeaters in some areas. LTC Hartley Gardner of the volunteer staff working this issue.
Communications ( Cont) • CAPT Donald Anderson, TX WG, appointed as Deputy Team Leader Curriculum and Training. He brings a significant amount of experience to this position and should invigorate the Comm. Curriculum process. National CAP Communications systems alert activated for presidential inauguration day. While not a formal exercise alert, after action reports were requested from the Region DCS-Comms