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This book explores the complex role of a professional educator in today's accountability-driven education system, examining the intersections of knowledge, power, identity, and inquiry. It delves into the challenges and practices of teaching, understanding the wider context, and the importance of pedagogy and curriculum knowledge. The book also explores the interplay between reflective practice, systematic evaluation, and various forms of practitioner research.
Being a Professional Educator in an Age of Accountability:knowledge, power, identity and inquiry Pete BoydProfessor of Professional LearningInaugural Lecture
The overlapping purposes of Education… Good Education in an Age of Measurement (Gert Biesta 2010) Education = Knowledge + Character (Boyd, Hymer & Lockney 2015)
1988 2002 (Burstow & Maguire 2013)
Difficult Practices That Look Easy: The complexity of teaching – clients, purpose, relationships, variables, measuring learning… (David Labaree 2000)
Understanding the wider context: knowing the learners, the staff, the school, the community, educational policy framework, wider society The hot spot: where 'teacher knowing is flowing' Being and doing: identity and practice as a teacher Knowing curriculum subject knowledge Pedagogy: knowing approaches to teaching and learning P C K PCK = pedagogical content knowledge Boyd, Hymer & Lockney 2015
Teachers’ Professional Learning as Interplay Vertical Domain: public (published) knowledge – theory, research, professional guidance, policy Learning as 'interplay' Horizontal Domain: practical (local) wisdom – ways of working here Connected domains Multiple paradigms Boyd & Bloxham (2014) A situative metaphor for teacher learning, BERJ, 40 (2), 337-352.
Cycles of Inquiry: • Reflective practice? • Systematic evaluation • Lesson study • Action research • Practitioner research • Living Theory
Leadership and Power Control Influence, Group of application formation resources of power Identification Influence, Control and group sharing of Formation of power resources Turner (2005); Haslam, Reicher & Platow (2014); Rorty (1986); Foucault 1972
Real World Research R T K E n e x s Boyd & Smith 2014
Bernstein, B. (2000) Pedagogic codes and their modalities of practice in Basil Bernstein, Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity, p. 3 – 24. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. Biesta, G.J.J. (2010) Good Education in an Age of Measurement. Boulder: Paradigm. Biesta, G.J.J. (2012) Giving Teaching Back to Education: Responding to the disappearance of the teacher. Phenomenology and Practice, 2, 35-49. Available online open access at https://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/pandpr/article/viewFile/19860/15386 Bloxham, S. & Boyd, P. (2007) Developing Effective Assessment in Higher Education: a practical guide. London: Mc Graw Hill / Open University Press. Boyd, P., Hymer, B. & Lockney, K. (2015) Learning Teaching: becoming an inspirational teacher. Critical Publishing. Boyd, P. & Bloxham, S. (2014) A situative metaphor for teacher learning: the case of university tutors learning to grade student coursework. British Educational Research Journal, 40 (2), 337-352. Boyd, P. (2014) Learning Conversations: teacher researchers evaluating dialogic strategies in early years settings. International Journal of Early Years Education, 22 (4), 441- 456. Available online open access at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09669760.2014.968532 Boyd, P. & Tibke, J. (2012) Being a school-based teacher educator: developing pedagogy and identity in facilitating work-based higher education in a professional field. Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 6 (2), 41-57. Available at Boyd, P. (2002) Rose-Tinted Reflection? The Benefits for Teachers of Initial Teacher Education in Secondary Schools. Journal of In-Service Education. Vol. 28 No. 2 p.203-217.
Boyd, P. & Leslie, P. with Teacher Researchers from North Liverpool Teaching Alliance (2015) Learning Conversations Teacher Toolkit: developing practice in early years through practitioner inquiry. Liverpool: Everton Nursery School and Family Centre. Boyd, P. (2014)Using ‘modelling’ to improve the coherence of initial teacher education. In Pete Boyd, Agnieszka Szplit & Zuzanna Zbróg (Eds.) Teacher Educators and Teachers Learning: International Perspectives, Cracow: Libron. Available online at http://libron.pl/katalog/czytaj/id/150 Boyd, P. & Harris, K. (2010) Becoming a university lecturer in teacher education: expert school teachers reconstructing their pedagogy and identity. Professional Development in Education 36 (1-2), 9-24. Boyd, P. & Lawley, L. (2009) Becoming a Lecturer in Nurse Education: The work-place learning of clinical experts as newcomers.Learning in Health and Social Care 8(4), 292-300. Boyd, P. & Tibke, J. (2012) Being a school-based teacher educator: developing pedagogy and identity in facilitating work-based higher education in a professional field. Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 6 (2), 41-57. Available at Brew, A. (1999) Research and Teaching: chanmging relationships in a changing context. Studies in Higher Education, 24 (3) , 291-301. Burstow, B. & Maguire, M. 2013. Disentangling What it Means to be a Teacher in the Twenty-first Century: Policy and Practice in Teachers’ Continuous Professional Learning. In: Mcnamara, O. (ed.) Teacher Learning in the Workplace: widening perspectives on practice and policy. London: Springer. Clarke, S. (2012) Active Learning Through Formative Assessment. London: Hodder. Cochran-Smith, M. & Lytle, S. (2009) Inquiry as Stance: Practitioner research for the next generation. New York: Teachers College Press.
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