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Food and drink s

Enhance English vocabulary with food and drink terms. Identify flavors and colors while solving riddles and puzzles. Practice sentences and share favorite foods and drinks in English.

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Food and drink s

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  1. Food and drinks МБОУ «ЭМГ», учитель английского языка Шараева Т. В.

  2. Let's train our tongues: [i:] – sweet, tea, meat, cheese [i]- biscuit, chips [ai]- pie, rice [æ]- sandwich, salad, apple, candy, tangerine [ei] – cake, plate, raisin, apricot, beefsteak [ʌ]- onion, lunch, butter, plum, pumpkin [o:] – salt, water, sausage [u:] – juice, food, soup [s] – sweets, juice, sausage, soup [d] – bread, porridge, sandwich [n] – lemon, banana, honey, nut

  3. Let’s brush up our memory: ice-cream radish sandwich cherry fish coke aubergine tangerine chips meat pie sweet

  4. The chant Do you like ? Do you like ? Do you like ? What do you like?

  5. Read the names of food and drinks • Melno • Pleap • Abnana • Imki • Ajm • Sifh

  6. Find the missing letters i • m – lk • ch – se • sw – t • ca – ot • ca – age • bu – er • co – ee • dr – nk • me – t • t – a • f – sh ee ee rr bb tt ff i a e i

  7. Name the colours of food: milk            bread          lemon           apple            coffee           banana         meat            cheese        sugar           orange         carrot          corn            pop-corn     salt             cucumber     

  8. G u e s s t h e r i d d l e s: It is green, big and round. Rabbits and goats like it.

  9. It is yellow. Monkeys like to eat it.

  10. It is orange and long. Rabbits like to eat it.

  11. It is yellow, not sweet. I drink tea with it.

  12. Конструкция THERE IS/ THERE ARE

  13. There is/are some…in the fridge.

  14. There isn’t/aren’t any…in the fridge

  15. Find words Meatcheesefishsouporangewaterbutterbananamilkpotatotomatobreadsweeteapplegg.

  16. Group the words into categories Bananas, tomatoes, oranges, apples, coffee, cheese, carrots, lemon, potatoes, milk, tea, fish, meat, cola, salt, porridge, pepsy, egg, soup, bread.

  17. Let’s have a rest!

  18. ice cream

  19. mineral water

  20. milk

  21. bananas

  22. chicken

  23. chips

  24. apples

  25. popcorn

  26. fish

  27. pizza

  28. cheese

  29. hamburgers

  30. orange juice

  31. SOUP

  32. EGGS

  33. TOMATO


  35. TEA

  36. COFFEE


  38. Complete the sentences about you: 1. I eat _____________ every day. 2. I never eat ________________. 3. I never drink ______________. 4. I sometimes eat ____________.

  39. Kalmyk food «Byorg» (=ravioli) «Hursn– mahan» ( spaghetti withmeat) «Bulmg» (=fruit with sour cream) Dotur (=giblets) Bortsg (=doughnut) «Mahan sheltyagan and shulyun» (= mutton soup with potatoes and onion) Halmgtsya (= Kalmyk tea)

  40. Russian food Porridge Fresh-soup Borscht Pancakes Stuffed cabbage Pelmeni

  41. English food Porridge Chicken soup with onion Bacon and eggs Tea with milk Pudding Toast and jam

  42. Do you like… ? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

  43. What’s your favourite food? My favourite food is…

  44. What’s your favourite drink? My favourite drink is…

  45. I like I don’t like My favouritefood/drink Aboutmyself I like pizza, spaghetti and apples. I don’t like soup or sausage. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite drink is cherry juice.

  46. Tell about yourself I like , and . I don’t like or . My favourite food is . My favourite drink is .

  47. Complete the sentences favourite food apples don’t like favourite drink My …… is milk. I … like pizza or … I … fish and chips. • My …… is chicken.


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