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The Making of Modern America

The Making of Modern America. What is culture?. Turn to your neighbor and discuss What is our culture like here in Flagstaff? What about at NPA?. Moving Forward. Economic rebound from the economic depression of the 1890s The Republican party dominated national politics

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The Making of Modern America

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Making of Modern America

  2. What is culture? • Turn to your neighbor and discuss • What is our culture like here in Flagstaff? • What about at NPA?

  3. Moving Forward • Economic rebound from the economic depression of the 1890s • The Republican party dominated national politics • Late 19th century- massive advances in technology, communications, mass media, entertainment, sports and education • First nightclubs, motion pictures and amusement parks • Rise of golf, basketball, bicycling and football • First university

  4. Thomas Alva Edison • The Wizard of Menlo Park • 1, 093 patents • Self-made man who rose from humble beginnings • Improved the lightbulb- tried over 3,000 different filaments • One of the first inventors to develop a close cooperate relationship

  5. “Over-Civilization” • Shift in culture away from Victorian spirit of self-denial, restraint and domesticity towards luxury, leisure and self-fulfillment • Fear that the conveniences of modern life were producing anxiety and stress • “neurasthenia”- variety of troubling remedies • Birth of a new culture • Images replacing the written word • Emphasis on physical, exercise and vitality • Immigration created a new, more varied culture

  6. Revolt against Victorianism • Outdoor enthusiasm • Hiking, hunting, mountain climbing, fishing, camping and bicycling • Energetic spirit • Ragtime and jazz music • Masculinity and toughness • Theme parks- Coney Island- catered to the desire to shake off the shackles of society • Female ideal • Changed from the submissive Victorian woman into the energetic, tall, athletic woman

  7. Mass Communications • Newspapers rise to prominence • Change in nature of paper- now focused on local news, scandal and sports, as opposed to partisan politics • Some papers focused on exposing corruption, others on entertainment, others on business news.

  8. Mass Communications cont. • Magazines • In the past, Harper’s and the Atlantic- more genteel, highly intellectual • Now magazines began to market to the masses- gossip, advice, investigative pieces, pictures • Advent of advertising • Turning America from savers into spenders

  9. Evolution of Higher Education • Before the civil war- higher education was mostly memorization and drill • The Morrill Act-1862- refocused higher education on industry and practicality • American universities were created from the German model which provided graduate training as well as undergrad

  10. Evolution of Higher Education Cont. • New universities gave more attention to the sciences and offered electives to attract new students • Began borrowing methods from business- credit hours, grade points, departments, etc.

  11. At the end of your notes… • How does the culture evolving here in the late 19th century compare to our culture in America today? • What’s different? • What’s the same? • What common themes do you see in how technology has impacted culture? • Answer these questions in full sentences on your exit ticket sheet.

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