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WEEK THREE: The New Evangelization. Adult Formation Mini- Courses: Course 1: Adult Formation. Beyond The Pew. The New Evangelization!.
WEEK THREE: The New Evangelization Adult Formation Mini- Courses: Course 1: Adult Formation Beyond The Pew
“A new century, a new millennium are opening in the light of Christ. But not everyone can see this light. Ours is the wonderful and demanding task of becoming its "reflection". This is the mysteriumlunae, which was so much a part of the contemplation of the Fathers of the Church, who employed this image to show the Church's dependence on Christ, the Sun whose light she reflects.38 It was a way of expressing what Christ himself said when he called himself the "light of the world" (Jn8:12) and asked his disciples to be "the light of the world" (Mt 5:14)…” What is it?
“This is a daunting task if we consider our human weakness, which so often renders us opaque and full of shadows. But it is a task which we can accomplish if we turn to the light of Christ and open ourselves to the grace which makes us a new creation.” (#54) John Paul the Great, APOSTOLIC LETTERNOVO MILLENNIO INEUNTE 6 January, the Solemnity of the Epiphany, in the year 2001
“Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger on the New EvangelizationHuman life cannot be realized by itself. Our life is an open question, an incomplete project, still to be brought to fruition and realized. Each man's fundamental question is: How will this be realized—becoming man? How does one learn the art of living? Which is the path toward happiness?To evangelize means: to show this path—to teach the art of living. At the beginning of his public life Jesus says: I have come to evangelize the poor (Luke 4:18); this means: I have the response to your fundamental question; I will show you the path of life, the path toward happiness—rather: I am that path.The deepest poverty is the inability of joy, the tediousness of a life considered absurd and contradictory. This poverty is widespread today, in very different forms in the materially rich as well as the poor countries. The inability of joy presupposes and produces the inability to love, produces jealousy, avarice—all defects that devastate the life of individuals and of the world.This is why we are in need of a new evangelization—if the art of living remains an unknown, nothing else works. But this art is not the object of a science—this art can only be communicated by [one] who has life—he who is the Gospel personified.” Pope Benedict – Brings it on!
The New Evangelization Pope Paul VI Wrote: "Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” (EvangeliiNuntiandi, # 41)
“We Believers have got to understand that, for many, we are all the Gospel there is.” Simply Put – By a Holy Martyr Monsignor Thomas Wells Pastor of Mother Seton Parish, Germantown, MD Murdered in rectory – June 8, 2000. Homeless man broke in and killed during attempted burglary. + 2,000 attended funeral, grave place of pilgrimage and prayer, Many Seminarians of diocese call themselves “Wells” Priest, Nephew David Wells ordained priest, June 19, 2010
“The task of evangelizing all people constitutes the essential mission of the Church. Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize.” (On Evangelization in the Modern World, 14) Defining the “New” Evangelization
Renewal of Catechesis / Theological Studies / Catholic Education Renewal of Catholic Art of Letters Renewal of Catholic Fine Arts Renewal of Marriage and Family Life Renewal of Parish and Diocesian Life Spreading the Theology of the Body Growth in the Pro-Life Movement Renewal of Religious Life and Priestly Formation Programs World Wide Youth, Evangelization, and Lay Apostolate Media Engagement - YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pope2You.net, XT3.com, New Advent, H2O News, etc. Areas of Evangelization
Conversion • Kingdom of God • Jesus Christ - Christocentric • Eternal life • 3 Components: • 1. Witness (Lives of holiness). • 2. Word (Sharing the Gospel). • 3. Service (Ministry of charity). Deeper Meaning
There is a Thirst! “The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who is thirsty, come, let him who desires take the water of life without price.” (Revelation 22:17)
To bring about in all Catholics such an enthusiasm for their faith that, in living their faith in Jesus, they freely share it with others. To invite all people in the United States, whatever their social or cultural background, to hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ so they may come to join us in the fullness of the Catholic faith. To foster Gospel values in our society, promoting the dignity of the human person, the importance of the family, and the common good of our society, so that our nation may continue to be transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ. 3 goals
Approach evangelization as a lifestyle rather than as a program. Create evangelizers rather than new techniques. Root evangelization in interior conversion through a relationship with Jesus Christ. A True Philosophy for Evangelization!
The Veni Creator Come, Spirit Creator, come live in our minds and fill our hearts which you have made, with perfect grace. We know you as the Paraclete the gift of God most high, our fire, our love, the living fountain and holy anointing of our lives. With seven gifts you act as the finger of the Father’s right hand; you are his promised One, teaching us heavenly speech and understanding. Kindle us with fire brought from above, pour love into our hearts, and give strength to our weakness of body. Drive Satan far away from us, and give us lasting peace so that, led by your guidance, no harm will come to us. Let us know the Father, through you. Let us know the Son, through you. Let us believe forever that you are the Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son. Glory to the Father, and glory to his Son, who rose from death; and glory to you, kind Strengthener, for ever and ever. Amen. (Taken from Catholic Family Prayer Book, edited by Jacquelyn Lindsey, Our Sunday Visitor) Let Us Pray!