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8 th Grade Senior Project

Accomplishments in academics, community service, and extracurricular activities. Career aspirations include becoming a prison guard and a lawyer. Planning ahead for high school, college, and beyond.

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8 th Grade Senior Project

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  1. 8th Grade Senior Project Chelsey Fairbanks 4296 Pecan Road Childersburg, AL 35044

  2. Academic Achievements • Through out my school year I have accomplished great things. 3rd grade I got a certificate for a-b honor roll. 5th grade I got a reward for a-b honor roll. 6th grade I got a reward for perfect attendance. Of course I plan on making way more achievements through out my school year.

  3. Classes I excel in • History • Technology • Math

  4. In Business Education we made Japanese paper cranes in an effort to help rebuild Japan after a devastating tsunami washed away over 11,000 lives on March 11, 2011. The Students Rebuild website will donate $2.00 for each Japanese paper crane folded and mailed to their site. These cranes will also be turned into a piece of art for the students of Japan. CMS students folded over 140 cranes. Community Service

  5. In Technology Mrs. Knight had her class do a virtual museum. This virtual museum is based on our life through out school and life out side of school. My museum Examples of Great Work

  6. Clubs and Organizations • In the seventh grade I was in the cms diamond dolls. Coach Logan was over the CMS diamond dolls. • In the eighth grade I was in the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). Mrs. Knight was in control of all 96 of us. We had trips to Atlanta and CNN.

  7. Sports and Extracurricular • The only sports or extracurricular activity that I can recall doing is cheer leading for the reck center in Childersburg , AL. The team I played for is the Falcons. I also attended weekend day care at the reck center. I also went on trips with a church to a baseball game.

  8. Letters of recommendation • Mrs. Knight did the generous thing of writing me a letter of recommendation that explains how I excel in her class and my (FBLA) club. Mrs. Knight is also the head of the fbla club

  9. Academic Achievements • The class that I have done good in all year is Coach Blair history class. Every mow and then I make good in math, I am also really good in technology.

  10. Financial Literacy Results • Financial Literacy is important because all young people in this world need to know how to earn money, spend money, save and invest money. • Our country is currently in an economic crisis. The importance of understanding money at a young age is more important now than ever.

  11. Prison Guard I want to be a prison guard because I think it would be very interesting and I want to try something that most people in my family would never think of trying I call this taking a risk. You also don’t really have to have an education to be a prison guard, but it would be better too have an education because you get to start off at a higher part. They make between 27000 and 42000 a year Lawyer in New York I would like to be this because I like taking control and I like to find mysteries and I just like mysterious action and figuring it out. Also because they make big bucks. They make around $179,000 a year My Career Outlook

  12. Kuder Results • In the year of 2010 in Mrs. Gilliam class we took a kuder assessment test that shows us what job we would be best at. This test also shows us what job would be best for us to join.

  13. 9TH GRADE • When I enter the 9th grade I plan on being in as many clubs as possible. • I plan on studying more and passing test and making extremely good grades.

  14. 10th grade • In this grade I plan on passing all the grade exam test and once again I plan on being in every club that I can.

  15. 11TH GRADE • When I get in this grade I plan on getting my license and driving.

  16. 12TH GRADE • I plan on doing everything and graduating. After I graduate I want go and apply for colleges when I turn at least 19.

  17. COLLEGE • When I get in college I plan on excelling in all my classes and getting my medical degree. Once I leave college I plan on taking a brake for a while and then going to my first job either a pediatrician or a lawyer.

  18. BEST FRIENDS • Well I have a lot of best friends , but everyone knows that there is that one special best friend and her name is Moriah Lewis! Me and her have been through a lot of drama but after all that I lost a lot of friends but she is the one that stayed by my side through thick and through thin and that is how I plan on it being forever and ever no matter what. Yeah we fight and we have our moments but we are like sisters , we do that. I have known her since the 2nd grade and we have been close ever since I asked her “do you want to be friends”. I love her she is one of my best , best friends.

  19. BEST MEMORIES • Well my best memories are when I first came to Childersburg in the second grade. Also one of them are when I met my best friend. I have another good memory when I go to my best friends house and we have a lot of fun. We go to the movies and I just love going to her house . We have a lot of fun all the time.

  20. Students Rebuild Japan

  21. I scored 66% in the 2011 National Financial Literacy Challenge. The Alabama state average is 66%.

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