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Jorma Larimo DOCTORAL SCHOOL INFO: COURSES AND DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN BUSINESS STUDIES 26.09.2013. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UV AND DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN BUSINESS STUDIES. The university's Graduate School offers methodologies and guidance to support Doctoral programs .
GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UV AND DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN BUSINESS STUDIES • The university's Graduate School offers methodologies and guidance to support Doctoral programs. • The graduate school operates four Doctoral programs: - Administrative Sciences - Languages and Communication - Business Studies and - Technical Sciences. • Each doctoral student belongs to a research group. • The goal of the graduate school is to ensure all doctoral students at the University of Vaasa have the opportunity to pursue a high quality doctoral program. • At the same time the graduate school supports the planning of doctoral studies, research work and the progression of doctoral studies. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
ORGANIZATION OF GRADUATE SCHOOL AND STEERING COMMITTEE OF DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN BUSINESS STUDIES Board of the Graduate School: - Kimmo Kauhaniemi, Jorma Larimo (the head 1.3.-31.12.2013), Esa Lehtinen and Ari Salminen • Ulla Laakkonen (secretary), Anne Vankka (coursecoordinator) Steeringcommittee of the DoctoralProgram in Business Studies • Jorma Larimo, Niina Koivunen and Sami Vähämaa • Co-ordinator : Nina Nässlin University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
ENTRY INTO FORCE AND TRANSFER REGULATIONS • If needed, the Faculty Board gives further instructions on applying these Regulations. • The Degree Regulations come into force as of 1 August 2013 and repeal the previous Degree Regulations on postgraduate studies in the faculty (approved on 1 October 2010). • Doctoral students enrolled before 1 August 2013 may comply with the previous Degree Regulations until 31 July 2014. • However, the grading scale shall be applied to all doctoral students as of 1 August 2013. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
RESEARCH GROUPS - There are nine research groups operating in the Faculty of Business Studies: • Auditing and control in accounting • Consumptionresearch and customervaluecreation • Finance and financialaccounting • Human resource management • ICT Law • Intangible capital • International marketing • Networkedvaluesystems • Personalityapproach to leadership and organizationalbehavior University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
JOINT STUDIES TO ALL DOCTORAL STUDENTS IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES • General scientific studies and methodological studies 25 ECTS • Researchethics3cr (Doctoralschool) • Managingdoctoralresearch3 cr • Critical dissertationanalysis(unitlevel) 3-6 cr • Scientificwritingseveraldifferentoptions 4-5 cr - One methodologicalcourse5 cr (qualitativeor quantitative; severaldifferentoptions) - moremethodologicalcoursesareencouraged - Researchseminarworking5 cr - every student have to presenthis/herwork in the internalseminars (researchgroup/doctoralschool) as well as nationwideor international seminars - have to discusspapersby the otherdoctoralstudent(s) in the seminars and - have to participate to at leasttwodoctoraldefensesbeforeowndefense University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
MAJOR STUDIES • Major studies 30 ECTS • Studies required in the curriculum of the major subject • Participation to the nationwidecoursesorganizedby Kataja, Kavaor OMM as well as coursesorganizedbye.g. EIASM • Studentsareencouraged to spendlongertimeperiodalso in a foreignuniversity Therewillbechanges in the national networksfrom the start of 2015 University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
ACTIVE DOCTORAL STUDIES • The doctoraldegree is expected to befinishedwithinfouryears • Thismeansactivestudying and researchall the time • Everyyearupdating the HOPS – negotiation with the supervisor • Ifthereare no coursespassed, no progress in the disserationprojectand/or no activeparticipation to the researchseminars – discussion with the supervisor – the student canberemoved to the passive student register (possibility to applylater on moving to the activeregisterifthere is prooffrom the changedsituation) University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE STUDENTS • the student has to regularlyinform the supervisor of the progress of the studies • giveparts of the dissertationand/orotherreports for comments • inform the supervisoralsofrom the financing and financingplans of the studies • participate to the internal and otherseminars, researchmeetings/tutorials and conferences • try to spendsometime a foreignuniversity (making of coursesand/or to supportdissertationworking) • beactive with the doctoralstudies and disserationprojectbyyourself • to keep the plannedtimetable for the doctoralstudies (fouryears) • has to beactive in trying to identifyimportantcourses/conferences/foreignechangeunits and in applyingfinancing for the participation/visits University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SUPERVISOR • Discuss and giveinstructions for the studyplans • Giveguidance and supervise the disserationworking • Support the student in the financialapplications for the doctoralstudies • Encourage the student to makeowninitiatives and to workalsoindependently • Support student to getcontacts with otherdomestic and foreignresearchersin the field • Encourage the student to participatenationwide and international doctoralcourses, workshops and conferences • Encourage the student to spendsometimeduring the doctoralstudies in a foreignuniversityorotherreseachunit University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES • The graduate school organizes general and introductory courses common to all post-graduates. Students can choose the courses best fitting for them together with their supervisors. • The language of the courses is either Finnish or English. The language is mentioned in the course information notice. • There is a surveygoing on concerningwishes for courses to beorganized • Alsoe.g. Kataja willcollectduring summer 2013 proposals for courses to beorganized in 2014-2015 • Registration for Graduate School courses should be done in WebOodi. Timetables for courses are found in Lukkari by choosing "DOC Graduate School" as your group. • For WebOodi and Lukkarithe student needs university´s unix user account and password. You´ll get those from HelpDesk in the ground floor of Luotsi, helpdesk(at)uva.fi. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN BUSINESS STUDIES • About 200 students in 2013 • Minimumgoal for the dissertations (Business studies) hasbeen in 2010-2013 : 12 dissertations - nr of finisheddissertations/degreeshasbeenbelow the goal - the goal and nr of finishedworksshouldbehigherif the University/Facultywants to beamong the threemostimportantunits in Business studies (at least 15, preferably 20) • Goal to organize in cooperation with the UV graduateschool at leastsixcoursesannually • In addition general researchseminars – althoughinternal /researchgroups´ and national – international researchmeetingsmoreimportant • Someinformalmeetings – nextplanned to be in September/earlyOctober • Graduateschoolhassomegrants and researchpositions – nrvariesdepending on the year University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
FURTHER INFORMATION For furtherinformationaboutGraduateschool and doctoralprogramincluding general information, courses and otherevents - pleasevisit the www-sitesof the Graduate School: - www.uva.fi/research/researcher/graduate_school and also of - national Graduate Schools Kataja - www.kataja.eu Kava - www.hecer.fi/FDPE OMM - helsinki.fi/omm - and also the www-site of EIASM (Institute for Advanced Studies in Management) - www.eiasm.org University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
DOCTORAL SCHOOL COURSES AUTUMN 2013 • TOFO4003: Research Seminar (5 op) • TOFO4034: Academic Writing (4 op) • TOFO4030 -> TOFO4011: Tutkimusetiikka (3 op) • TOFO4015: NVIVO 10 and Qualitative Text Analysis (2-3 op) • TOFO4031: Graduate School Method Seminar/Tutkijakoulunmetodiseminaari (1 op) • TOFO4032: Kvalitatiivisettutkimusmenetelmät (5 op) University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
DOCTORAL SCHOOL COURSES SPRING 2014 • TOFO4003: ResearchSeminar(syksyllä alkanut kurssi) • TOFO4034: AcademicWriting (syksyllä alkanut kurssi) • TOFO4032: Kvalitatiiviset tutkimusmenetelmät (5 op) • TOFO4026: ManagingDoctoralResearch (3 op) • TOFO4020: WritingbetterResearch in English (3 op) • TOFO4017: Väitöskirjan teko käytännössä (3 op) • TOFO4002: Tieteenfilosofiaa ja kriittistä ajattelua (5 op) University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
TOFO4003: RESEARCH SEMINAR (5 op) • Time: Monday09.09. 16-18, 14.10. 16-18 , 11.11. 16-18, 09.12. 16-18, continues in the Spring 2014)Place:Tervahovi D218Teacher:TommiLehtonen • This research seminar offers a forum for the doctoral students of the universities functioning in Vaasa to present and develop their own research. The seminar supports researchers especially in issues of argumentation and scientific writing. It also helps to understand methodological and ethical issues and problems related to scientific research.In the first meeting, the schedule for paper presentations and acting as an opponent is settled. In each seminar meeting, two or three papers are discussed.The Research Seminar of the Graduate School is supplementary education that does not substitute the postgraduate seminar of the student’s major subject. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
TOFO4034 ACADEMIC WRITING (4 op) • Timing: 2.12. klo 10-15, 3.12. klo. 9-16 (continues in the Spring 2014, March-April)Place:TervahoviD103 Teacher:professor JoakimWincent • Learning Outcomes: 1. To be able to critically analyze what is a effective framing and positioning of an article in terms of academic writing. 2. Identify how to present research in a written form. 3. Be familiar with some emerging trends in qualitative and quantitative research. 4. Critically evaluate own and others writing. 5. Be familiar with examples of what can considered to be recognized approaches of writing articles. 6. Writing one conceptual/ qualitative/ quantitative article that have the scientific standard to be presented at an academic conference or published in an academic journal. • This course is organized as a forum for discussing and improving participants reading and writing of research articles. During the process, the goal with the course is to facilitate participants to help each other to better write and recommend sharp advices about clear and effective writing. Selected texts cover a variation of readings about theory, method, the review process and how to get cited, but also a set of existing research articles (“normal” research papers) which are analyzed at the seminar, focusing of structure, approach and content. • Participants will be guided through writing strategies of others, get feedback on own articles and give response on texts of other members of the forum. During the course, aspects covering formulating interesting research problems, carefully thought of research designs and methods, trends, and common reasons for rejection will be discussed and analyzed. We discuss research articles from the role of being an author and from being an editor or a reviewer. Examination is based upon active participation at research seminars and by writing a research paper during the course. Each participant is expected to verbally present a rough topic of which they plan to write the paper about for the first seminar. • Modes of Study: The course will consist of four seminars. The material is distributed ahead of the course and during seminars. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
TOFO4011: TUTKIMUSETIIKKA (3op) • Aika: 8h26.11. klo 16-1927.11. klo 16-1928.11. klo 16-18Paikka: Tervahovi C209Opettaja: Professori Ari Salminen • Osaamistavoitteet: Opiskelija ymmärtää tutkimusetiikan perusteet ja tieteen etiikan luonteen. Hän pystyy tunnistamaan tutkimuseettiset rikkomukset ja valitsemaan eettisesti oikean toimintatavan erilaisissa käytännön tapauksissa. Toimintaa ohjaa tutkijan ammattietiikka. • Sisältö: Tieteen eettiset vaatimukset ja normit. Hyvä tieteellinen käytäntö, Tutkimuseettiset ohjeet ja oikein toimiminen. Eettinen johtaminen: Tutkimusryhmä ja sen jäsenten oikeudet ja velvollisuudet. • Kirjallisuus: Etiikkaa ihmistieteille. Toim. Hallamaa, Launis, Lötjönen, Sorvali. Tietolipas. Helsinki 2006.Oheislukemisto:1. Kuula, Tutkimusetiikka. Vastapaino 2006.2. 1-2 kansainvälist artikkelia (researchethics/ integrity) • Suoritustapa: Luennoilla pakollinen läsnäolo, kirjallinen lopputyö. • Ilmoittautuminen:anne.vankka(a)uva.fi University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
TOFO4015: NVIVO 10 AND QUALITATIVE TEXT ANALYSIS (2-3 op) • Time:Tuesday-Thursday1.10. klo 13-17, 2.10. klo 9-16, 3.10. klo 9-16Paikka:Tritonia, K322 ATK-saliOpettaja:Professor emeritusHenrikGahmberg • Learning outcomes: To be able to use the NVIVO 10 software based on an understanding of the core functions and a knowledge of special functions of the software, such as the use of pdf documents, images, and audio & video data or data from the new social media (Facebook, Twitter). Content:Day 1.• The Layout And Main Functions of Nvivo• TStarting A Research Project In NVivo• Importing of Data; Creating DataDay 2.• Types of Nodes• Cases, Attributes, Sets• Annotations, Memos, Links• Ways of Coding• Searching Your Data, Making QueriesDay 3.• Theorizing, Building Models• Analyzing Audio, Photo or Video material• Reporting Findings, Exporting reports & Graphics • Literature: Getting Started With NVivo 10 (available from internet). Grading: Active association (2cp), returned practical work with NVivo 10 (1cp) University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
TOFO4031: GRADUATE SCHOOL METHOD SEMINAR/METODISEMINAARI (1 teema) • Metodiseminaarissa tohtorikoulutettava perehtyy uusiin tutkimusmetodeihin ja niihin liittyviin erityiskysymyksiin. Uusien tutkimusmenetelmien esittely ja niihin perehtyminen antaa tutkijalle virikkeitä ja uusia metodisia näkökulmia tieteellisen tutkimuksen tekemiseen. • Opiskelija saa valmiudet tunnistaa erilaisiin tutkimusongelmiin sopivia tutkimusmenetelmiä sekä saa työvälineitä tutkimuksen suunnitteluun ja aineiston analysointiin. Opiskelija oppii myös asettamaan oman tutkimuksensa laajempiin metodologisiin ja teoreettisiin viitekehyksiin. • Kurssi koostuu alan asiantuntijoiden pitämistä seminaareista, jolla kullakin perehdytään johonkin tutkimusmetodiin. Opiskelijat voivat osallistua useille metodiseminaarin kursseille, joista kukin on 1 opintopistettä. Syksyn ensimmäinen kurssi on: University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
TOFO4032: KVALITATIIVISET TUTKIMUSMENETELMÄT (5 op) • Paikka:Aika:ti 19.11. klo 10-12 Lehtinen, Koivunen, klo 13-16 Alasuutarike 20.11 klo 9-12 Alasuutarito 12.12 klo 12-16 Riikka NissiOpettajat: prof. Esa Lehtinen, yliopistotutkija Niina Koivunen, prof. Pertti Alasuutari (TaY), Tutkijatohtori Riikka Nissi • Kurssin käytyään opiskelija tuntee laadulliset tutkimuksen peruslähtökohdat ja keskeisimmät tutkimusmenetelmät. Hänellä on käsitys menetelmien suhteesta eri tieteenalojen traditioihin. Hän osaa arvioida, millä tavoin eri tutkimusmentelmät sopivat hänen omaan tutkimukseensa. • Avaussseminaari, jossa käydään läpi laadullisen tutkimuksen peruslähtökohdat. Viisi työpajaa, joissa keskitytään kussakin yhteen tutkimusmenetelmään. Kukin opiskelija osallistuu neljään työpajaan. Loppuseminaari. Lähiopetusta 25 tuntia.Ilmoittautumiset:anne.vankka(a)uva.fi University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
TOFO4026: MANAGING DOCTORAL RESEARCH (3 op) • Paikka/location:openAika/timing:26.-27.3.2014 • Opettaja/teacher:professori Sami Vähämaa • The course covers practical aspects of doctoral studies. The objective of this course is to introduce the doctoral students to the realities of doing scientific research and to give practical advice on doctoral studies and the process of writing a doctoral dissertation. The course will also provide an overview of the basic structure of research and the identification and selection of research topics. • The course is particularly suited for doctoral students at the initial phases of their doctoral studies. • Ilmoittautumiset/registration:anne.vankka(a)uva.fi University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
TOFO4020: WRITING BETTER RESEARCH IN ENGLISH (3 op) • Paikka/Place:openAika/timing: open • Opettaja/teacher:FT MarinellaRodi-RisbergLearning outcomes: To be able to write a structurally coherent study such as a thesis or an article that fills the qualifications of stylistically and grammatically good academic English. Content: The doctoral students will analyze different texts paying close attention to structure, language, and content and study the characteristics of academic English. • Ilmoittautumiset/registration:anne.vankka(a)uva.fi University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
THE FORMS AND REQUIREMENTS OF DOCTORATE DISSERTATIONS IN THE DOCTORAL PROGRAMME IN BUSINESS STUDIES • In the Doctoral Programme in Business Studies, the dissertation submitted for the Doctor of Science in Economics and Business Administration degree or the Doctor of Philosophy degree may be a monograph or a so-called article-based doctoral dissertation. • The article-based doctoral dissertation may consist of articles or essays. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
ARTICLE-BASED DOCTORAL DISSERTATION • An article-based doctoral dissertation is a publication consisting of an introduction and at least three (3) already published articles or articles accepted for publication. The articles briefly present and discuss the joint research problem or problems. The articles must be published or accepted for publication in a publication which has been awarded at least a level one (1) Publication Forum classification. • The publication intended to be a doctoral thesis must consist of a summary of the articles presenting the research problem, objectives, methods, material, results and conclusions, as well the position in and contribution to the research area. • The doctoral candidate must be the sole author of at least one (1) of the articles. An article-based doctorate dissertation may also consist of joint publications if the independent contribution of the doctoral candidate can be clearly indicated in them. In case of joint publications, the doctoral candidate must submit a written statement of his/her independent contribution when the manuscript intended to be a doctorate dissertation is submitted for pre-examination. The statement must contain an approval from the other authors. In justified cases, the same article may also be used in another doctorate dissertation. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
ESSAY-BASED DOCTORATE DISSERTATION • An essay-based doctorate dissertation consists of an introduction and at least four scientific manuscripts presenting and discussing the joint research question or questions. The manuscripts must be independent unities which can be published and may be submitted to a distinguished refereed publication. The essays must have been presented in applicable conferences or workshops of the discipline. • The publication intended to be a doctorate dissertation must consist a summary of the articles presenting the research problem, objectives, methods, material, results and conclusions, as well the position in and contribution to the research area. • The doctoral candidate must be the sole author of at least one section of the essay-based doctorate dissertation. An essay-based doctorate dissertation may consist of joint publications if the independent contribution of the doctoral candidate can be clearly indicated in them. In this case the doctoral candidate must submit a written statement of his/her independent contribution when the manuscript intended to be a doctorate dissertation is submitted for pre-examination. The statement must contain an approval from the other authors. In justified cases, the same essay may also be used in another doctorate dissertation. • Regardless of the type, the doctorate dissertation is always evaluated based on the entire dissertation. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
GRADINGSCALE AND APPLICATION • The dissertations are given a grade based on the following scale: Pass with Distinction, Pass, or Fail. Pass with Distinction The work contributes to the research area significantly. In his/her doctoral dissertation as well as in the public defence of the dissertation, the doctoral candidate has proven that s/he has become well-versed in his/her own field of research and its social significance and has gained knowledge and skills needed to apply scientific research methods independently and critically and to produce new scientific knowledge within his/her field of research. Pass The work’s contribution to the research area meets the requirements of an acceptable doctoral dissertation. In his/her doctoral dissertation as well as in the public defence of the dissertation, the doctoral candidate has proven that s/he has become well-versed in his/her own field of research and its social significance and has gained knowledge and skills needed to apply scientific research methods independently and critically and to produce new scientific knowledge within his/her field of research. Fail Shortcomings are evident in most of the following areas: unclear objective and limitations; contribution of the work is not evident; there are serious shortcomings/problems both in the theoretical framework and in the empirical part; critical analysis by the author is missing or is very limited; main concepts and/or basic justifications for the choices made in the work are either not defined or are very limited and/or problematic. • Regardless of the form, the dissertation is always evaluated based on the entire dissertation. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation
GOOD PRACTICE Following of goodscientificpracticeveryimportant • co-operation, use of material and references Co-operation: rememberalways to agree in detailabout the terms of cooperation: what is allowed and what is not. Checking and confirmingthatyoureallyhaveuse to the material. Correctreferences. University of Vaasa | Faculty | Name of the presentation