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Networking Session. English Language Arts and Literacy April 25, 2014. To Start Off:. Please reflect on what you will be able to observe (see, hear) when you have successfully implemented Kansas ELA College and Career-Ready State Standards in your schools and districts. Teacher Practices?
Networking Session English Language Arts and Literacy April 25, 2014
To Start Off: Please reflect on what you will be able to observe (see, hear) when you have successfully implemented Kansas ELA College and Career-Ready State Standards in your schools and districts. • Teacher Practices? • Student Work? • Instructional Materials?
AchievetheCore.org Leadership Tools tab http://achievethecore.org/
KSDE Kansas Guide to Learning: Literacy A comprehensive literacy guide to advance learning from birth to Grade 12 http://community.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=5899
Text Complexity KSDE website and Council of Chief School Officers English Language Arts State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (CCSSO ELA SCASS) website http://www.ccsso.org/Navigating_Text_Complexity.html
Student Achievement Partners and The Council of the Great City Schools Supplemental Lesson Development • Basal Alignment Project- Elementary • Anthology Alignment Project- MS and HS • Read-Aloud Project- K-2
Basal and Anthology Alignment Projects • Cooperation of textbook publishers • District teams comprised of literacy, ELL, SWD, and other educators • Examine adopted materials and write text-dependent, CCSS- aligned questions for basal reading selections in grades 3-5 (BAP) and grades 6-12 (AAP) • Focused on evaluating existing questions for alignment and writing good text-dependent questions to sources • Require close reading of the text and preparation for the culminating, text-based discussion or writing task
Read-Aloud Project • Student Achievement Partners and The Council of the Great City Schools launched the Read-Aloud Project (RAP) for the K-2 grade band. • Written by teams of curriculum, English language learning specialists, and Special Education educators. • Text-dependent questions to go with picture books that are above grade level and rich with complex text. • Build knowledge and vocabulary
How to access BAP, RAP, AAPon Edmodo • Go to www.edmodo.com • Create a teacher user name and password • Use the following codes to access the BAP, AAP, and RAP codes respectively: • BAP: f4q6nm • AAP: pkx4sp • RAP: pkx52i
What’s News at KSDE KSDE ELA Newsletter http://community.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=5280 KSDE ELA Listserv kshaw@ksde.org or soertel@ksde.org KSDE Trainers http://community.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=5812
2014 KSDE Summer Academies June 3-5Colby Senior High School (USD 315) June 17-19Derby High School (USD 260) July 8-10Highland Park High School- Topeka (USD 501) July 22-24Abilene Middle School (USD 435)
Feedback to Kris and Suzy Sign me up for the ELA Listserv ELA Newsletter ideas Learning Resource Sets Kris Shaw kshaw@ksde.org Suzy Oertel soertel@ksde.org