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HELYCON Cosmic Observatories Network: A Progress Report on Physics Laboratory Construction

This report details the progress of the HELYCON cosmic observatories network construction, a project co-funded by European Social Fund & National Resources. It includes the setup of a Single Station using GPS, Scintillator-PMT technology, and Triangulation for shower direction determination. The Detector Module construction, response to Minimum Ionizing Particles, and detailed Monte Carlo simulations are discussed. Data analysis techniques, detector uniformity, timing resolution, and readout electronics using HPTDC technology are also explored. The report outlines the project's goals, reconstruction efficiency, angular resolution, and examples of station performance. The future time schedule includes expanding the observatories network in Patras and Chios. This report is a collaboration between Hellenic Open University, University of Patras, University of Athens, Aegean University, University of Cyprus, and the Secondary Education System of Western Greece.

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HELYCON Cosmic Observatories Network: A Progress Report on Physics Laboratory Construction

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  1. Apostolos Tsirigotis Physics Laboratory School of Science and Technology Hellenic Open University HELYCON Hellenic Lyceum Cosmic Observatories Networka progress report Hellenic Open University, University of Patras, University of Athens, Aegean University, University of Cyprus Secondary Education System of Western Greece ECRS 2006 The project is co-funded by the European Social Fund & National Resources EPEAEK-II (PYTHAGORAS)

  2. Single Station Single Station Set-Up GPS Scintillator-PMT Scintillator-PMT 1 m2 Scintillator-PMT ~20 m Scintillator-PMT Triangulation Shower Direction DAQ

  3. 1019 eV 1015 eV 1017 eV 2 km HELYCON in Patras

  4. BICRON BCF91A 12 fibers/column SC-301 Protvino TYVEC 4650B PH: XP1912 The HELYCON Detector Module: CONSTRUCTION 10 x 12 cm tiles 80 tiles ~ 0.96 m2

  5. discriminators Inputs Trigger DAQ based on TDS5052 Tektronix (5 Gsamples/s) Response to Minimum Ionizing Particles Scintillator A Lead Scintillator B

  6. Detailed Monte Carlo description At the Detector Center • Data - Monte Carlo Prediction PRELIMINARY Charge (in units of mean p.e. charge) Response to a MIP DAQ S/W based on LabView On-Line analysis - distributions Digitized Waveforms saved on hard disk

  7. Charge (in units of mean p.e. charge) Response to a MIP Detector Uniformity PRELIMINARY X Y Typical Mean Numb. of p.e. per m.i.p. : 21 (± 10% variation)

  8. Response to a MIP Detector Uniformity - Timing discriminators Inputs Trigger PRELIMINARY Scintillator A Lead Scintillator B ΔΤ consistent with the difference of optical path (fiber refractive index n=1.6)

  9. Response to a MIP Timing Resolution Slewing ns Pulse High (mV) σ=2.8ns mip waveform time resolution: ~ 2ns BUT… ΔT in ns thickness

  10. Response to Showers Input B Trigger Input A Discriminator -- on top of each other -- 2.6 m apart -- on top of each other -- 2.6 m apart Charge (in units of mean pe charge) Charge (in units of mean pe charge)

  11. HELYCON ReadOut Electronics 4 PMT Signal Inputs Trigger Ouput USB Port • HPTDC • 32 channels (LR) – 8 Channels (HR) • 25ps (HR) to 800 ps (LR) accuracy • Self Calibrating GPS Input 25ps accuracy TDC

  12. Monte Carlo Studies Reconstruction efficiency Distance from core (m) Angular Resolution (degrees) Θrec-Θtrue Vertical Proton Showers (106-107 GeV) Single Station Performance Distance from core (m)

  13. Resolution per reconstructed track (degrees) Examples of a 3-Station Performance Crude (plane approximation) Analysis Vertical Proton Showers (106-107 GeV) mm Charge (in units of mean pe charge) mm

  14. Resolution in determining a possible Angular Offset (degrees)-10 day operation Threshold Charge (pes) An Sea-Top DetectorThe General Idea… • Angular offset • Efficiency • Resolution • Position

  15. Time Schedule 2007: 4 more stations in Patras area + 3 more stations in Chios + radio detection of EAS

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