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Articles I-VII of the United States Constitution

Articles I-VII of the United States Constitution. Following the Preamble, the Framers created seven Articles.

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Articles I-VII of the United States Constitution

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  1. Articles I-VII of the United States Constitution

  2. Following the Preamble, the Framers created seven Articles Each Article explains a different function of our government. The Articles are the guidelines for our government. The government is limited to following the rules set forth in these Articles.

  3. Article I • Article I = Legislative Branch • How it’s organized (# of members) • Age requirements and residential requirements • Term lengths • Duties – what they can and cannot do • How a bill becomes a law – what type of laws

  4. Article II • Article II – The Executive Branch • How it’s organized • Age and resident requirements • Roles and Duties of the President • Term length • Election process/Electoral College

  5. Article III • Article III – The Judicial Branch • How it’s organized • Different federal courts • Role of the Supreme Court and lower Federal courts • Nomination process

  6. Article IV • Article IV – State Relationships • State communication • Recognition of each state’s laws • Common procedures – common currency etc • No starting wars against each other • More United • Must have a Republic

  7. Article V • Article V – Amending the Constitution • The Framers knew changes inevitable • Describes process of amending • Four different processes in two steps • How to make changes or additions • Amendments can be proposed by 2/3 of Congress or by National Conventions (with 2/3 states attending 34), but to get ratified and added, the proposed amendment must have • the request of legislatures of three-fourths (at present 38) of the states; • OR • State ratifying conventions in three-fourths (at present 38) of the states.

  8. Article VI • Article VI – Supremacy Clause & (debts) • Two part article • 1. Told everyone that any loans/debts under old gov’t were still in effect • I want you to focus on part two • 2. Supremacy Clause – states that no person or body of gov’t is above this Constitution. • This Constitution is the “Supreme Law of the Land” and everyone must follow its guidelines

  9. Article VII • Article VII – Ratification • Describes how The Constitution needed to be ratified • 9/13 States required • All states wishing to join must approve and agree to the U.S. Constitution

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