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Cellular Structures and Functions for Cell Support and Movement

Understand the vital structures within cells, such as the cytoskeleton, nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts. Learn about their functions in maintaining cell shape, protein synthesis, energy production, and more.

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Cellular Structures and Functions for Cell Support and Movement

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  1. Section 7.3 Structures and Organelles

  2. An internal skeleton supports the cell and enables movement.

  3. The Cytoskeleton

  4. The Cytoskeleton Prior to 1970’s cytosol thought to be unorganized mix of organic molecules. Later found that cytosol was organized and protein fibers were identified.

  5. Functions of The Cytoskeleton  Maintains cell shape  Allows organelles to move

  6. Microtubules • Hollow, protein cylinders • Maintain shape of cells • Tracks for vesicle and organelle movement

  7. Microfilaments • Solid rods of protein (thinner than tubules) • Enable cell movement.

  8. Flagella Flagella (L. flagello, whip)

  9. Cilia Cilia (L. cilium, eyelash, hair) Short, usually numerous hair like projections that can move in an undulating fashion.

  10. Differences Flagella longer than cilia, usually fewer Flagella are whip-like projections Flagella move whip-like (e.g. Sperm cells), cilia move swimmer-like/oar-like

  11. The Cell as a Coordinated Unit No organelle or part works alone.

  12. The Cell Builds a Diversity of Products

  13. Nuclear Envelope Double membrane Separates nucleoplasm from cytoplasm

  14. The Nucleolus Dark-stained spherical body in nucleus where rRNA and proteins join to form ribosomal subunits.

  15. Nuclear Pores (100 nm) protein ribosomal subunits

  16. Ribosomes Cooridinate assembly of amino acids into polypeptide chains (i.e. protein synthesis).

  17. Ribosomes Eukaryotic slightly larger than prokaryotic Composed of a large and a small subunit. Each subunit has its own mix of protein and rRNA.

  18. Ribosomes

  19. Endoplasmic Reticulum Main manufacturing and transport facility in the cell factory.

  20. Rough ER is: Contiguous with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope. Studded with ribosomes on the cytoplasm side.

  21. Smooth ER Continuous with rough ER No ribosomes (hence smooth)

  22. Function of smooth ER 1. Synthetic processes Phospholipids Steroids Fatty acids 2. Forms transport vesicles

  23. Golgi ApparatusDelivery System Of the Cell Discovered in 1898 Named For Camillo Golgi

  24. Golgi Apparatus Stack of 3-20 slightly curved saccules.

  25. Golgi Apparatus Receives protein-filled vesicles that bud from the ER. Vesicles fuse with membrane of Golgi apparatus.

  26. Golgi Apparatus • Proteins modified as they pass through • Move to outer face after modification. • Vesicles form & move to different locations in cell

  27. VesiclesEnzyme Storehouses

  28. LysosomesIntracellular digestion centers Produced by Golgi Membrane-enclosed vesicles Contains digestive enzymes (function best in acidic environment) Break down organelles

  29. Vacuoles • Large membranous sac • Larger than vesicles • Store substances • Vacuoles in protozoans include digestive vacuoles and water- regulating contractile vacuoles.

  30. Vacuoles In protozoans include digestive vacuoles and water-regulating contractile vacuoles.

  31. Vacuoles Plant cell vacuoles (usually one or two) more prominent; water-filled and give support to cell. Plant vacuoles store water, sugars, salt, pigments, and toxic substances to protect plant from herbivores.

  32. Chloroplasts & MitochondraEnergize Cells

  33. Energy-related Organelles Chloroplasts (Plants) Mitochondria (Plants & animals)

  34. Plastids • General name for plant cell organelle • Enclosed by a double membrane • Contains a series of internal membranes and vesicles.

  35. Chloroplasts “Packages” light energy from the sun (site for photosythesis). Double membraned organelle. Flattened sacs (thylakoids) piled into stacks of grana with a fluid-filled space around thylakoids called the stroma. Chlorophyll located with the thylakoid membrane.

  36. Mitochondria • “Unpacks” captured solar energy (cellular respiration). • Double-membrane organelle • ATP production occurs here. • Found in all organisms except bacteria.

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