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Physics Laboratory. School of Science and Technology. Hellenic Open University. Απόστολος Τσιριγώτης. Αξιολόγηση Αρχιτεκτονικών και Υποθαλάσσιων Περιοχών Εγκατάστασης για ένα Μεγάλο Μεσογειακό Τηλεσκόπιο Νετρίνων. Α. Τσιριγώτης
Physics Laboratory School of Science and Technology Hellenic Open University Απόστολος Τσιριγώτης Αξιολόγηση Αρχιτεκτονικών και Υποθαλάσσιων Περιοχών Εγκατάστασης για ένα Μεγάλο Μεσογειακό Τηλεσκόπιο Νετρίνων Α. Τσιριγώτης Β. Βεργανελάκης, Α. Λέισος, Γ. Μπουρλής,, Α. Σκόδρας , Σ. Τζαμαρίας
The HOU software chain • Underwater Detector • Generation of atmospheric muons and neutrino events (done – Techn. Note) • Detailed detector simulation (GEANT4) (done – Techn. Note) • Optical noise and Photomultiplier (PMT) response simulation (done) • Filtering Algorithms (done – Techn. Note) … • Muon reconstruction (done – Techn. Note) … • Calibration (Sea top) Detector • Atmospheric Shower Simulation (done – Techn. Note) • Muon and Neutrino Transportation to the Underwater Detector (done) • Reconstruction of the shower direction (done – Techn. Note) … • Estimation of: resolution, offset, PMT position(done – 2 draft papers in NIM ) Code will be available at http://physicslab.eap.gr Documentation in progress
Event Generation – Flux Parameterization μ ν ν Probability of a νμ to cross Earth Nadir Angle • Atmospheric Muon Generation • (2 Parameterization Models) • Neutrino Interaction Events Atmospheric Neutrinos Shadowing of neutrinos by Earth Earth Cosmic Neutrinos
GEANT4 Simulation– Detector and Physics Description • Any detector geometry can be described in a very effective way • All the relevant physics processes are included in the simulation GEANT4 Simulation– Primary Particles • For the simulation of the neutrino nucleon interaction PYTHIA is used • Any type of secondary particle and it’s interactions is simulated • All the interactions and transportations of the secondary particles are simulated GEANT4 Simulation– Fast Simulation techniques • Simulation of optical photons continues after emission only when there is a significant probability for the photon to hit a PMT • Electromagnetic Shower Parameterization GEANT4 Simulation : Visualization Particle tracks, detector components and hits are visualized using Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
GEANT4 Simulation – Example: Charge Current Atmospheric νe (20GeV) interaction Detector Geometry Optical Module Geometry 1km3 Grid with 18522 PMTs PMT Photocathod Hits Particle Tracks
Optical noise and PMT response simulation PMT Standard electrical pulse for a response to a single p.e. mV PMT Quantum Efficiency Radioactive decays in water PMT Arrival Pulse Time resolution PMT Collective Efficiency PMT Single Photoelectron Spectrum
Simulation Example K40 Noise Hits Signal Hits 1km3 Grid - 1 TeV Vertically incident muon Electrical Pulse of a Noise Hit (Hit amplitudes > 2 photoelectrons)
Filtering & Reconstruction Algorithms Fit:Kalman Filter (novel application in this area) 1TeV muons Angular deviation (degrees) Local (storey) Coincidence filter Applicable only when there are more than one PMT looking towards the same hemisphere Global clustering (causality) filter 50% Background rejection while all signal hits survive (1km3 Grid & 1 TeV muon) Local clustering (causality) filter 75% Background rejection while 90% of signal hits survive (1km3 Grid & 1 TeV muon) Prefit : Clustering of candidate tracks PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY 1TeV muons 1km3 Grid Detector 1km3 Grid Detector Angular deviation (degrees)
BICRON BCF91A 12 fibers/column SC-301 Protvino TYVEC 4650B PH: XP1912 The HELYCON Detector Module: CONSTRUCTION 10 x 12 cm tiles 2x80 tiles ~ 0.96 m2
Detailed Monte Carlo description At the Detector Center • Data - Monte Carlo Prediction Charge (in units of mean p.e. charge) Response to a MIP DAQ S/W based on LabView On-Line analysis - distributions PRELIMINARY Digitized Waveforms saved on hard disk
Response to Showers Data versus Monte Carlo Prediction PRELIMINARY Data ___ M.C. Prediction zenith angle (θ) deposited charge per counter [mip equivalent] φ Observed Rates: 2500 (± 30 ) per day Predicted Rates: 2430 (± 100 M.C. stat.) per day
Response to Showers PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY zenith angle [degrees] zenith angle [degrees] Trigger Detectors > 1 mip Detectors A.and.B > 1.5 mip’s Trigger Detectors >1 mip Detectors A.and.B > 0.5 mip’s α=9.4±0.2
Measuring the angular resolution of a single station Input B Input A’ Input A Input B’ Detector I: A, B,C Detector II: A’, B’,C Discriminator (1.5 MIP) ~10m between detectors Input C Trigger M.C. Prediction 10m lever arm 6.8o·(2)1/2=9.6o θΙ-θΙΙ
The General Idea… We propose a minimum of 3 stations with at least 4 m2 scintillator detectors each Floating stations (Sea Technology?) • Angular offset • Efficiency • Resolution • Position but also Physics … C.R. composition UHE ν - Horizontal Showers Veto atmospheric background – Study background
zenith angle resolution [degrees] Minimum of total collected charge [mip equivalent] Monte Carlo Studies Three Stations Working Independently for 10 days Single Station: 4 detectors (1m2 plastic scintillator), 20 m distance between the detectors, three out of four selection trigger PRELIMINARY Reconstruction efficiency Resolution (degrees)
Contributions to International Workshops and Conferences • KM3NeT Kick-off Meeting, 11-13 April 2006, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (1. Simulation and Reconstruction Algorithms, 2. Event Selection Criteria and Filters and 3. Calibrating the KM3 Telescope with EAS ) • HEP2006: Recent Developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, April 13-16 2006, Ioannina, Greece (1. Neutrino Telescopy and EAS, 2. Data Analysis Techniques for the KM3NeT and 3. Using HELYCON as a calibrating system) • 20thEuropean Cosmic Ray Symposium, September 5th-8th 2006,Lisbon, Portugal (HELYCON Detector: A status report) • 2ndWorkshop on Cosmic Rays in Schools Projects, September 9th 2006 Lisbon Portugal (HELYCON: as an Outreach and Educational program ) • 6th International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter (IDM 2006), 11-16 September 2006, Rhodes Greece (Towards a SeaTop Infrastructure) • KM3NET Physics and Simulation Meeting (WP2),24-25 October 2006, CPPM Marseilles France (H.O.U. Analysis and Simulation Tools) • KM3NET WP3 Meeting, 8-10 November 2006, Paris (KM3NeT: calibration with atmospheric showers) Publications • A. Tsirigotis, “HELYCON: A Status Report”, Proceedings of the 20thEuropean Cosmic Ray Symposium • S.E.Tzamarias, “HELYCON: towards a sea top infrastructure”, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter • D. Loukas et al, “HELYCON Readout Electronics”, to be published . • A.Leisos et al, “KM3NeT: Calibration with Atmospheric Showers”, to be published (NIM) • A.Tsirigotis et al, “The HELYCON Detector”, to be published in Astr. Phys.