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College and Career Readiness ROAD TRIP TO SUCCESS

College and Career Readiness ROAD TRIP TO SUCCESS. James Anderson Debra Carden Maria Flores. TUNE UP TRIVIA Source: Lexile.com. Question - Rate from highest to lowest, the Lexile reading scores for the following career clusters: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)

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College and Career Readiness ROAD TRIP TO SUCCESS

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  1. College and Career ReadinessROAD TRIP TO SUCCESS James Anderson Debra Carden Maria Flores

  2. TUNE UP TRIVIASource: Lexile.com Question - Rate from highest to lowest, the Lexile reading scores for the following career clusters: • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) • Agriculture and Natural Resources • Manufacturing • Law Enforcement and Public Safety • Arts and Audio Video Technology • Business and Finance • Education

  3. Feeder Patterns The Big Wheel 1. Andress 2. Austin 3. Bowie 4. Burges 5. Chapin 6. Coronado 7. El Paso 8. Franklin 9. Irvin 10. Jefferson Spin Wheel Points

  4. A-TUNE UP TRIVIA Answer - From highest to lowest, the Lexile reading scores for the following career clusters are: • Law Enforcement and Public Safety • Agriculture and Natural Resources • Education • Business and Finance • Manufacturing • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) • Arts and Audio Video Technology

  5. TUNE UP TRIVIA Question - The following Texas universities all have a freshman retention rate, UT Austin, SMU, Rice, and TCU. Which of the following rankings from highest to lowest is correct? • SMU, TCU, Rice, UT Austin • UT Austin, Rice, TCU, SMU • TCU, SMU, UT Austin, Rice • Rice, UT Austin, SMU, TCU

  6. Feeder Patterns The Big Wheel 1. Andress 2. Austin 3. Bowie 4. Burges 5. Chapin 6. Coronado 7. El Paso 8. Franklin 9. Irvin 10. Jefferson Spin Wheel Points

  7. TUNE UP TRIVIASource: US News Answer - The following Texas universities all have a freshman retention rate, UT Austin, SMU, Rice, and TCU. Which of the following rankings from highest to lowest is correct? • Rice, UT Austin, SMU, TCU

  8. TUNE UP TRIVIA Question - How much money do community colleges spend on remedial courses each year? • $ 2 billion • $ 1 billion • $ 1.5 billion • $ 750 million

  9. Feeder Patterns The Big Wheel 1. Andress 2. Austin 3. Bowie 4. Burges 5. Chapin 6. Coronado 7. El Paso 8. Franklin 9. Irvin 10. Jefferson Spin Wheel Points

  10. TUNE UP TRIVIASource: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Answer – How much money do community colleges spend on remedial courses each year? $ 2 billion

  11. TUNE UP TRIVIA Question - Over the past several years the retention rate for freshman who do not return for their sophomore year in college has remained constant. According to US News, as many a one in _____ do not make it back for their sophomore year. • 7 • 5 • 3 • 10

  12. Feeder Patterns The Big Wheel 1. Andress 2. Austin 3. Bowie 4. Burges 5. Chapin 6. Coronado 7. El Paso 8. Franklin 9. Irvin 10. Jefferson Spin Wheel Points

  13. TUNE UP TRIVIASource: US News Answer - Over the past several years the retention rate for freshman who do not return for their sophomore year in college has remained constant. According to US News, as many a one in _____ do not make it back for their sophomore year. 3 – Two Thirds do not Continue!

  14. EPISD Students Present Their “Road Trip To Success” • Daniela Alarcon (Franklin High School) • Jacob Baca (Austin High School) • Savannah Beebe (Austin High School) • Elisa Carrillo (Burges High School) • Nicole De Santis (Coronado High School) • Mauricio Gonzalez (Silva Health Magnet) • Jacklyn R. Hernandez (Burges High School) • Priscilla Manglona (Austin High School) • Omar Ramos (Bowie High School)

  15. CCR “Road Trip to Success” Elementary School Maria Flores Middle School Debra Carden High School James Anderson http://cte.episd.org/ccr-video/flash.html

  16. “Detailing” the Ride • Collaborate and add “Details” for : • College and Career Luxury Ride • Craig’s List … for PARKING DETAILS! http://todaysmeet.com

  17. College and CareerRoad Trip “Creating the Future” James Anderson

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