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Carberry Breakfast Club

Carberry Breakfast Club. Hockey Manitoba and LTAD. Mentor our volunteer grassroots coaches Develop specialty clinics to take to all communities so coaches can learn at home Develop strategies to get players more ice time: e.g.. Breakfast Club

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Carberry Breakfast Club

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  1. Carberry Breakfast Club

  2. Hockey Manitoba and LTAD • Mentor our volunteer grassroots coaches • Develop specialty clinics to take to all communities so coaches can learn at home • Develop strategies to get players more ice time: e.g.. Breakfast Club • Develop resources that coaches can use as reference and personal development

  3. Philosophy of the Breakfast Club • Make use of idle ice and be inclusive. • Provide an opportunity for players to get “extra ice” time in a structured way and thus improve their skills • Repetition, using a variety of drills will improve game confidence • Provide an opportunity to mentor coaches and model good ice management

  4. Long Term Athlete Development • Experts say it takes close to 10,000 repetitions to master a skill!! • Poor training of hockey skills ages 6-16 can never be fully recovered • “Windows” for development occur and ages 9-12 is very important for acquiring skills

  5. Our Goals • Provide an opportunity for players to improve their skills through quality drills • Model good practice techniques and activities to coaches who attend • Create drills specific to the needs of the players but challenge all. • Stress this is voluntary, we do not pressure or recruit kids to come. • Free of charge where possible

  6. Focus: Puck Control and Skating

  7. Types of Drills Structured Drills Set drills to master skills Practice and repetition to train fine motor skills Usually a set design to guide players Creativity Drills Put players in a situation where they need to “read and react”; make a decision Develop hockey sense Timing, support, seeing the ice, pressure or contain etc. Game like conditions

  8. Pat Quinn: 1/3 1/3 1/3

  9. Carberry Breakfast Club • Full equipment will be required • Sessions are 1 day a week (to start depending on interest) at 7:15 am – 8:00 am. Breakfast will follow, but you must be at school on time • Breakfast will be provided through sponsor donations, fundraisers and volunteers, details TBC • Development Fee: dependant upon donations and sponsorship • 2009 we plan on running 21 sessions Nov-March

  10. Breakfast Club Agenda • Skill drills, 3-4 a practice • Numerous “puck touches” • Age specific but we don’t underestimate players • Progressions and stations • We will have 4-6 volunteer coaches who will run the program this season. Video

  11. Breakfast Club DVDs • Hockey Manitoba produced 2 DVDs with over 100 drills and progressions which emphasize puck control drills. Most of these drills are on the CMHA web site. • It can be used in a Breakfast Club format or can be incorporated into practices • You can adapt and modify for your team

  12. Feedback • Players will improve their skating and puck handling skills • Coaches taking the extra ice time to correct errors and suggesting ways to improve their game • Players will develop more confidence in games to be creative with the puck

  13. Never too late to do skills Players are deficient in many areas They appreciate learning new things We need to teach these skills at a younger age Practices are the key: repetition for motor skill memory We shouldn’t criticize coaches, we need to help them On Ice Experience Video

  14. Challenges • Volunteer coaches: big commitment. The more kids, the more help needed • Carberry “Breakfast Club “coordinator- Mike Donais; • Number of kids initially; set age/number limit? A certain skill level is needed for drills. Number dependant will separate kids into age categories i.e.- Novice/Atom and PeeWee/Bantum, No one will be turned away; • Supervision needs to be done until all kids leave; • School liaison to be sure they are there on time; • Discipline: clear to parents that this is not a practice and behavior problems will not be tolerated; • Town/ municipal council and rink manager: free ice; • Corporate and local sponsorship initiatives; and • Support and train your on ice coaches (NCMP clinic, visitation to see the structure).

  15. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has The courage to loose sight of the shore. Andre Gide

  16. Specialty Clinics for Coaches • Competitive Games for Efficient Practices • Developing Defensemen • The WHL Draft and scouting of young players • How to use Goaltenders in Practice • Choices: clarifying the choices aspiring players have • Introduction to body contact • Puck Control • Skating Basics These are seminars for coaches/minor hockey associations who may find the information useful. They are free of charge; we ask that hosts pay for any local expenses such as ice, advertising, venue etc.

  17. Skills Through Drills!!

  18. Registration • Teams identify kids interested in participating in the program; Co-ord:Mike Donais mjdonais@mts.net or Chuck Roeder • roeder@westman.wave.ca • Associated cost TBC; • Age and numbers will dictate structure, Novice/Atom Day1, Pee Wee/Bantam Day 2

  19. Leave Your Footprints “Men are not judged by what they start. They are judged by what they finish”

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