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Embedding Personal Development Planning (PDP) in the GEES Curricula

Embedding Personal Development Planning (PDP) in the GEES Curricula. 10:30-10:35 Welcome and Introductions Dr Sharon Gedye, LTSN-GEES Welcome - PDP Context. Programme. 10:30 Welcome and Introductions Sharon Gedye, LTSN-GEES

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Embedding Personal Development Planning (PDP) in the GEES Curricula

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  1. Embedding Personal Development Planning (PDP) in the GEES Curricula

  2. 10:30-10:35 Welcome and Introductions Dr Sharon Gedye, LTSN-GEES Welcome - PDP Context

  3. Programme 10:30 Welcome and Introductions Sharon Gedye, LTSN-GEES 10:35 Keynote and interactive session: Working with GEES students on PDPs from businesses and professional organisations Pauline Kneale, School of Geography, University of Leeds 12:30-1:15 Lunch 1:15 Running PDP as a module Paul Jackson, Careers Service, University of Leeds 1:45 Towards a student led PDP Dr Nigel Richardson, Natural, Geographical and Applied Sciences, Edge Hill College of HE 2:15 Mark Feltham, Biological & Earth Science, Liverpool John Moores: ‘Tutorials, Key Skills and PDP: an integrated approach’. 2:45 Martin Pill, Environmental & Interdisciplinary Studies, University of the West of England: From Paper Based to Web/Paper hybrid: ‘When to use technology and when not to’. 3.15 BSc Physical geography – using PDP to market the award Simon Jones, School of Applied Sciences, University of Glamorgan 3:45-4:00 Plenary: Where next? Chair: Pauline Kneale

  4. Working with GEES students on PDPs from businesses and professional organisations Pauline E. Kneale, School of Geography, University of Leeds, pauline@geog.leeds.ac.uk

  5. Mini Plan • High speed context PDP • Some employability links • Use some PDP teaching materials • To raise awareness of PDP cases available • Develop understanding of the learning outcomes from this process • Report on some research with undergraduates

  6. Opportunities • To use materials that are already written • Available through Leeds web site • Encourage people to add their materials to the database. • Explore opportunities for new materials • where would they be useful? • what topics should be pursued?

  7. What is a Progress File? (QAA 2003) Progress Files 'should consist of two elements: a transcript recording student achievement which should follow a common format devised by institutions collectively through their representative bodies; a means by which students can monitor, build and reflect upon their personal development’. (recommendation of the National Committee of Inquiry in Higher Education; 1997) While the term Progress File suggests that it is a document charting the progress of an individual, the overall concept contains:

  8. an individual’s personal records of learning and achievements, progress reviews and plans that are used to clarify personal goals and can provide a resource from which material is selected to produce personal statements (e.g. CVs etc) for employers, admissions tutors and others; • structured and supported processes to develop the capacity of individuals to reflect upon their own learning and achievement, and to plan for their own personal educational and career development. The term Personal Development Planning (PDP) is used to denote this process. • Progress Files help make the outcomes, or results, of learning in higher education more explicit, identify the achievements of learning, and support the concept that learning is a lifetime activity. (QAA 2003)

  9. When • The PDP element of the policy objectives should be operational across the whole HE system and for all HE awards by 2005/2006 (CVCP 2001) UG, TPG and research students

  10. PDP Aims to raise academic standards • BUT • Staff are ambivalent about value • Some staff consider it is not their role to do personal development activity • Students are on average lukewarm UNLESS • They get really involved and then they do see their own development (for example through a 10 credit reflection and PDP module)

  11. STUDENT COMMENTS on PDP • Feedback ranges from scepticism to enthusiasm. • Part-time and overseas students were particularly enthusiastic, finding it helpful with time management and prioritising. Student responses fall into three groups: • Students using the document strategically: • and to compare what I am now to what I was six months ago. • I didn’t really think it was much use at first, but after 18 months I can see that the notes we made at the end of the first exams were useful’. • I was surprised, it seemed to be a waste of time at first, but I now realise what a help doing some planning can be. • Recording helped me realise what I have learnt this year.

  12. Those who recognised the positive potential of the approach • If I took time to read the Portfolio, I am sure I would find it very valuable in aiming for the future. • It is tedious but is useful to enable improvement through time. • Maybe I would use it at the end of the year to reflect upon the whole years work. • I know I should be using it more, I am not good at this sort of thing, so having to do it for my tutor would be useful. Those who were dismissive of the recording process in particular: • I assess what I am doing myself, I don’t need a book to help me. • I don’t need to write down experiences and achievements, I think I can remember. • It’s too early to plan ahead, I don’t know what I am doing next week.

  13. Students who are frustrated: • Ifilled it in and my tutor was not interested. • My first year tutor did lots on this with us, but the one we have now said he thought it was a waste of timeso I haven’t looked at it since last summer

  14. Some research results 2003-4 87 UG students, mixed interviews and written responses Think it is a good idea but should be monitored by staff 68% I think it is a very good plan but it must be continually assessed or it may not be useful They should be used in an effective manner to get feedback from all directions It is a good idea but needs to be used properly. Intrinsically motivating to know to have progressed and new skills acquired but if just a file, rather than interview as well, could easily be forgotten

  15. Your PDP is private to you.Do you want staff to write in it? • Yes 80+% It needs to be a dialogue, otherwise I cannot be interested. I want the feedback, I probably won’t do much about it but be better than not knowing what a tutor thinks

  16. When should it be done? • I think time should be set aside for them so it does not feel a hassle • I think a lot of time has to be allowed for effective PDPs to be created. I personally don’t enjoy PDPs and feel it is an area I need to concentrate on to gain its benefits • Every 3 months (agreed view of group of 6) • Each term is about right (majority)

  17. Format and style • PDP with open ended questions allows more effective reflection • I like tick boxes as well as general questions • It should not be in the form of tick boxes as this encourages laziness • Tick boxes are good • Key aims and objectives are better than long lists • I think it should be open and not constrained or structured, this way people give their honest views how they see it rather than accommodate a structured method Suggests a mix of styles and prompts would be useful

  18. Motivating Student Personal Development PlanningLinking student performance development planning to employability • Ongoing project

  19. This project aims to improve students understanding of the role and value of planning and reflection • Showing that reflection and planning are serious work place activities • Putting workplace practices in the student domain • Giving academic staff easily accessible materials to work with.

  20. Web based resource • Created for use by all HE tutors and students in all subjects. • Designed to enhance the use of personal development planning amongst HE students through the use of current performance and review documentation used by a range of companies. • A broad range of companies and organisations have collaborated in sharing their materials. This is on the understanding that when their materials are used with students the organisation concerned will be acknowledged.

  21. 4 sections • Student Activities • Portfolio Pages • Company Performance Development Plans • Links

  22. Section 1 • Individual, small or large group activities • These draw directly on the company materials. • They follow a format of Tutor Notes and Student Materials. They are self-contained and easily reproduced from Word documents. • The intention is that tutors cut and paste the Student Materials to their own handouts. • The Tutor Notes gives information on running the session. • All activities are suitable for use in 1 hour or shorter sessions usually with some preparation. Can be used in tutorials or modules.

  23. Creating Development Plans • What does a Development Plan look like?  Comparing your current practice with  company procedures at Woolworths or HBOS • Personal Development: Reviewing a year, the CRAC approach Activities to promote reflective writing for PDP • Self-regulated learning - how do you complete academic activities?  Reflecting on personal experience with Avenade • How do I learn? Reflecting on personal experience with Avenade

  24. Activities related to goal setting • Goal setting for a project, module, placement or semester using BAE Systems planners • Reviewing performance against goals using Woolworth’s criteria • Incidents and achievements, preparation for interviews with Bradford Metropolitan District Council • Assessing personal competencies with BNFL, preparing for interviews.

  25. Planning for the longer term • Setting longer-term goals using BAE Systems planner • Valuing your degree skills, preparing for interviews with BNFL Career Development Activities • Planning for the Future using Somerfield’s template • How will you be managed? Research and reflection based on Avenade / Bradford Metropolitan District Council’s  /  Environment Agency’s approach • Adapt them for your own uses

  26. Section 2 • Examples of pages that could be used in departmental or institutional Personal Planning Portfolios which incorporate the company materials. • They are a template for tutors adapting their own materials. • Adapt them for your own uses

  27. Section 3 • Original documentation from the companies who have collaborated in the project. • These Personal Development materials are reproduced directly and presented in html and Word formats for easy downloading and use. • Adapt them for your own uses

  28. Section 4 Links to other web sites that are concerned with Personal Development Planning materials for HE students. • Centre for Recording Achievement This the main site to visit. It has a links section that indexes agencies, projects, publications and institutional web sites with PDP or progress file information.http://www.recordingachievement.org • National Record of Achievement (NRA) web site hosted by DfEShttp://www.dfes.gov.uk/nra/index.cfm • Personal development planning in Higher education (Scotland)http://www.eds.napier.ac.uk/pdp/index.htm • QAA Progress Files for Higher Educationhttp://www.qaa.ac.uk/crntwork/progfileHE/contents.htm

  29. Reviewing performance against goals using Woolworth’s criteria Tutors notes: • This is suitable for use with level 2 and 3 students who have established goals or targets in their PDP activities in previous years. • We suggest they are asked to prepare their grid in advance of a meeting, 1:1 or in a group and be ready to discuss progress and future goal setting. This might follow on from the ‘Goal setting for a project, module, placement or semester using BAE Systems planners’ activity. • You may wish to copy this section of the Woolworths materials into the student’s PDP or Portfolio. • Items in the Student materials in italics need tailoring to the specific task.

  30. Student materials: • Taking stock of personal progress is a standard element of performance review. Most of the professional materials for review that can be found at http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/courses/other/performance/ • pdpindex.html have a report section. The one below is reproduced from the Woolworths materials. • Woolworths Group plc is one of the UK’s leading retailers focused on the home, family and entertainment. There are 808 stores and the group includes EUK, VCI, MVC and Streets Online. http://www.woolworthsgroupplc.com/ • Using this grid review 5 of the goals of targets you set your self in your PDP review at the end of last year / semester. How are you progressing? What action points arise for the next …. months? • To do this well plan time to mentally review your activities, make notes and cogitate on opportunities you took advantage of and also think about what you might have done. Remember that most people do not succeed spectacularly in all areas. For most people objectives are part of the journey , and in writing recognise where things will change. The object here is to become more confident in your ability to articulate your successes, to be objective about them and in a stronger position when writing reflectively.

  31. Review against last years objectives Overall Rating for Objectives Shortfall On Target Exceeded This is for discussion / submission on …………………….. This task should be completed by … and included in your PDP

  32. What does a Development Plan look like? Comparing your current practice with company procedures at Woolworths or HBOS Tutor notes: • Students are asked to read the material given to Woolworths or HBOS employees and reflect on its implications for their own planning. You may wish to pre-select the company. • Either make multiple copies of the plan or direct students to the documentation at http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/courses/other/performance/pdpindex.html and click on the HBOS or Woolworths Development Plan link. • Items in the Student materials in italics need tailoring to the specific task.

  33. Student materials: • Creating and managing your personal development planning is a normal company procedure. Companies give guidance to employees through briefings and documentation. An example is presented here for the international Woolworths business and for HBOS. • You are asked to review the procedures used by HBOS or Woolworths with their employees and to reflect on the process with respect to your own current activities. Take time to do this. Do not confuse factual descriptions of what Woolworths does or what you do with reflections on your reading and practice. Writing factually about what you do is not the aim. We suggest you read the documentation and think about it for a couple of days before drafting your response, then redraft a couple of days later when you have had time to consider further. • Write a 500 [1000] word reflection on the Woolworths development planning process emphasising what you have learned from your consideration of the materials. • The documentation can be found at http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/courses/other/performance/pdpindex.html click on HBOS or Woolworths Development Plan link • This is for submission on ……

  34. Organisations collaborating to date: • Avanade ● BAE Systems • BNFL ● Environment Agency • Bradford Metropolitan District Council • The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management • CRAC • Kirklees Council ● HBOS plc • Somerfield plc ● Woolworths • Would you like to get involved with using these materials? • We are intending to increase the site over the next two years. • If you use the site and write materials we could add to the site please share them.

  35. Student comments: • This is more interesting than the university booklet thing, you can see the reason for doing it. • I am not sure that I really want to take time on this just at present. I know I should but for university study I can get enough done without. I will do it at work when it means something. • I was really surprised that a company like HBOS takes this sort of time with staff. Planning for courses in the next two years seems a long way off. • I could being doing more on this, I find reflecting difficult so it is good to see different ways to try. • It was really interesting talking about our plans and working out what you need to do to get ready for an interview. Having the Avenade template made it seem more relevant.

  36. PDP BENEFITS • Academic staff benefit where students become more independent and self-confident learners. • Careers Advisers working with students from these disciplines comment on the greater maturity of these students expressing themselves at interview, and the increasing level of self-confidence that students who are familiar with the reflection skills exemplify. • But staff engagement matters

  37. References • Edwards, G. 2002 Connecting PDP to employer and the world of work [on-line] http://www.ltsn.ac.uk/genericcentre/docs/pdp%20guide%20employment.rtf • Moon, J 2002 PDP Working Paper 4, reflection in higher education learning, LTSN Generic Centre, York, UK • Kneale, P.E. 2002 Developing and Embedding Reflective Portfolios in Geography, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 26, 1, 81-94

  38. Useful Web Sites Centre for Recording achievement http://www.recordingachievement.org QAA National Qualifications Framework: http://www.qaa.ac.uk/crntwork/nqf/ewni2001/annex1.htm QCA Key Skills Specifications: http://www.qaa.ac.uk/nq/ks/main2.asp CVCP 2001 Guidelines for HE Progress Files http://www.qaa.ac.uk/crntwork/progfileHE/guidelines/ progfile2001.pdf QAA 2003Progress files for higher education http://www.qaa.ac.uk/crntwork/progfilehe/contents.htm

  39. Activities and associated PDP materials are available to download in Word from http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/courses/other/performance/pdpindex.html Available to all, in exchange for acknowledging the company and an email to Pauline Kneale.

  40. 1:15 Running PDP as a module Paul Jackson, Careers Service, University of Leeds 1:45 Towards a student led PDP Dr Nigel Richardson, Natural, Geographical and Applied Sciences, Edge Hill College of HE 2:15 Mark Feltham, Biological & Earth Science, Liverpool John Moores: ‘Tutorials, Key Skills and PDP: an integrated approach’. 2:45 Martin Pill, Environmental & Interdisciplinary Studies, University of the West of England: From Paper Based to Web/Paper hybrid: ‘When to use technology and when not to’. 3.15 BSc Physical geography – using PDP to market the award Simon Jones, School of Applied Sciences, University of Glamorgan 3:45-4:00 Plenary: Where next? Chair: Pauline Kneale

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