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Considerations for SSC strategic planning

Considerations for SSC strategic planning. CMP Evaluation Subcommittee. Background. The State Evaluation Committee (SEC) began outlining potential objectives for the statewide evaluation moving forward Goal was to provide evaluation recommendations for the strategic planning process

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Considerations for SSC strategic planning

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  1. Considerations for SSC strategic planning CMP Evaluation Subcommittee

  2. Background • The State Evaluation Committee (SEC) began outlining potential objectives for the statewide evaluation moving forward • Goal was to provide evaluation recommendations for the strategic planning process • However, the SEC realized that evaluation plans depend upon decisions and directions that will emerge from the SSC planning process • Led to a discussion that raised key issues that may be helpful to consider prior to planning session

  3. Charting a Course for the CMP Effort • The Collaborative Management Project reflects a generally defined program model with: • Some standard (required) components • E.g., IOG, ISST, family involvement • Inherent assumptions about why the approach should be effective • E.g., integrated service delivery reduces duplication, leads to increased family engagement • Population groups and issue areas that the model is designed to impact • E.g., families involved in multiple systems (reflected by 4 domains) • Performance expectations • E.g., family outcomes will be improved

  4. Charting a Course for the CMP Effort • Program models evolve as: • Information from practitioners reveals learnings and refined/improved practices • Evaluation data provide opportunities for structured and meaningful reflection • The desire for start-up efficiency, replication of efforts and sustainability pushes for greater model clarity • We push for ever more impactful outcomes for our clients • Simply put, models evolve because it is part of a natural maturational or evolutionary process of all program efforts

  5. Charting a Course for the CMP Effort • Similarly, the CMP is a dynamic model that is evolving. This is reflected in: • Creation of a best practices handbook • An examination of research literature to identify learnings and best practices from similar efforts • Re-specification of the incentive formula • Work by subcommittees focused on refining different aspects of the model (e.g., FV&C) • Learning forums that provide project staff opportunities to share experiences • Evaluation infrastructure and data that will assist with local performance management and common outcomes measurement

  6. Charting a Course for the CMP Effort • The CMP is wired to evolve because: • It is centered around and embraces concepts of Collaboration at all levels: • Between local partners • With families • Across coordinators • Through the use of empowered subcommittees • Between state and local partners • It is a learning model that seeks to integrate information and ideas across partners

  7. Charting a Course for the CMP Effort • It may be useful for us to explore answering the following questions: • To what degree do we have the ability, desire and responsibility to make the CMP model the most effective model it can be? • If deemed a critical, higher order goal, how must we structure our collaborative work together around fulfilling this goal?

  8. What this Might Look Like Learn Evaluate FV&C Local Innovation CMP Dir Eval SC Model Refinement Process Core CMP Components CCYIS SSC H-Book Process Refinement Incentive Apply Revise

  9. Charting a Course for the CMP Effort • If the collaborative’s commitment is to continually refine the program model to make it as effective as possible: • Requires gaining clarity on core program components • Always understood in the context of local adaptation • The Director and all committees play an important role • The figure outlines connections related to the SEC, but all committees have these connections • It is important for us to know how we can all work together in this process

  10. Charting a Course for the CMP Effort To what degree do we have consensus that we have the ability, desire and responsibility to make the CMP model the most effective model it can be?

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