What are the process of the Trademark Filing & Registration
A Trademark is generally known as a Brand or Logo. Trademark registration can also be used for a business name, distinctive phrases and captions. Properly used and promoted trademark may become the most valuable asset of a business. Trademarks such as Canon, Coca Cola, HP, Adidas and Nike serve as an indication of origin of the goods and an indication of quality. It is very essential to obtain trademark registration for the business name under the Trademarks Act. Registration of a company under the Companies Act does not give itself protection against others who might commence using identical and similar marks. 'TM' stands for Trademark and 'SM' stands for Service mark. The u00ae symbol, can be used only once the trademark is registered and certificate is issued. We may also use the registration symbol only in connection with the goods and services in respect of which the trademark is registered. The registration process is the same for both trademarks and service marks. Registering a trademark has its own advantages of exclusive legal rights on your trademark and better protection of your mark. From filing trademark application, filing opposition, preparing responses to office actions, responding to an opposition and attending opposition hearings whenever required, our team of highly experienced trademark agents understand the nuances underlying such registration and are experts in handling trademark registration. We provide efficient and effective online trademark registration services in India and also collaborate with our international partners to help our clients register their trademark internationally. Trademarks are signs that differentiate goods and services of one company to another. In the modern era the trademark law deals with assignment of rights, registration mechanism, penalties for infringement, infringement nature, and prevention of fraudulent trademark. Our refined and well-experienced trademark lawyers provide reliable and expert trademark searches to Indian companies and firms with various occupational fields with their national and international trademark registrations. Source : https://www.muthirai.com/blog/what-are-the-process-of-the-trademark-filing-registration
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