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CHEP 2000 Data Acquisition & Control

Explore the evolution and future of data acquisition systems in scientific experiments, covering topics such as past technologies, present systems, and future trends. Learn about the implementation of Java, reuse of components, and advancements in detector controls and triggering mechanisms.

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CHEP 2000 Data Acquisition & Control

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  1. CHEP 2000Data Acquisition & Control Session Report Chip Watson & Pierre Vande Vyvre

  2. Overview of Sessions Monday: Data Acquisition Systems (“Past”, Present, and Future) Tuesday: Detector Controls + Triggering Wednesday: Event Building Thursday: Run Control & Monitoring Plus: posters covering all of these topics

  3. Past, Present, Future Good representative sample of experiments • Close to end: DELPHI • Running: BABAR, BELLE, KLOE, NA48 • Close to start: CDF, D0, Phenix, Star • Future:ALICE, ATLAS, CMS • Far future: Linear Collider

  4. Data Acquisition Systems • Online Data for Experiments -- ODE (toolkit) • reuse of some components from DART, CDF, D0 • “Java is the implementation language of choice” for many aspects • BELLE DAQ System, Status & Future • trend towards commodity (replacing custom switch) • Automated Data Quality Monitoring…Babar • sw pkg, 1D, 2D comparisons to ref, analytic forms... • a very nice OO design, probably worth re-using

  5. Data Acquisition Systems (cont.) • …CDF Run II Data Acq System • ATM switch, smart sockets, run control in Java, JDBC • Alice DAQ • Future: build @ 25 GB/s, write @ 1.25 GB/s • Atlas DAQ / EventFilter Prototype-1 • 400x400 switch planned • custom PMC card w/ FPGA, VHDL synthesized logic for data readout ==> custom still lives, but only close to the detector • D0 Data Acq Sys & Operational Control • NT SMPs in L3

  6. Detector Controls • DIM... (publish/subscribe toolkit) • from Delphi, reused by Babar (SMI++ transport) • Lessons learned … from Delphi • components are good, but integration is key • Babar Online Detector Control • reuse of SMI++, EPICS (encapsulated in C++ component proxies) • Phenix Ancillary Control System • EPICS for HV, OPC (OLE for process control - MS) for low voltage • SW tools @ ECAL/CMS Rome • open source good, commercial less so

  7. Triggering • a simulation of the L1 trigger for the CMS muon chamber • OO, Objectivity • the Atlas L2 Trigger • large testbeds: use of commodity processors & networks looks good • sw trigger for a tesla experiment • read everything (1-2 GB/s) & then filter

  8. Event Building • CDF • NA48 • large testbeds: thumbs up to use of commodity processors & networks • a reliable broadcast for CMS event builder • investigating ways to use commodity nets to pass event IDs • CMS Daq Column (testbed at H2) • CMS testbeds -- Gigabit Ethernet & Myrinet • future: 512x512, GE test 4x4, myrinet 8x8 • 120 MB/s/link achieved now ==> looks good for commodity stuff!

  9. Event Building (cont.) • Babar Online Computing System • 90% C++, 5% Java; careful attention to interfaces paid off (abstract API’s) • lesson learned: • a fully integrated prototype would have been valuable • dependency problems in C++ worse than expected • Data Handling & Filter Frameworks for D0 L3

  10. Run Control & Monitoring • Event Logging & Distribution for Babar Online • Babar Online DB’s • CLEO III Data Acq & Controls • Process & Data Flow Control in KLOE • Online monitoring system at KLOE • Online Monitoring & Module Maint…CDF • Star Online • Usage of ROOT in the ALICE DATE system • Scalability of Atlas DAQ/EF prototype-1 • Java Run Control System for CMS small daq • Java/CORBA Control & Monitoring - Phenix

  11. Technologies: Hardware Networking • ATM 2 • FDDI 1 • Fibre Channel 1 • Myrinet 1 • Switched Ethernet 8 • SCI 1 Processors • Intel Pentium 9 • Power PC 4 • Sparc 3 Busses & Crates • VME 12 • PCI/PMC 4 • MXI 1

  12. Technologies : System Software Languages • C/C++ • Java • Tcl/Tk • Python • XML Protocols • TCP/IP/UDP 5 • Corba 4 • COM 1 • Proprietary:1 Operating systems • AIX 1 • Linux 9 • VxWorks 4 • Lynx/OS 4 • OS/9 1 • Solaris 3 • WNT 3

  13. Technologies: Application Software Online physics analysis package • IDL 1 • JAS 2 • ROOT 4 Other packages • Objectivity • Oracle • EPICS

  14. Commercial software DBMS, middleware, GUIs • Yes, but • HEP is a small market.Soft will not be adapted. Has to fit. • Varying levels of support Sometimes below expectation. • Response-time to bugs too long. • Risk to become company-dependent. • Open-Source could help for some of these issues

  15. Past, Present, Future Moving to bigger systems: • Scalability not always obvious • Close to end: Smooth integration has sometimes taken few years • Close to start: “Real-size proto would have helped.” • Future exp: Building prototypes bigger and bigger.

  16. Misc. Observations • No Controversy this year… • HEP scaling laws . . . constants of DAQ • minutes to fill a commodity disk • DAQ rate compared to large commodity switch • number of tape drives written simultaneously => bandwidth not the problem, complexity is

  17. Summary: Trends • Linux • commodity PC’s, switched networks • OO, C++ solidly in place, Java emerging • re-use of components • offline software moving upstream • CORBA

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