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Growing vaccines. Present Vaccine Development. Grown in eggs Take long time to mature (up to 6 months, which gives time for the virus to undergo antigenic drift). Most often administered by way of injection Very heat sensitive, this increases transportation costs. Gm Vaccines From Plants.
Present Vaccine Development • Grown in eggs • Take long time to mature (up to 6 months, which gives time for the virus to undergo antigenic drift). • Most often administered by way of injection • Very heat sensitive, this increases transportation costs
Gm Vaccines From Plants • Using some type of vector, either a plasmid or a virus, get the required gene into the plant embryo. • Grow a callus in a dish. • Test to see if the plant is producing the required antibodies. • Freeze dry the part of the plant which harbors the antibodies; the fruit, the leaves, or the roots.
Why Plant Vaccines?? • Plant vaccines can be administered orally, which makes them more attractive when inoculating children • They much more robust in temperature extremes than egg grown counterparts. • Could be grown up in one week, to be ready to start vaccinations. Therefore, are much more cost affective
Why not? • There is a possibility of interbreeding between the genetically modified variety of plant, and a variety which is intended for food. • This would have unknown results, and could cause the formation of a dangerous new species of plant
Present Work • Plant grown vaccines are not common presently, due to it being newer technology • Currently doing work with the bacteria that causes the bubonic plague- Y. pestis • One reason for the plague vaccine is because of fears of it’s use in bioterrorism.