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Eastern Monroe Career Center Curriculum Development and Review Process. Curriculum Development: Sources and Reviewers. National Career Organizations – NCCER; NATEF;CDA.
Eastern Monroe Career Center Curriculum Development and Review Process
Curriculum Development: Sources and Reviewers • National Career Organizations – NCCER; NATEF;CDA • NYSED – Career Development and Occupational Studies; Core Content Learning Standards; Cosmetology; Professional Health Careers; Emergency Services • Component Districts • CTE Advisory Committee –Employers, current practitioners in career area • Dual Credit – Community College
EMCC offers 18 Career and Technical Education programs. • CTE studies are organized in New York in the following content areas: • Agricultural education* • Business & Marketing education • Family & Consumer Sciences education • Health Occupations education • Technology education • Trade, Technical & Industrial education *No courses at EMCC in Agricultural domain
EMCC offers 18 Career and Technical Education programs. Curriculum for each program is articulated in a curriculum map. Maps are reviewed for updating at least once a year. http://monroe1boces.rubiconatlas.org/
In 2000, NYSED approved a proposal for a Career and Technical Education program review process that encouraged and helped students complete a quality career and technical education at the same time that they achieve higher academic standards. Criminal Justice Program at EMCC/Monroe # 1 BOCES was the first program to complete the process.
Self-study Self-study Report • External Review District Responsibilities Recommendation • Board of Education Certification • Signed Statement of Certification
Review by State Education Department NYSED Responsibilities • Program Approval Technical Assistance
Self-study • Reviewers confirm that CTE program content aligns with state CDOS standards, relevant state academic standards, and related business and industry standards • Reviewers confirm that CTE program content includes integrated or specialized units of credit • Reviewers confirm that the CTE program meets unit of credit and other distributive requirements
External Review • The external review committee is a committee formed to review, address, and approve the self-study report. Membership on the external review committee will vary according to the type of program and other needs of the school district/BOCES. • Membership shall include but not be limited to: • Secondary educators, both CTE educators and core academic subject educators (when academic credit is included in the approval process the external committee must include a minimum of two academic subject teachers from at least two different component schools who will review the academic content for each integrated and specialized credit requested) • Business and industry—a minimum of two representatives from the business and industry of the career area under review • Postsecondary educators—a representative from postsecondary education in the career area under review
Curriculum Review Timeline - 5 Year Cycle Last CTE program Certified; science reapproved 8 CTE programs certified; Integrated ELA, Math & Science courses approved 1 CTE program Certified; 8 CTE programs recertified; integrated courses reapproved 8 programs to be recertified; math to be reviewed 1 CTE program certified 2002-3 2004-5 2006-7 2008-9 2010-11 2003-4 2005-6 2007-8 2009-10 2000-1 1 CTE program recertified; Part In Gov reapproved 3 CTE programs certified; 2 core content courses approved 1 CTE program Certified;3 CTE programs recertified; ELA reapproved Initial NYSED Cert CJ 1 CTE program certified: 1 program recertified
Component Districts After initial certification, a recertification review is conducted every five years. Major additions, changes or deletions are agreed upon at this time. Integrated core content areas are reviewed by content certified teachers from our component districts prior to program recertification.
Role Of Integrated Academics Many of our programs offer core content credit in ELA, Math, Science and Participation in Government. These courses are reviewed by committees formed from content certified teachers representing our component districts. This review takes place just prior to the program recertification process. Social Studies in Criminal Justice Science in: Cosmetology Pro. Health Careers Collision Repair Auto Services EMS Welding Math in: Carpentry Culinary Arts Precision Manufacturing Trade Electricity ELA in all programs during Advanced year
CTE Advisory Committee Each career area has an Advisory Committee, consisting of current practitioners in the career field. Each program is expected to meet with this committee at least once a year to remain current with changes in their career area.
Dual Credit – • Community College If a program chooses to offer dual credit, the college reviews the content for rigor and relevance as it relates to the college course.
Where is EMCC now? 18 programs 812 current students, basic and advanced 38% Students with special needs, 504 plans 516 units of academic credit enrolled for 2010-11 school year As of June 2010: 195 students recommended for CTE endorsement on diploma 99 students accepted into post secondary education 130 students entering work force
Where are we going? In November, 2009, an electronic forum (e-forum) was held to begin a large-scale discussion within the Career and Technical Education community on issues and challenges confronting CTE in New York State. Monroe #1 BOCES was a hosting site. Results located at: http://www.p12.nysed.gov//cte/FutureDirections/CTEdirections0410update.html In July of 2010, a team from EMCC attended a conference held by Southern Regional Education Board to learn about Technology Centers That Work (TCTW ), a school improvement model. Program evaluation is scheduled to begin in October, 2010. Areas of need will be identified during evaluation process. Actions to be determined. 10-11 EMCC\09V19_TCTW_Enhanced_Brochure.pdf
National Organizations NYSED EMCC Curriculum Advisory Committees Component Districts Community Colleges