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Using innovation survey data to evaluate R&D policy in Flanders Additionality research. Kris Aerts Dirk Czarnitzki K.U.Leuven Steunpunt O&O Statistieken Belgium. Contents. Introduction Literature review Evaluation of the Flemish R&D policy Conclusion.
Using innovation survey data to evaluate R&D policy in FlandersAdditionality research Kris Aerts Dirk Czarnitzki K.U.Leuven Steunpunt O&O Statistieken Belgium
Contents • Introduction • Literature review • Evaluation of the Flemish R&D policy • Conclusion
R&D in Europe Barcelona target: 2010: 3% of GDPEU R&D 1/3 public 2/3 private funding But: private R&D ~ public good positive externalities! subsidies!
Subsidies: economic dilemma Crowding out effect? public grants - private investment Empirical analysis relationship between R&D subsidies and R&D activities treatment effects analysis Flanders
Literature review • Blank & Stigler (1957) • David et al. (2000) • Klette et al. (2000) Inconclusive BUT: Selection bias “picking the winner” strategy
Selection bias REAL QUESTION: “How much would the recipients have invested if they had not participated in a public policy scheme?” Matching estimator • Probit model on participation dummy • Regression of R&D activity (including selection correction: accounting for different propensities of firms to be publicly funded) Selection model
Recent research • Wallsten (2000) – US • Lach (2002) – Israel • Czarnitzki et al. (2001, 2002, 2003) & Hussinger (2003) – Germany • Duguet (2004) – France • González et al. (2004) – Spain Majority of recent studies: complimentary effects but no complete rejection of crowding out effects • Holemans & Sleuwaegen (1988), Meeusen & Janssens (2001) & Suetens (2002) – R&D-performing firms in Belgium (not controlling for selection bias)
Tackle problem of selection bias • Matching estimator • Selection model
Matching estimator “What would a treated firm with given characteristics have done if it had not been treated?” (treatment = receipt of a subsidy for R&D) Variation on Heckman’s selection model well suited for cross-sectional data no assumption on functional form or distribution only controlling for observed heterogeneity among treated and non treated firms
Outcome variable: R&D spending Potential outcome if treated group would not have been treated Status: S=1 treated S=0 not treated Matching estimator (2) Average treatment effect on treated firms: Directly observable ?
Matching estimator (3) Problem: E(YC|S=1) = ? Rubin (1977):conditional independence assumption Participation and potential outcome are independent for individuals with the same set of exogenous characteristics X THUS:
Matching estimator (4) Best matching: more than one matching argument BUT: Curse of dimensionality Solution: Propensity score Rosenbaum/Rubin (1983): probit model on receipt of subsidies Lechner (1998): hybrid matching include additional variables
Matching protocol • Specify and estimate probit model to obtain propensity scores • Restrict sample to common support (remove outliers) • Choose one observation from sub sample of treated firms and delete it from that pool • Calculate Mahalanobis distance between this firm and all non-subsidized firms in order to find most similar control observation • Select observation with minimum distance from remaining sample (selected controls are not deleted from the control group) • Repeat steps 3 to 5 for all observations on subsidized firms • The average effect on the treated = mean difference of matched samples: • Sampling with replacement ordinary t-statistic on mean differences is biased (neglects appearance of repeated observations) correct standard errors: Lechner (2001) estimator for an asymptotic approximation of the standard errors
Selection model Effect of the treatment on the treated firms: • BUT we need an instrumental variable!!! • effect on probability to receive funding • but no effect on R&D and innovative activity
Dataset • Flemish companies • Sources: • Third Community Innovation Survey (CIS III) 1998-2000 774 observations – 179 subsidy recipients • ICAROS database IWT IWT= main company funding institution in Flanders • Patent data from European Patent Office (EPO) data on all patent applications since 1978
Variables • Receipt of subsides:dummy variable (local government, national government and EU) • Outcome variables: • R&D:R&D expenditure at firm level in 2000 • R&Dint:R&D expenditure / turnover *100 (very skewed distribution also logarithmic transformation scales) • Patent/EMP: patent applications in 2000 per employee • D(Patent>0): dummy variable for patenting firms
Variables • Control variables (1): • nprj:number of projects applied for in the past Control for previous funding history • lnEmp:number of employees in 1998 ln smoothens variable • export:exports/turnover Degree of international competition • group:part of group • foreign:owned by foreign parent company
Depreciation rate of knowledge: 0,15 e.g. Hall (1990) Patent applications filed at EPO of firm i in period t Patent Stock of firm i in period t Variables • Control variables (2): • PStock/Emp:firm’s patent stock per employee control for previous (successful) R&D activities per employee: avoid multicollinearity with firm size 1979 to 1997: past innovation activities
Descriptive statistics Differences: treatment or other characteristics? Matching technique Observations without common support are dropped => 174 firms
Matching procedure Probit estimation on the receipt of subsidies *** (**, *) significance level of 1% (5, 10%) The regression includes 11 industry dummies
propensity score size BEFORE matching AFTER matching Matching procedure Propensity score (+ size) select nearest neighbour Kernel density estimates
Selection model *** (**, *) significance level of 1% (5, 10%) Instrumental variable NPRJ valid?
Conclusion • Matching estimator • Selection model No full crowding out
Future research • Time series analysis: robustness of analysis + lag variables • Amount of subsidies • Relationship with output variables productivity / performance • Including dataset on all subsidies applied for at IWT (Flemish government)
Evaluation of the usefulness of the CIS in this domain rich dataset, especially when combined with other data sources no amounts of funding; only dummy firm-level data versus project-level data link with output? link with other variables? (behavioral additionality)