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Jorma Larimo DOCTORAL COURSES AND DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN BUSINESS STUDIES 03.04.2013. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UV AND DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN BUSINESS STUDIES. The university's Graduate School offers methodologies and guidance to support Doctoral programmes .
GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UV AND DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN BUSINESS STUDIES • The university's Graduate School offers methodologies and guidance to support Doctoral programmes. • The graduate school operates four Doctoral programmes: - Administrative Sciences - Languages and Communication - Business Studies and - Technical Sciences. • Each doctoral student belongs to a research group. • The goal of the graduate school is to ensure all doctoral students at the University of Vaasa have the opportunity to pursue a high quality doctoral program. • At the same time the graduate school supports the planning of doctoral studies, research work and the progression of doctoral studies. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
ORGANIZATION OF GRADUATE SCHOOL AND STEERING COMMITTEE OF DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN BUSINESS STUDIES Board of the Graduate School: - Kimmo Kauhaniemi, Jorma Larimo (the head 1.3.-31.12.2013), Esa Lehtinen and Ari Salminen • Ulla Laakkonen (secretary), Anne Vankka (coursecoordinator) Steeringcommittee of the DoctoralProgram in Business Studies • Jorma Larimo, Jukka Vesalainen/Niina Koivunen, Sami Vähämaa • Coordinator : Nina Nässlin University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
RESEARCH GROUPS - There are nine research groups operating in the Faculty of Business Studies: • Auditing and control in accounting • Consumptionresearch and customervaluecreation • Finance and financialaccounting • Human resource management • ICT Law • Intangible capital • International marketing • Networkedvaluesystems • Personalityapproach to leadership and organizationalbehavior University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
JOINT STUDIES TO ALL DOCTORAL STUDENTS IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES • General scientific studies and methodological studies 25 ECTS • Researchethics3cr (Doctoralschool) • Managingdoctoralresearch3 cr • Critical dissertationanalysis(unitlevel) 3-6 cr • Scientificwritingseveraldifferentoptions 4-5 cr - One methodologicalcourse5 cr (qualitativeor quantitative; severaldifferentoptions) - moremethodologicalcoursesareencouraged - Researchseminarworking5 cr - every student have to presenthis/herwork in the internalseminars (researchgroup/doctoralschool) as well as nationwideor international seminars - have to discusspapersby the otherdoctoralstudent(s) in the seminars and - have to participate to at leasttwodoctoraldefensesbeforeowndefense University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
MAJOR STUDIES • Major studies 30 ECTS • Studies required in the curriculum of the major subject • Participation to the nationwidecoursesorganizedby Kataja, Kavaor OMM as well as coursesorganizedbye.g. EIASM • Studentsareencouraged to spendlongertimeperiodalso in a foreignuniversity University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
ACTIVE DOCTORAL STUDIES • The doctoraldegree is expected to befinishedwithinfouryears • Thismeansactivestudying and researchall the time • Everyyearupdating the HOPS – negotiation with the supervisor • Ifthereare no coursespassed, no progress in the disserationprojectand/or no activeparticipation to the researchseminars – discussion with the supervisor – the student canberemoved to the passive student register (possibility to applylater on moving to the activeregisterifthere is prooffrom the changedsituation) University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE STUDENTS • the student has to regularlyinform the supervisor of the progress of the studies • giveparts of the dissertationand/orotherreports for comments • inform the supervisoralsofrom the financing and financingplans of the studies • participate to the internal and otherseminars, researchmeetings/tutorials and conferences • try to spendsometime a foreignuniversity (making of coursesand/or to supportdissertationworking) • beactive with the doctoralstudies and disserationprojectbyyourself • to keep the plannedtimetable for the doctoralstudies (fouryears) University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SUPERVISOR • Discuss and giveinstructions for the studyplans • Giveguidance and supervise the disserationworking • Support the student in the financialapplications for the doctoralstudies • Encourage the student to makeowninitiatives and to workalsoindependently • Support student to getcontacts with otherdomestic and foreignresearchersin the field • Encourage the student to participatenationwide and international doctoralcourses, workshops and conferences • Encourage the student to spendsometimeduring the doctoralstudies in a foreignuniversityorotherreseachunit University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES • The graduate school organizes general and introductory courses common to all post-graduates. Students can choose the courses best fitting for them together with their supervisors. • The language of the courses is either Finnish or English. The language is mentioned in the course information notice. • There is a surveygoing on concerningwishes for courses to beorganized • Alsoe.g. Kataja willcollectduring summer 2013 proposals for courses to beorganized in 2014-2015 • Registration for Graduate School courses should be done in WebOodi. Timetables for courses are found in Lukkari by choosing "DOC Graduate School" as your group. • For WebOodi and Lukkarithe student needs university´s unix user account and password. You´ll get those from HelpDesk in the ground floor of Luotsi, helpdesk(at)uva.fi. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN BUSINESS STUDIES • About 200 students in 2013 • Minimumgoal for the dissertations (Business studies) hasbeen in 2010-2013 : 12 dissertations - nr of finisheddissertations/degreeshasbeenbelow the goal - the goal and nr of finishedworksshouldbehigherif the University/Facultywants to beamong the threemostimportantunits in Business studies • Goal to organize in cooperation with the UV graduateschool at leastsixcoursesannually • In addition general researchseminars – althoughinternal /researchgroups´ and national – international researchmeetingsmoreimportant • Someinformalmeetings – nextplanned to be in September/earlyOctober • Graduateschoolhassomegrants and researchpositions – nrvariesdepending on the year University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
FURTHER INFORMATION For furtherinformationaboutGraduateschool and doctoralprogramincluding general information, courses and otherevents - pleasevisit the www-sitesof the Graduate School: - www.uva.fi/research/researcher/graduate_school and also of - national Graduate Schools Kataja - www.kataja.eu Kava - www.hecer.fi/FDPE OMM - helsinki.fi/omm - and also the www-site of EIASM (Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) - www.eiasm.org University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation