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A Trip To The Pond A Webquest for 2 nd Grade Science

A Trip To The Pond A Webquest for 2 nd Grade Science Life Sciences/Characteristics and Structure of Life 2. Identify that there are many distinct environments that support different kinds of organisms. Designed By Kimberly Krachinsky ( kdk18@uakron.edu )

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A Trip To The Pond A Webquest for 2 nd Grade Science

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  1. A Trip To The Pond A Webquest for 2nd Grade Science Life Sciences/Characteristics and Structure of Life 2. Identify that there are many distinct environments that support different kinds of organisms. Designed By Kimberly Krachinsky (kdk18@uakron.edu) Cassie Jellel (cjj13@uakron.edu) Dannikia Davis (dd13@uakron.edu) Jenny Chan (igc1@uakron.edu) .

  2. Introduction “A pond is a body of water. It is a good place to find many living animals. Plants, fish, birds and other animals visit the pond for rest and food.”

  3. Task Pretend you are a scientist looking for all the different types of animals that you can find in the pond.

  4. Process • First use the websites provided to identify at least 5 animals that call the pond their home. • Second put the animals into the following categories: • Amphibians • Birds • Fish • Reptiles

  5. Process • Third you will pick your favorite animal to research. • Fourth you will use the information found to fill in the story provided about your selected animal. • Fifth you will draw a picture of your favorite animal on the story paper. • Last you present your project to the class.

  6. Websites http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/birds.html http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/00228/animals.html http://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/newman/science/Pondlesson/wholivespond.htm http://www.yvw.com.au/waterschool/seniors/ecology/freshwatereco/cycle.gif http://www.enchantedlearning.com/biomes/pond/pondlife.shtml

  7. Process Fill in the blanks of the following story to create your own story of what it would be like to be an animal that lives in the pond. Draw a picture of your animal in the space below your story.

  8. My Story • I am a _____________________ who lives in the pond. The pond that I live in • is full of ____________________ and _________________________. Some • days it is hard to stay alive!  I protect myself from other animals by •   _______________________________________________. I also have to have four • basic things in order to live. They are ______________, ________________, • ______________, and ____________________. I also stay alive • by __________________________________. It’s easy for me to catch and eat • _________________________________. Another animal that lives in the • pond with me is the _________________. He likes to eat _________________. • Sometimes he hides from other animals by _____________________________. • But sometimes he is seen by the _______________________________ and is • eaten! He has to be very quick to stay alive. I like living in the pond.

  9. Evaluation

  10. Conclusion After completing this assignment you will be able to identify at least five pond animals, and correctly categorize them. You will also have learned how to use the internet to research pond animals. Giving your presentation to the class will help you improve your confidence in public speaking. Here are some online games that you can play to build your knowledge of pond animals and their environments: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com http://www.msnucleus.org/membership/activities/pond2.html http://www.naturegrid.org.uk/pondexplorer/pond-sur.html

  11. Teacher’s Page • This WebQuest is designed to educate students about pond animals and their environment. • The second grade Ohio Academic Content Standard of Life Science number two is completed through this WebQuest-Identify that there are many distinct environments that support different kinds of organisms. • As a side project, students can use the online games provided or perhaps make clay animals of their chosen pond animal.

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