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color coded flow chart on next page. Collaborative Station: Monday , 3/5/2012 -Advertising Firm Assignment- Last Thursday in Direct Instruction, we discussed the eleven different type of propaganda used today. Now you’ll be using that information to create your own advertisement.
Collaborative Station: Monday, 3/5/2012 -Advertising Firm Assignment- Last Thursday in Direct Instruction, we discussed the eleven different type of propaganda used today. Now you’ll be using that information to create your own advertisement. Select a product, hire a celebrity spokesperson, and create a catchy slogan. Remember, the slogan should be short and easy to remember. A rubric for this assignment will be handed out in class. (Due for Presentations during Direct on Thursday). Thursday 3/8/2012 • Working with a partner, answer the questions on the Brave New World handout. Consider this a study guide for the final test. • Continue working on the Advertisement Project. • If you finish everything before the next rotation, read from the novel. Direct Instruction: Monday 3/5/2012 -Brave New World Vocabulary *Get the definitions for the ten terms during lecture. *During today’s lecture, we will analyze the conversation between John the Savage and Mustafa Mond and the relationship between the truth and happiness. This is the heart of he novel so be sure to ask questions during Direct Instruction. *Reading from Chapter 14. Thursday 3/8/2012 -Brave New World Quiz #3 *This marks our third and final quiz before the Brave New World test. Answer the questions in full and turn your papers in when complete. *Advertisement Presentations *Class Readings of Brave New World (if time allows) HOMEWORK: Finish the novel this weekend! Individual Instruction: Wednesday 3/7/2012 *Log onto Achieve3000 • Read the Article for Wednesday, March 7, 2012 • Complete Steps 1-5 • Be sure to respond to the Reading Connections after each paragraph (SUMMARIZE, GENERATE QUESTIONS, and SETTING THE PURPOSE). I WILL be checking to see if you’re keeping on task.