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Unpublished results have been removed to safeguard their potential publication in journals.. . PART ISELF-HYPNOSIS/ VISUALISATIONHYPNOSIS
2. Unpublished results have been removed to safeguard their potential publication in journals.
4. WORKING MODEL OF INDUCING HYPNOSIS Gruzelier, 1988; 1990;1998;2006 Engagement of focused attention, involving inter alia anterior fronto-limbic-thalamic systems (L>R).
Selective inhibition of fronto-limbic systems triggered by eye closure, suggestions of fatigue at fixating and deep relaxation (L>R), while maintaining attention to the hypnotist’s voice.
Orchestration of behaviour given over to hypnotist with instructions to forego reality testing.
There is a reciprocal elevation of posterior brain activity.
Low susceptibility: failure to focus or to let go ( less flexible), but attention may improve with relaxation during hypnosis.
7. EXAM STRESS IN MEDICAL STUDENTSSelf-Hypnosis Training Design
10, 20 minute sessions: Session 1 live, Sessions 2-10 tape-recorded.
Standard induction followed by:-
deepening exercises,
guided imagery of the increased immune function,
ego strengthening,
feelings of happiness and improved concentration.
Hypnosis screening with Harvard Group Scale: N=8 Highs, N=8 Lows, N=12 controls of mixed susceptibility.
1st blood draw (immune assays: NKC, T-lymphocytes, cortisol).
Personality, Mood, Life-style questionnaires.
2nd blood draw (immune assays) after 10 sessions of hypnosis.
Mood, Life-style questionnaires.
9. Can personality predict individual differences in immune response? Outgoing, cognitively activated personality (left anterior activation).
Both activated personality & immune competence have independently been associated with left hemispheric activation.
Functional lateralisation predicted immune status in HIV, 30 months later.
Gruzelier et al, 1996, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 23, 215-224.
11. Study 3: Chronic Herpes HSV-2 (genital herpes).
Does hypnosis training which benefits well being, health and immunity - also benefit chronic illness?
Fox, P.A., Henderson, P.C., Barton, S.E., Champion, A.J., Rollin, M.S.H., Catalan, J., McCormack, S.M.G. and Gruzelier, J. (1999) Immunological markers of frequently recurrent genital herpes simplex virus and their response to hynotherapy; a pilot study. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 10, 730-734.Gruzelier, J.H., Champion, A., Fox, P., Rollin, M., McCormack, S., Catalan, P., Barton, S., Henderson, D. (2002) Individual differences in personality, immunology and mood in patients undergoing self-hypnosis training for the successful treatment of a chronic viral illness, HSV-2. Contemporary Hypnosis, 19, (4), 149-166.
12. Positive effects of Visualisation on both Health & Immune Function in a Chronic Viral Illness.Fox et al (1999) Int J STD & AIDS: Gruzelier, et al (2001) Contemporary Hypnosis
13. Achievements for the PNI field
14. Invited reviews
Gruzelier, JH (2002) A review of the impact of hypnosis, relaxation, guided imagery and individual differences on aspects of immunity and health. Stress. 5, 147-163.
Gruzelier, J.H. (2002) The role of psychological intervention in modulating aspects of immune function in relation to health and well being. Advances in NeuroBiology, 52, 383-417.
Gruzelier, J. (2002) Self-hypnosis and immune function, health, wellbeing and personality. Hypnos, 29, 186-191.
15. Studies 4,5 Potential of Animated & Virtual Reality Visualisation Training For Facilitating Beneficial Effects of Self-Hypnosis on Immune Function & Individual Differences
16. Animated symbolic representation of viral cells, with a single killer cell
17. Results currently under review
19. Exam stress study: 2002JohreiSelf-hypnosisRelaxation
20. JOHREI METHOD A Japanese method of spiritual healing.
Energy (metaphorically thought of as light) is directed towards the participant.
This is done via the cupped hand which is directed at the participant (non-touch).
In most practices there is reciprocity - both channeller and receiver may exchange roles.
22. Study format Measurements were made at 3 time points:
23. Natural Killer Cells increased in number only following Johrei.
24. Effect of exam stress on peripheral blood CD56+ Natural Killer cell percentages. Reduction with stress was counteracted by Johrei in every student.Johrei Hypnosis Relaxation
25. Johrei Reports
Laidlaw, T.M., Naito, A., Dwivedi, P., Enzor, N., Brincat, C.E., Gruzelier, J.H. (2003) Mood changes after self-hypnosis and Johrei prior to exams. Contemporary Hypnosis, 20, (1), 25-40.
Naito, A., Laidlaw, T.M., Henderson, D.C., Farahani, L., Dwivedi, P., Gruzelier, J.H. (2003) The impact of self-hypnosis and Johrei on lymphocyte sub-population at exam time: a controlled study. Brain Research Bulletin, 62, 241-253.
Laidlaw, T.M., Kerstein, R., Bennett, B.M., Naito, A., Henderson, D.C., Dwivedi, P., Gruzelier, J.H (2004) Hypnotisability and immunological response to psychological intervention in HIV. Contemporary Hypnosis, 21, 126-135.
Laidlaw, T., Bennett, B.M., Dwivedi, P., Naito, A., Gruzelier, J. (2005) Quality of life and mood changes in metatstatic breast cancer after training in self-hypnosis or Johrei: a short report. Contemporary Hypnosis, 22, 84-93.
Bennett, B.M., Laidlaw, T.M., Dwivedi, P., Naito, A. Gruzelier, J.H. (2006) A qualitative study of the experience of self-hypnosis or Johrei in metastatic breast cancer using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Contemporary Hypnosis, 23, 127 – 140.
HIV immune results currently under review.
26. Research into the Clinical, Psychological and Biological Effects of Reiki Healing Goldsmiths, University of London
Deborah Bowden BSc, MRes, Reiki Master
Primary supervisor: Professor John Gruzelier
Secondary supervisor: Dr Lorna Goddard My name's Deborah Bowden. I'm a Psychology PhD student with the research aim of investigating the efficacy of Reiki, and I will be talking about the research that I have thus far conducted.
This is an important area of research because only through validation through randomised controlled trials will efficacious alternative therapies be integrated into mainstream medicine, where they will become more readily available to the public.My name's Deborah Bowden. I'm a Psychology PhD student with the research aim of investigating the efficacy of Reiki, and I will be talking about the research that I have thus far conducted.
This is an important area of research because only through validation through randomised controlled trials will efficacious alternative therapies be integrated into mainstream medicine, where they will become more readily available to the public.
28. PhD results of Deborah Bowden, Goldsmithsto be written for publication. Reiki reduced illness symptoms, Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale total score and Anxiety subscale
compared with mock Reiki controls
31. Spectral Components of the EEG
34. Clinical Applications
Seizures in epileptics have been reduced
(Sterman et al., 1974; Chernigowskaya, 1984; Seifert & Lubar, 1975; Rochstroh et al, 1993).
Attention and behaviour enhanced in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(Cartozzo et al., 1995; Nash & Shakelford, 1995; Linden 1996).
Communication established in paralysed patients with locked-in syndromes
(Birbaumer 1999).
Young men with stimulant drug misuse have lost the habit, as have alcoholic patients who in the case of war veterans have lost their PTSD
(Penniston & Kulkosky, 1989; Scott et al, 2005).
Relaxed attentional focus.
Relaxed mental attitude.
RCM instrumentalists reported beneficial – “let’s my mind breathe”.
Eye surgeons more modulated performance.
Expands working memory.
Greater sustained attention.
Fewer impulsive errors in speeded performance.
36. Results submitted for publication
Optimising Microsurgical Skills with EEG neurofeedback
Tomas Ros, Philip Bloom, Larry Benjamin, Merrick Moseley, Lesley Parkinson, John Gruzelier
38. FAST WAVE TRAINING REFERENCES Egner, T. & Gruzelier, J. H. (2001). Learned self-regulation of EEG frequency components affects attention and event-related brain potentials in humans. NeuroReport, 12, 18, 411-415.Vernon, D., Egner, T., Cooper, N., Compton, T., Neilands, C., Sheri, A., Gruzelier, J. (2003) The effect of training distinct neurofeedback protocols on aspects of cognitive performance. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 47, 75-86.Egner, T. Gruzelier, J.H. (2004) EEG biofeedback of low beta band components: Frequency-specific effects on variables of attention and event-related brain potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology, 115, 131-139..Egner, T., Zech, T.F., Gruzelier, J.H. (2004) The effects of neurofeedback training on the spectral topography of the healthy electroencephalogram, Clinical Neurophysiology, 115, 2452-2460.Gruzelier, J.H., Egner, T., Vernon, D. (2006) Validating the efficacy of neurofeedback for optimising performance. In C. Neuper , W. Klimesch, Event-related dynamics of brain oscillations. Progress in Brain Research, 159, 421-431.