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Pacific Meteorological Council & Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership

Pacific Meteorological Council & Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership. 7 th Session of RA V Management Group (Honiara, Solomon Islands 4 th November 2011). OUTLINE. Background Information Pacific Review on Meteorology Pacific Meteorological Council

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Pacific Meteorological Council & Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership

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  1. Pacific Meteorological Council & Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership 7th Session of RA V Management Group (Honiara, Solomon Islands 4th November 2011)

  2. OUTLINE • Background Information • Pacific Review on Meteorology • Pacific Meteorological Council • Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership • WMO/SPREP Partnership

  3. Background Information • RMSD started 1993 • Revisit PMC (2007) • Leaders of Pacific SIS called for strengthening institutions for monitoring and communicating weather, climate...(2007); called for development of a framework (2008). • PIF Leaders called on SPREP to urgently carry out a review of regional meteorological services (2008). • “Report on Reviewing of Weather and Climate Services in the Pacific” endorsed by Pacific SIS (2010)

  4. Review Report - Outcomes • “Report on Reviewing of Weather and Climate Services in the Pacific” recommended: • (i) Improvement of RMSD. • (ii) Establishment of Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership (PMDP). • 21st SPREP Council endorsed RMSD reform via the establishment of a PMC (2010). • 21st SPREP Council endorsed PMDP (2010). • 14RMSD/1PMC (August 2011). • 22nd SPREP Council full endorsement of PMC & PMDP (2011). • PMC (decision) & PMDP (secretariat & technical support)


  6. WMO EC – RMSD/PMC/PMDP • Sixtieth and Sixty-first Session in 2008 and 2009 respectively recognized that meetings of RMSD) – now renamed PMC. • The Council also recognized the need for the development of a formal arrangement for SPREP/WMO co-sponsorship of RMSD/PMC and requested the WMO Secretary-General to take the initiative to develop such an arrangement.

  7. WMO/SPREP Partnership • Revised MOU (August 2011). • Specific LoA WMO/SPREP (October 2011) – PMDP/PMC

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