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Multilingual Department Staff. Irma Rohatgi Program DirectorJennifer Alexander Manager Bilingual/ ESL programsTerrie Armstrong Team LeaderMary Ann Herrera Team Leader (LEP student assessment)Randal Jones Program Specialist Phone - 713-556-6961Fax 713- 556-6980. 2. What's New?.
1. End of Year LPAC Training 2010-11Houston I.S.D. - Multilingual Dept.
Presenter: _________________
Date: _____________________
2. Multilingual Department Staff Irma Rohatgi – Program Director
Jennifer Alexander – Manager – Bilingual/ ESL programs
Terrie Armstrong – Team Leader
Mary Ann Herrera – Team Leader (LEP student assessment)
Randal Jones – Program Specialist
Phone - 713-556-6961
Fax – 713- 556-6980 2
3. What’s New?
New End of Year LPAC completion date (June 15th) for students entering middle school/high school
New PEIMS coding for Refugee/Asylee students
New code - (U-T) – Non LEP student formerly in bilingual program.
New course for fall 2010 for Newcomer High School students
No requirement to obtain new parent denial letter each year
Training for LEP clerks – ML 0007
April 13 and May 11 3
4. State Law related to End of Year LPAC Review LPAC Policy & Training for members- Documentation of training covering end of year functions
Annual review of information for ELLs – Record all decisions in LEP folders , LPAC minutes and in Chancery panels (be sure all documentation has LPAC signatures and dates)
State Criteria for exiting the program- Refer to Exit Criteria Grade level chart. Evidence must be placed in LEP folder for students who met exit criteria.
Notice to Parent of Student’s Reclassification – Send exit letter to parent and place a copy of signed/dated letter in LEP folder
Information provided to parents regarding benefits of bilingual/ESL program - Reduce number of parent denials
All LEP students must be served in required Bilingual/ESL program (no IH/IM) 4
5. End of Year LPAC Functions/Responsibilities Reviews every child identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) growth and progress
Review all LEP students coded (Y-B, Y-D, Y-T, Y-C, Y-E, Y-X and W-H) to determine if students meet eligibility criteria to exit
Review all LEP parent denials
Review Monitored students (for 2 years)
Review students who meet exit criteria:
6. End of Year LPAC Functions/Responsibilities continued If the student is still LEP (did not meet exit criteria)
Continue in program
Document facts/circumstances for promotion when applicable
Assign program for next year
( Y-E, Y-X, Y-B, Y-T, Y-D, Y-C, Y-P)
Obtain new parent permission letter (if different program assignment)
Determine ESL level for next year (TELPAS composite and teacher input)
Recommend participation in other programs as needed 6
7. End of the Year LPAC Functions/Responsibilities continued If the student meets exit criteria
Exit the student
Notify the parents of exit and obtain signed exit letter
Assign to general ed. class for next year (M-H, M-D or M-T)
Recommend participation in other programs as necessary (GT, Sp. Ed. )
Monitor progress each grading period (2 yrs.)
8. End of Year LPAC Functions/Responsibilities continued
All LPAC actions/decisions should be documented in 3 places – LPAC Minutes (binder), LEP folders, LPAC panel in Chancery
LPAC meetings may not occur before May 1, 2011
9. Bilingual/ESL Program Exit Criteria 9
10. 10
11. Special Considerations for LEP Exit LEP students may not be exited in PK or K
Students who have completed 1st grade or are in grades 2-12 may be considered for exit if they meet all exit criteria.
State law allows LEP students who also receive special ed. services to exit using Sp. Ed. LEP exit criteria. 11
12. Exiting LEP students who also receive Sp. Ed. services The ARD committee along with the LPAC shall determine an appropriate assessment instrument and performance standard requirement to exit for students for whom the usual tests would be inappropriate as part of the IEP.
The decision to exit a LEP student who receives both special education and bilingual/ESL services is determined by the ARD and LPAC.
Refer to “Process for Sp. Ed. /LEP Exit Flowchart” on Multilingual website under LPAC (see handout)
13. Decision Guide Questions for the Special Education/LEP Exit process If the answer to any to the questions below is “no” stop the process.
If born in another country, has the student spent enough time in the U.S. school system to overcome any acculturation issues?
Does the student appear to no longer need second language support services?
Has the student been provided ample opportunity to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills?
Has the student been rated at the same ESL instructional level for 3 or more years or the rate of progress is so limited that he/she is not likely to progress beyond the intermediate level according to the TELPAS?
If the student is exited from second lang. support services, will his/her special ed. program remain the same?
If the educational program changes, will the student continue to have a positive sense of well-being? 13
14. Sp. Ed./LEP Exit Assessment Options Listening and speaking (oral language proficiency)
IDEA Proficiency (IPT) – oral
Sign Lang. Communication Assessment
TELPAS Listening/Speaking
Reading -
TELPAS reading
TAKS reading/LA
TAKS accommodated
TAKS Modified
TAKS Alternate
IDEA proficiency test (IPT) –writing
TAKS. TAKS accommodated, TAKS M, TAKS Alternate writing
TELPAS writing
Must pass TAKS assessment
Refer to LEP Exit log on Multilingual website (see handout) 14
15. Two Year Monitoring Period Once exited, LEP students become Non-LEP and should be coded year 1 (M-H, M-D, M-T) or year 2 (S-H, S-D, S-T) in Chancery. (See handout for Monitoring Form)
The LPAC is required to:
monitor the progress of exited students for 2 years and
recommend other intervention/support for exited students who are not achieving academically. (Schools must provide a program of “intensive instruction” for these students.)
document review in the LEP folder and Chancery
Students who are coded M-H, M-D, M-T should be coded M1 on TAKS answer documents
Students who are coded S-H, S-D or S-T should be coded M2 on TAKS answer documents 15
16. If the student is still LEP – Bilingual Program Bilingual Program – Bilingual Certified teacher or appropriate permit
Required for:
LEP Spanish speakers
LEP speakers of other languages in the district’s major languages (> 20) (Vietnamese, Arabic, Mandarin, Urdu)
Traditional & Developmental
4th to 5th/6th grade
Bilingual Pre Exit (Students who meet PreExit transition indicators)
Continued Bilingual Phase (newcomers-student with one or less full year in US schools and students who do not meet Pre-Exit transition indicators)
Two Way – Grades K – 5/6
17. Choice for parents of Spanish speaking students Bilingual program –
Gradual progression from Spanish to English based on type of bilingual program
All subjects taught in native language and English depending on grade level
Daily English (ESL) instruction in LSRW and content concepts beginning in PreK
Daily English through ancillary classes
Local and state required tests in language or reading/LA instruction
Instruction designed for students based on ESL instructional level
All English program –
No native language instruction
All subjects in English with intervention provided when necessary
Local and state required tests in English
Promotion guidelines same as for students in all English classes
18. Bilingual Program Modifications What remains the same:
The LPAC must review all LEP students to determine appropriate placement for next year.
Schools may choose to continue the current implementation of their Traditional and Developmental Bilingual programs.
At 5th grade all students test in English (except new immigrants who would be TAKS exempt)
New immigrants who are exempt must take the LAT.
Coding remains the same for all students in the TBP (Y-B) and the DBP (Y-D) portions of these bilingual programs.
Students who are in the Pre-Exit transition phase of these programs will be coded Y-P.
19. Bilingual Program Modifications Entry into the Pre-Exit transition phase is now based on individual student needs.
TBP/DBP students may now enter the Pre Exit transition phase (English instruction with bilingual certified teacher and Spanish support as needed) at either 4th or 5th grade giving schools greater flexibility.
Pre-Exit transition phase indicators are based on specific 3rd grade assessments that support passing English TAKS (see next slide). 19
20. Pre-Exit Transition Indicators Students moving in 4th/5th grade
Pre-Exit transition indicators:
Method 1 – Students must
pass 3rd grade Spanish TAKS reading (1st administration) and
score at/or above the 75%ile on Aprenda Total Reading and
score Advanced (3) or Advanced High (4) on TELPAS reading
Method 2- Students must
pass the 3rd grade Spanish TAKS reading (1st administration) and
score Advanced (3) or Advanced High (4) on TELPAS reading and
Score Advanced (3) or Advanced High (4) on TELPAS writing. 20
21. Benefits of Bilingual Programs Positive initial school experience
Bilingualism and biliteracy
No lost time in learning important grade level concepts while learning English
Ample time for cognitive academic language proficiency development in L1
Critical thinking skills promoted
Cognitive/linguistic support for late entries
Adequate time for natural progression in English
Development of English LSRW and content concepts starting in PreK
Assessments match the language of Reading/LA instruction 21
22. If student is still LEP- Elem./Secondary ESL program ESL Program - ESL certified teacher or on permit
Required program for LEP speakers of languages other than Spanish
Required program for all LEP students in grades 6-12. 22
23. Choice for parents of speakers of other languages This? - ESL program –
All subjects taught in English by teacher who is especially trained and certified for L2 teaching
Local and state requires testing in English
Modified instruction designed for students based on ESL instructional level
Or this? – General ed. program
No native language instruction
All subjects taught in English with intervention provided when necessary
Local and state required tests in English
Promotion guidelines same as for students in all English classes
24. Benefits of English as a Second Language Program Positive initial school experience
No lost time learning important grade level concepts while learning English
All subjects taught in English by specially trained teacher
Modified instruction designed based on ESL instructional level
Critical thinking skills promoted
Cognitive/linguistic support for late entries
Adequate time for natural progression of English
Development of English through LSRW and content concepts beginning in PreK
Assessments match language of Reading/LA instruction
25. Newcomer Program Model Recommended for Middle/High school course assignments (by ESL proficiency level) 25
26. ESL Program Model recommended for Middle/High school course assignments by level ESL proficiency 26
27. High school 4 Year Plan 27
28. High school 4 year Plan 28
29. New Courses High School 29
30. Who is going where? (Elem. to Middle) (Middle to High) LPACs must review all LEPs at the end of each school year.
LPACs should review students moving from elementary to middle and middle to high school by June 15.
LPACs must forward a list of End of Year Review reports (grade 5 & 8) included exited students (to be monitored) to their feeder schools by June 15.
End of Year minutes should include:
Name , grade and ID
LEP status for fall semester
Recommended program for the fall
End of year LPAC review date
Exit dates, (exit reason if applicable)
The receiving school must ensure appropriate program form with signature/date in the folder for funding purposes
New parent permission dates (if applicable)
Be sure to forward 3rd test administration results (5th grade)
31. LPAC Role in Promotion Decision for LEP students For every LEP student who does NOT meet the district or state promotion standard(s), the LPAC must review each student individually and complete the LPAC documentation form “LPAC Documentation for Promotion, Evidence of Extenuating Circumstances & LEP student Progress” . This is presented to the GPC and may include but is not limited to the following:
Information regarding extenuating circumstances that may have adversely affected participation in required assessments
Evidence of satisfactory student performance
Improvement in student performance
Recommendations on accelerated instruction
The GPC shall carefully consider LEP student progress and any extenuating circumstances that affect his/her progress in making their final decision
NOTE: Fluent English Proficient speakers in Two Way programs may be at risk of not meeting the district and/or state promotion standard due to possible extenuating circumstances related to targeted language of instruction/assessment.
32. 32
33. 33
34. 34
35. End of Year LPAC Binder Contents 35
36. Procedures for documenting LPAC decisions in LEP folders Identify who is responsible for accurate end-of-year entries onto LEP Folder (Very important)
Deadline: June 15th each year
Complete “Part 2” in LEP Folder
LPAC recommendations for next year
Type of program
New ESL level (if applicable)
Indication of LPAC/ARD
Document include copies of Spring assessment score reports
(TAKS, TELPAS, Stanford / Aprenda)
Signature of LPAC Chair only is permitted 36
37. Procedures for documenting LPAC decisions in LEP folders, continued If Non-LEP (Exit Program) :
Reason for exit (see Exit Criteria Chart-slide 8)
Dated exit letter (Send home and place copy in LEP folder)
LPAC Signatures of all members
Must place copy of exit test scores in LEP folder
Code M-H, M-D, M-T
If Monitored :
Review/discuss academic progress and annual assessment
Discuss academic interventions (if needed)
Document LPAC review/recommendations in the Monitored section in LEP folder
If second year monitored code students S-H, S-D, S-T
If student has been monitored for two years code F-H, F-D, F-T
38. End of Year Procedure Map April – Begin administering oral IPT to students who received advanced high on TELPAS from last year and also passed their TAKS benchmarks this semester.
May 1 – Begin LPACs for 1st and 2nd grade students and nontarget if possible
May 1-15 – Begin preparing for all other grade levels
May 20 -29 – LPAC meetings occur
June 1-15 – Complete LEP folders
June 10-22 - Enter all data into Chancery
39. Documentation into the LEP Folder Home Language Survey
Tests/Scores used for LEP Identification
Informal Language Surveys (if applicable)
Parent Permission letters (Bilingual/ESL)
Parent Denial letters (if applicable)
Exit letter (if applicable) (Should be sent home and a copy must be placed in LEP folder until the signed original is returned.
End of Year test data will go on Part 2 (TELPAS, Stanford/Aprenda, TAKS (Eng., Span. Exemption forms, Math TAKS LAT etc...
LPAC TAKS exemption forms
Copy of TELPAS Confidential Student Report
Part 2 of the LEP folder must be completed each year and must be signed by the LPAC chairperson or all LPAC members for exiting
If LEP student is in Sp. Ed. , an LPAC member must attend ARD, sign ARD documentation and document ARD decisions in LEP folder with date
Special Education LPAC representative
Monitor Form
TELPAS writing samples (Last 2 years)
40. 40
41. 41
42. Steps for Inputting “End of the Year” LPAC Recommendations into Chancery Chancery Entry: All changes made by LPAC must be entered into the LPAC Meeting Information Panel. All fields must be entered.
LPAC date
Reason for review
LEP status/program placement
If students are moving from bilingual Grade 5 to ESL grade 6, change LEP status /placement to Y-E or Y-X and Parent Permission code to “E”
If students are moving from ESL grade 8 to ESL grade 9, change LEP status to Y-E or Y-X and parent permission code from “E” to “F”.
Parent permission date
ESL level
Parent denial date (if applicable) (Use latest LPAC date)
Exit date (if applicable), Exit reason (if applicable)
Meeting participant – LPAC members
NOTE: LEP students who meet exit criteria must be entered into Chancery by June 30.
43. 43
44. Data Entry into Chancery Enter the End of Year LPAC decisions in Chancery for all LEP students.
Run H_LEP roster
Transfer the names of students from the End of Year LPAC form
LPAC decisions concerning academic progress and exiting criteria must be recorded on the End of Year LPAC form
LPAC members must sign off on LPAC minutes for exited students.
Record LPAC decisions in appropriate section of Chancery
Go to LPAC Meeting Information panel and check the “Appropriate Reason for Review”
All fields in the LPAC panel need to be entered to start the next school year without gaps in rosters. 44
45. 45
46. Steps to enter LEP Data into Chancery Step 1 – Open the Student’s demographic Panel
Step 2 – Click on the LEP/MIM/Mig panel
Step 3 – Go to “Actions” and choose “Add LPAC Meeting Info.”
Step 4 – Once the panel opens, proceed by entering all applicable data
LPAC date
Campus, grade level
Reason for review (End of Year LPAC)
LEP status/ program placement
ESL level
Parent Permission date and code
Parent Denial date (if applicable)
Program exit date (if applicable)
Exit reason (if applicable) (see exit criteria )
Step 5 – Complete the LPAC Meeting Participants” section at the end of the panel
Step 6 – Click OK to save your work
47. 47
48. Reasonable Code Combinations for LEP Status & Program Placement There are a series of LEP reports in Chancery. Run them often to verify LEP status program placement and to make necessary changes.
NOTE: In cases where students change from service to non-service or vice versa, the PEIMS LEP funding panel must reflect the same pattern except for Monitored students.
(See Reasonable Code Combinations Handout)
49. Creating Unschooled Asylee/Refugee Records in Chancery Students must meet 3 criteria:
Have refugee/asylee status (should have an I-94 on file)
Have first entered school in grade 7 or above
Are “unschooled” (as determined by the LPAC)
Students must be identified by the LPAC before data is entered in the Unschooled Asylee/Refugee panel
(See handout with SIS screen shots.) 49
50. Field Descriptions in Chancery 50
51. Field Descriptions in Chancery continued 51
52. Entering data for Monitored Students Open the Student’s Demographic Panel.
Go to LEP/IMM/Mig. Panel and click on it.
Click on the LPAC Panel, Go to Actions, and choose Add LPAC Meeting Info.
Once the panel is opened, proceed by inputting all the data applicable to this student as follows:
Grade level
Reason for Review which will be “END of THE YEAR LPAC”
LEP Status/Program Placement
Exit Date (if this is the second year, repeat the exit year from previous record)
Exit Reason (if this is the second year, repeat the exit year from previous record)
Then go to the Progress Summary
Type Spring Semester follow by the semester progress (Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory)
Use the Intervention box (if applicable)
Complete the section “LPAC Meeting Participants” located at the end of this panel.
Click OK to save your work.
NOTE: To avoid the unnecessary editing during the year, please don’t forget to update the LEP Status /Program Placement. If a student was monitored for 2 years to change the code as follows:
From M-D to S-D S-D to F-D
From M-H to S-H S-H to F-H
From M-T to S-T S-T to F-T
53. 53
54. Preguntas? 54