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HOW PROPER NAMES REALLY WORK by Claudio F. Costa. Since I believe that I have the most convincing theory of proper names in the market, and since I am an aspie living far away from the so-called civilized world, I feel myself compelled to make some advertisement of it.

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  2. Since I believe that I have the most convincing theory of proper names in the market, and since I am an aspie living far away from the so-called civilized world, I feel myself compelled to make some advertisement of it. What follows is a summary of my paper “A Meta-Descriptivist Theory of Proper Names”, published in the journal Ratio, XXIV, 3, 2011.

  3. As you probably know, according to the old theory of proper names (defended by Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Strawson and Searle), a proper name abbreviates a cluster of descriptions, which builds its meaning. According to Searle, who defended this theory in its most sophisticated form, when you use a proper name like ‘Aristotle’you are applying some indefinite sub-set of an open set of co-referential identifying descriptions. ‘ARISTOTLE’ = The tutor of Alexander The author of the Metaphysics The greatest disciple of Plato…

  4. My first point against this form of cluster theory is that the cluster is completely disordered. My first aim is TO PUT AN ORDER IN THIS MESS… In order to achieve this aim I build a rule to regulate the cluster. This rule must be a meta-rule, and its expression is a meta-description, since the descriptions belonging to the cluster are expressions of cognitive rules helping us to identify the object. The aim of this meta-descriptive-rule is to show what are the most fundamental descriptions, how they work together, and what are the merely auxiliary descriptions.

  5. But how to find the most fundamental descriptions? To find what them all that you need is to use an incredibly simple method: look what the encyclopedias have to say about proper names! Consider, for example, the entry about Aristotle in the Wikipedia. The first thing that you will read is thatAristotle was born in 382 b.C. in Stagira and died in 322 b.C. in Chalcis, and that he produced the major philosophical system of antiquity.

  6. Here you already see that philosophers like Gottlob Frege where lead astray by the choice of irrelevant descriptions like ‘the tutor of Alexander the Great’ to replace the name ‘Aristotle’. What we will find at the top of encyclopedia enters are two fundamental descriptions-rules: a LOCALIZING and a CHARACTERIZING description. The LOCALIZINGDESCRIPTIONgives us the spatio-temporal location and career of the object. And the CHARACTERIZINGDESCRIPTIONgives us the properties which are the reason why we use the name.

  7. Although fundamental, none of these rules is essential in the sense of being necessarily applicable. 1) It is possible that in a possible world Aristotle does not satisfy the characterizing rule, for example, in the case he died as he were very young and never wrote his opus. 2) And it is also possible that Aristotle does not satisfy the localizing rule, for example, in a possible world where he was born and wrote his work two hundred years later in Rome. Kripke was prone to note this point!

  8. Nevertheless, at least in somedegree a disjunction of these two fundamental description-rules must be alwayssatisfied, and this is the point Kripke was not prone to note… - I cannot say that Aristotle was a Greek man who seduced Callas and married Jackeline. - I cannot say that Aristotle was not a philosopher, but a fishmonger who lived in the late Renaissance, to borrow an example from John Searle. The reason is: in these casesneither the localizing nor the characterizing rule is minimally satisfied.

  9. The final form of the meta-descriptiverule to be applied to any given cluster of descriptions presented by a proper name name is more sophisticated, and I do not have time to demonstrate it here in any detail. Nevertheless, here it goes: MDR: A proper name N is used to refer to the object X belonging to a certain class C of objects Iff It can be assumed that X rightlyoriginates (normallycausal historically) our awareness that - X satisfies the localizing description for N and/or - X satisfies the characterizing description for N sufficiently and morethananyother object belonging to the class C of objects.

  10. Applied to the name ‘Aristotle’ this general meta-descriptivist (form of) rule generates the ruleofidentification for the name ‘Aristotle’, which is: RI-’Aristotle’: The name ‘Aristotle’ is applied to refer to a man iff it rightly (causally) originates our awareness that this man was born in Stagira in 382 b.C. lived part of his life in Athena and died in Chalcis in 322 b.C. and/or he was the author of the main ideas of the Aristotelian opus, and that this (these) condition(s) is(are) satisfied by this man sufficiently and more than by any other man.

  11. Of course, not all users of the name will know this rule. Indeed, people may use the name ‘Aristotle’ knowing only auxiliary descriptions like ‘the teacher of Alexander’, ‘the grandson of Achaeon’, ‘the husband of Pythias’, ‘the master of those who know’, ‘the philosopher mentioned by the professor’… or even wrong (but convergent) descriptions like ‘a Greek general’. But there must be PRIVILEGED USERS who know this rule at least in parts, and people who use the name without knowing what they are saying must rely on the knowledge of these privileged users. Without this the reference simply collapses!

  12. The first advantage of the adoption of this rule of identification is that is easy to see that the meaning as FREGEANSENSE (as INFORMATIO-NAL CONTENT, ERKENNTNISWERT) of a proper name is NUCLEARLY constituted by its LOCALIZING and CHARACTERIZING description-rules. Only SECONDARILY, in its FRINGES, the content of meaning is enriched by the AUXILIARY DESCRIPTION-RULES. It is intuitive that Aristotle is muchmorenecessarily ‘the Greek philosopher who wrote the aristotelian opus’ than ‘the founder of the Lyceum’ or ‘the lover of Herphylis’, since those descriptions convey to us only verycontingent information.

  13. The second advantage of rules of identification of this form is that they allow us to explain rigidity within descriptivism! Indeed, this rule of identification (differently from any detached description) can be applied in all possible worlds where Aristotle exists. This rule can be even changed in the form of a descriptive sentence that is analytic and necessary, if you wish.

  14. A third great advantage of the proposed definition is that it can better explain why proper names are rigid while descriptions are flaccid. It is simply because many descriptions are LOOSELY LINKED WITH A PROPER NAME, SO THAT THIS LINK CAN BE DISSOLVED IN A DIFFERENT POSSIBLE WORLD… So, we think that Aristotle was ‘the founder of the Lyceum’ in our world, but since no description is necessarily linked with the proper name,it can be that in a different world he never founded anything of the kind… remaining however our Aristotle.

  15. This can be proved when we consider that when you choose descriptions that have no proper name to be put in their place and they are fundamental descriptions, they turn to be rigid. For example: ‘The assassination of the Austrian archduke Ferdinand in Sarayevo in 1914’. or ‘The last Ice Age’. Since these descriptions are not linked to any proper name, they will designate the same events in any possible worlds where these events occur.

  16. Finally, all counterexamples to descriptivism imagined by can find a more complete descriptivist answer. Consider, for example, Kripke’s famous Gödel’s counterexample. Since the name Gödel is linked with the description ‘the inventor of the incompletness theorem’, and, Kripke supposes, it has been discovered that he has stolen this theorem from Schmidt, Kripke claims that according to descriptivism Gödel should be Schmidt. But we all know that even in this case Gödel remains Gödel and should not be called ‘Schmidt’

  17. Considering our rule of identification for Gödel, we see that Schmidt is far from satisfying its proper identifying rule… for the person who satisfies the localizingdescription for Gödel continues to be ‘the man who was born in 1905 in Brünn, who studied in Wien and died in 1976 in Princeton’. Moreover, Gödel continues to satisfy partially (by 2/3) the characterizing rule for Gödel, since the discovery of the incompletness theorem was surelly not the only relevant thing he did as a logician. He also married the beautiful Adele.

  18. Of course there are a lot of other problems that you will see, if you are an informed reader, but in this case I suggest you read the paper...

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