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Update on Merton and Wandsworth Local Transformation Board (LTB)

Learn about the purpose, role, responsibilities, and structure of the LTB driving health and social care transformation in Merton and Wandsworth. Stay informed on progress and plans for the SWL Sustainability and Transformation Plan.

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Update on Merton and Wandsworth Local Transformation Board (LTB)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Update on Merton and Wandsworth Local Transformation Board (LTB) Julie Hesketh Director of Quality and Governance Merton and Wandsworth LDU

  2. Purpose and Remit of LTB • The Transformation Board has been established to drive forward the transformation of the health and social care system in Wandsworth and Merton through the local delivery of the South West London (SWL) Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP). • It will provide oversight and direction to the development of borough-level implementation plans which will deliver significant change in the health and care system • In doing so the Board will ensure the alignment of local plans for delivering transformation and the vision of the STP by: • Setting the right leadership culture and behaviours across our organisations • Identifying and removing obstacles and barriers to implementation • Leading the communications across the patch to ensure a consistent message is understood about the changes • Chaired by Nicola Jones Clinical Chair of Wandsworth CCG T Drive: Sutton & Merton Organisation/Merton 1/Meetings/Staff Meeting 2016/Presentation 2016_03_24

  3. Membership T Drive: Sutton & Merton Organisation/Merton 1/Meetings/Staff Meeting 2016/Presentation 2016_03_24

  4. Role of the LTB • The role of the LTB is to provide executive leadership to the delivery of improvements in the sustainability and performance of the local health and social care system. • The LTB has been tasked and collectively agreed to facilitate the delivery of the SWL STP; to undertake this task the LTB has agreed the following workstreams that will develop plans and report against progress on a regular basis: • Planned care • Emergency care • Mental health • Children & Young people • Primary care • Finance & Activity • Systems & Incentives T Drive: Sutton & Merton Organisation/Merton 1/Meetings/Staff Meeting 2016/Presentation 2016_03_24

  5. Responsibilities of the LTB • Members are in a ‘collaborative coalition’, i.e. they are each responsible for taking back decisions reached by the LTB to their individual organisations. • The LTB is responsible for: • Progressing vision delivery • Maintaining a focus on quality and efficiency of services across health and social care services • Leading the local step-change in joint transformation initiatives to achieve the STP plan • Aligning incentives for commissioners and providers for accelerated change in 2017/18 and beyond • Ensuring financial sustainability across the local system through alignment of CIP and QIPP schemes • Supporting whole-system planning (health and social care) • Supporting progress of the each of the LTB’s workstreams, unblocking barriers as required • Report the minutes of all LTB meetings together with progress against STP trajectories will be reported monthly to SWL STP Programme Board. Updates will also be provided to all member organisational Governing Bodies and Boards. T Drive: Sutton & Merton Organisation/Merton 1/Meetings/Staff Meeting 2016/Presentation 2016_03_24

  6. Structure of the LTB T Drive: Sutton & Merton Organisation/Merton 1/Meetings/Staff Meeting 2016/Presentation 2016_03_24

  7. Any Questions ? T Drive: Sutton & Merton Organisation/Merton 1/Meetings/Staff Meeting 2016/Presentation 2016_03_24

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