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8 th Grade SAT Vocab Project

8 th Grade SAT Vocab Project. 2014 -2015. Unit 1.1. Abhor. Verb . To hate or to regard with disgust. Most Americans abhor the thought of eating insects of any kind. Bigot. Noun . A narrow-minded, prejudiced person

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8 th Grade SAT Vocab Project

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  1. 8th Grade SAT Vocab Project 2014 -2015

  2. Unit 1.1

  3. Abhor • Verb. • To hate or to regard with disgust. • Most Americans abhor the thought of eating insects of any kind.

  4. Bigot • Noun. • A narrow-minded, prejudiced person • Being a bigot toward a person due to their gender, race, or religion is not ok in our society.

  5. Counterfeit • Adjective. • fake; false • The crook was caught trying to pass off a counterfeit $100 bill that had President Obama’s picture on it.

  6. Enfranchise • Verb. • To give voting rights • Fred believes we should enfranchise illegal immigrants, while Susan believes only US citizens should have that right.

  7. Hamper • Verb. • To hinder; obstruct • Bad weather would hamper our plans to spend the day at the beach this weekend.

  8. Kindle • Verb. • To start a fire. • Josh used rolled up paper and dried sticks to kindle the campfire.

  9. Noxious • Adjective. • harmful; poisonous; lethal • Rita had to go to the hospital when the noxious fumes from the chemical spill made her ill.

  10. Placid • Adjective. • calm; peaceful • If you try to live a placid, stress-free life you will have fewer health problems.

  11. Remuneration • Noun. • The payment for work done • Good neighbors would politely refuse any remuneration for checking in on a pet while their friends are away on vacation.

  12. Talisman • Noun. • A lucky charm • Some people carry a rabbit’s foot or four-leaf clover as a superstitious talisman.

  13. Unit 1.2

  14. Abrasive • Adjective. • rough; coarse; harsh • Jeni’s abrasive personality made it difficult for her to make friends.

  15. Bilk • Verb. • To cheat; defraud • Orwell was caught trying to bilk the company out of thousands of dollars.

  16. Covert • Adjective. • hidden; undercover • The Seniors had a covert plan to take the other team’s mascot.

  17. Engender • Verb. • To cause or give rise to • The rivalry between the two schools began to engender a competition even between the teachers.

  18. Hangar • Noun. • A storage area (like garage) for a plane • The pilot quickly and easily maneuvered his Cessna into the hangar.

  19. Knotty • Adjective. • complex; difficult to solve • The knotty situation kept the team up all night looking for a solution.

  20. Nuance • Noun. • something subtle; a fine shade of meaning • Her lips seemed to smile, but there was a nuance of anger in her green eyes.

  21. Plagiarism • Noun. • The practice of taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas • Aiden was expelled for plagiarism when he was caught cutting and pasting an essay from a website.

  22. Renown • Noun. • Fame • JK Rowling is an author of great renown, whose name is known throughout the world.

  23. Tangent • Noun. • A thought or action that goes off the main subject • When my Social Studies teacher goes off on a tangent, she often forgets the topic we began with.

  24. Unit 1.3

  25. Abasement • Noun. • The act of humiliation; degradation • Bob felt the abasement of his peers when the entire class laughed at his bad grade.

  26. Billowing • Verb. • swelling; fluttering; waving • The ship’s sails were billowing in the strong sea breeze.

  27. Cower • Verb. • To recoil in fear or servility; to shrink away from • The children began to cower and shake as the storm passed over their home.

  28. Enhance • Verb. • To improve; to make better or clearer • Tom was able to enhance his grade point average by studying his vocabulary words each week.

  29. Harangue • Noun. • A long, noisy, attacking speech • He delivered his harangue with such anger that the audience was shocked into silence.

  30. Labyrinth • Noun. • a maze • The mansion was so big and spread out that David became lost in the labyrinth of hallways.

  31. Nullify • Verb. • to counter; to make unimportant or to void • Cheating on his High School final exams caused the University to nullify John’s scholarship offer.

  32. Plaintiff • Noun. • A person who brings a case against another in court of law • Jerry thinks the plaintiff should pay all court fees if she loses a frivolous lawsuit.

  33. Replete • Adjective. • Full or well-supplied with something • Teen fiction is replete with drama and coming of age angst.

  34. Tangible • Adjective. • Able to be touched • Some people refuse to believe in anything that isn’t tangible.

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