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Preventing Bullying and Harassment Presented by: Jim Jelinske M.S. Creative Education Services

Preventing Bullying and Harassment Presented by: Jim Jelinske M.S. Creative Education Services. No Child Should Be Afraid to go to School.

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Preventing Bullying and Harassment Presented by: Jim Jelinske M.S. Creative Education Services

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Preventing Bullying and HarassmentPresented by:Jim Jelinske M.S.Creative Education Services

  2. No Child Should Be Afraid to go to School

  3. “Stop”Put your hand out look them in the eye and say “Stop!ThinkWalk away, laugh, find a friend, reportReportIf after you say stop and they do not, report to a trusted adult

  4. Culture of Violence • Juvenile crime is up 47% • 3 million violent crimes are happening annually at or near schools • 29million physical attacks happen each year by older siblings on younger brothers and sisters • * Over 19 million of those attacks would have been classified as assaults had they happened outside the home • 50% of all married women will experience some form of violence from their partners during their marriage (Perry, 2006)

  5. Concepts Of A Whole School Approach All systems are involved The main goal is climate change Focus on changing silent majority to caring majority Introduce a common vocabulary to be used system wide

  6. Defining BullyingBullying in it’s truest form is comprised ofa series of _________ and ____________cruel incidents, involving the same victim(s).Bullying is an imbalance of power. repeated intentionally

  7. Psychological Bullying Behaviors Rejection and exclusion Humiliation and embarrassment Gossiping and spreading rumors Breaking basic rules of friendship Intimidation through threats How do you deal with these issues?

  8. We don’t do that here! Common Language used to prevent bullying

  9. Harassment ClarificationName CallingSwearingHorseplayThreateningEthnic SlurTeasingExclusionMockingInsultsHumiliationSexual Comments/Inappropriate Jokes

  10. We believe Every human being, without exception has the right to be treated with dignity and respect.

  11. Adult Myths and MisperceptionsIgnore itHit them backStand up for yourselfI’m sure it was just a jokeDon’t worry you’ll get over itIt’s no big dealYou know how boys areDid they deserve it?Only weak people are bulliedThat would never happen here

  12. Cyber Bullying Prevention Don’t give out private information: Passwords, phone number, address, friends or family names Be careful in exchanging pictures Don’t send messages when your angry Online conversations are not always private

  13. Teaching Targets of BullyingDon’t fight backHave a planDon’t isolate yourselfUse Confidential ReportingTake threats seriously

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