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Making of Modern America. Unit 10 Week 1. Monday, May 5. Vocab card quiz Time to put together checklists and study Review activity. Cuban Missile Crisis. Silent Majority. Nixon’s visit to China. Great Society. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Peace Corps. Watergate. New Federalism.
Making of Modern America Unit 10 Week 1
Monday, May 5 • Vocab card quiz • Time to put together checklists and study • Review activity
Cuban Missile Crisis Silent Majority Nixon’s visit to China Great Society Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Peace Corps Watergate New Federalism Ho Chi Minh Domino Theory SALT Tet Offensive Bay of Pigs Counter Culture Stagflation
Tuesday, May 6th • Turn in checklists • Unit 9 test HW: Read and notes on p. 710-711
Agenda, Block Day, 5/7-5/8 • HOT ROC • Time Capsule activity HW: Read and Cornell Notes on p.731-733
HOT ROC • Read p. 709 • Tom Wolfe says that the 70s were about self-improvement and fulfillment. • What are some examples of self-improvement? • Are these worthwhile things to do?
The “Me Decade” Time Capsule Activity • A time capsule is a historic cache of goods and/or information, usually intended as a method of communication with people in the future. • Time capsules are sometimes created and buried during celebrations such as a World Fair, cornerstone laying for a building or other event. • The phrase "time capsule" has been in use since about 1937.
The “Me Decade” Time Capsule Activity • Take 20 minutes to skim the content of Chapter 55. • Make a list of 12-15 political, economic and social events you feel are most important or best convey the 1970s decade. • Categorize them as political, economic and social. • Take 10 minutes with your group to compare lists and come up with a master list of 10-12 events. • Take 15 minutes to brainstorm what physical artifact you might put in a time capsule to represent each thing on your list. • Share out with the class
Agenda, Friday, 5/9 • HOT ROC • New Vocab • Review HW reading, intro to Reagan • Explain the final project HW: Review final project and select a topic for research on Monday
HOT ROC • Review the last paragraph on p.731 • In what ways does Reagan change the policies of President Lyndon B. Johnson? • Who would like Reagan’s policies? Who wouldn’t?
Add these terms to your glossary • Détente • Impeach
Background on Reagan • Actor, TV host, and governor of California • Elected in 1980 with an 8 million vote lead • Supported the Moral Majority- Strong Christian political activists who were concerned about the moral decline in society • Supported the New Right- Political group who pushed for conservative causes • Known as the “Great Communicator”
US History Final Project Spring 2014 – Due Fri, 5/30Opposing Viewpoints Assignment: Choose a controversial topic from the list below, or develop one on your own, and complete the following activity:
Scoring Guide Advanced __Includes all aspects of a proficient project __shows quality craftsmanship, attention to detail, time and effort __2 historical connections are made __presentation shows excellent understanding of the topic __Thesis or other writing connects the topic to larger trends studied in the year (such as fostering or challenging the ideals, big gov’t vs. big business, rights of minorities) Proficient __Thesis statements clearly supports opinion with 2-3 reasons why. __1 historical connection is made __Research is detailed and explained clearly in your own words. __Citations are complete and follow MLA format. __Summarization clearly explains the pros and cons of the issue. __Prepared on the due date to present material __Writing is clear and grammatically correct. __Completes all parts of the assignment Basic Completes 6-7 of the proficiency criteria Below Basic Completes 5 of the proficiency criteria Far Below Basic – 4 or fewer of the proficiency criteria