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Green Eggs and Ham Summer Reading Program at Mississippi Valley State University

Join us for a fun summer reading program based on Dr. Seuss's "Green Eggs and Ham"! Enhance language arts, math, visual arts, and science skills through interactive activities and engaging lessons aligned with Mississippi State Frameworks.

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Green Eggs and Ham Summer Reading Program at Mississippi Valley State University

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  1. Thematic Unit 2nd Grade No Child Left Behind Summer Reading Institute Mississippi Valley State University

  2. Presented by: • Odessa Banks (Lockard Elementary) • Patricia Ekanem (Weddington Elementary) • Meg Everett (Carver Elementary) • Katrina Parks (Weddington Elementary) • Gloria Fern Washington (Armstrong Elementary)

  3. Green Eggs and Ham By Dr. Seuss Summary Green Eggs and Ham is a beloved tale for all children. The main character, Sam-I-am, attempts to convince his stubborn friend to try green eggs and ham. In the beginning, his friend adamantly refuses but once he relents, he can’t wait to eat green eggs and ham…in a boat, on a train, and even in the dark!

  4. Mississippi State Frameworks Aligning the Units with State Competencies  4. The students will use standard English to communicate.   b. The student will use Standard English mechanics to compose or edit. (DOK1). (1) End punctuation (e.g., period, question mark, exclamation mark)  1. Understand and represent relationships among numbers and compute operations (addition and subtraction) with and without manipulatives. 2. Apply an understanding of properties of objects and materials, position and motion of objects, and properties of magnetism. b. Investigate and describe properties and changes of matter. (DOK 2) 1: Begin to develop craftsmanship in a variety of additional media and processes to produce works of art. 2. Demonstrate emerging understanding of the use of the elements of art… 7. Describe the musical characteristics that affect moods, responses, and feelings. c. Respond to and describe music by painting or drawing a picture, or writing a story.

  5. 1. Begin to develop craftsmanship in a variety of additional media and • processes to produce works of art. (CP) • a. Exhibit cooperative skills while creating works of art. • b. Use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner. • c. Know how to hold drawing and painting tools. • d. Demonstrate manipulative skills by using a variety of media, techniques, and • processes. • 2. Demonstrate emerging understanding of the use of the elements of art and • principles of design in works of art to communicate ideas and emotions. (CP) • Know how to mix primary colors to produce secondary colors. • d. Know how to combine line, color, shape, pattern, and texture to reflect a feeling or express a particular idea. Visual Arts OBJECTIVES

  6. Painting Green Eggs • Creating bookmarks • Book Illustrations • Online color-mixing games Visual Arts Vocabulary: Primary Colors – red, yellow, and blue “Responsible” artists ACTIVITIES and VOCABULARY

  7.  4. The students will use standard English to communicate.   b. The student will use Standard English mechanics to compose or edit. (DOK1). (1) End punctuation (e.g., period, question mark, exclamation mark)  Language Arts OBJECTIVES

  8. The students will listen to different sentences and identify the correct punctuation mark at the end of each sentence. • The teacher will hold up the correct card for the correct ending mark. I do not like green eggs and ham! Language Arts Vocabulary: Period, exclamation mark, question mark ACTIVITIES and VOCABULARY

  9. 1. Understand and represent relationships among numbers and compute operations (addition and subtraction) with and without manipulatives. a. Recognize and write numbers 0 to 100. (DOK 1) b. Explain how to compare and order two-digit numbers using the terms “more,” “less,” “greater than,” “less than,” “equal to,” and “almost,” and the symbols >, <, and =. (DOK 1) Math OBJECTIVES

  10. The teacher will introduce the concept of comparing amounts numerically using the words “more,” “less,” “greater than,” “less than,” “equal to,” and “almost.” • The overhead projector will be used to display • the vocabulary words used for comparisons as well as show the quantities of ham and eggs. • Students will use these vocabulary words to compare quantities of eggs (manipulatives) as well as solve and create their own addition and subtraction problems without manipulatives. Math ACTIVITIES and VOCABULARY

  11. 2. Apply an understanding of properties of objects and materials, position • and motion of objects, and properties of magnetism. • b. Investigate and describe properties and changes of matter. (DOK 2) • Unique properties of states of matter (Gases are easily compressed while solids and liquids are not; the shape of a solid is independent of its container; liquids and gases take the shape of their containers.) Science OBJECTIVES

  12. Manipulate solids, liquids, and gases to identify the properties of each. • Identify examples of various forms of matter from the story. • Create a flap book explaining how eggs can transform into different forms of matter. • Using the match book folds, create booklets containing vocabulary terms, identifying properties, and drawing examples. Science Vocabulary: Solids, liquids, gases, matter ACTIVITIES and VOCABULARY

  13. 7. Describe the musical characteristics that affect moods, responses, and feelings. (A) c. Respond to and describe music by painting or drawing a picture or writing a story Music OBJECTIVES

  14. The teacher will play varied examples of music for students while they color. • While listening to music, the students will draw an illustration of how they feel. The teacher and class will create a class book Music Makes Me Feel..... Music ACTIVITIES and VOCABULARY

  15. http://www.seussville.com http://www.seussville.com Technology Integration www.abc.com www.softschools.com http://www.wiu.edu/art/courses/design/color.htm) http://www.funnygames.co.uk/mixing-colours.htm

  16. Assessments • Formal: • Observation based scores (rubric) • Exit tickets • Written tests • Projects (flap-books) • Illustrations • Informal: • Cold-call questioning • Oral Evaluations • Discussions

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