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Jagiellonian University Environmental P rotection. Environmental P rotection Since 1993 First environmental studies in Poland. Faculty of Physics. Faculty of Chemistry. Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences. Advanced materials. Chemistry. Environmental protection.
Jagiellonian University Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection Since 1993 First environmental studies in Poland
Faculty of Physics Faculty of Chemistry Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences Advanced materials Chemistry Environmental protection
Faculty of Physics Faculty of Chemistry Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences Advanced materials Chemistry Environmental protection
Structure of studies I 1 II II III III BSc Environmental chemistry Environmental biology 2 I I II II MSc
120 students begin 1 level 1 year = 2 semesters 1 learning unit = 45 min. 1 ECTS ~ 10-20 learning units
2 and 3 years/level 1 Environmental chemistry Environmental biology
2 and 3 years/level 1 Environmental chemistry Environmental biology (laboratories and seminars) (laboratories and seminars) (lectures) (lectures)
Level 2 Environmental chemistry Environmental biology
level 2 Environmental chemistry Environmental biology (laboratories and seminars) (laboratories and seminars) (lectures) (lectures)
Integrated thematic panels: • Chemical technologies in environmental protection • (chemical engineering and technology; biotechnology) • Environmental monitoring • (advanced chemical and biological monitoring)
Faculty of Chemistry JU Faculty of Biology JU New university campus JU
but also: University gardens (JU) University mountain station (JU) Ochotnica Górna University field station (JU) Łazy University mountain station (JU) Krempna
Examples of papers including student research – Environmental chemistry ·P. Cieśla, A. Karocki, Z. Stasicka, "Photoredox Behaviour of the Cr_EDTA Complex and Its Environmental Aspects", J. Photochem. Photobiol. A, 162, 537-544 (2004). ·M. Meres, E. Szczepaniec-Cięciak, K. Piejko, A. Sadowska, K. Szafnicki,"Operational and Meteorological Influence on the Utilised Biogas Composition at the Barycz Landfill Site in Cracow, Poland", Waste Manage. Res., 22(3), 195-201 (2004). ·S. Walas, M. Wójtowicz, H. Mrowiec, W. Zegar, "Comparison of Wet Microwave Digestion Methods of Plant Materials for the Detarmination of Metals by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry", Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 84, 1023-1032 (2004). ·L. Chmielarz, P. Kuśtrowski, M. Zbroja, W. Łasocha, R. Dziembaj, "Selective Reduction of NO with NH3 over Pillared Clays Modified with Transition Metals", Catal. Today, 90, 43-49 (2004). ·P. Kornelak, F. Mizukami, A. Wesełucka-Birczyńska, L.M. Proniewicz, G. Djega-Mariadassou, A. Białas, M. Najbar, "Evolution of Active Species of Nanostructured Anatase-supported V-O-Mo Catalyst in the Course of Reduction and Oxidation", Catal. Today, 90, 103-107 (2004). ·K. Madej, M. Woźniakiewicz, M. Kała, „Method for Screening and Quantification of Seven Phenothiazines in Whole Blood Samples by Non-aqueous Capillary Electrophoresis”, Chromatographia, 61, 259-263 (2005). ·R. Gryboś, P. Zagrodzki, M. Krośniak, Ł. Łagan, J. Szklarzewicz, J. Gołaś, W. Przybylski, “Level and Relationship of Elements in Scalp Hair of Males: Effect of Air Pollution and Smoking Habits”, Pol. J. Env. Studies., 14, 35-40 (2005). ·A. Kotarba, W. Rożek, I. Kruk-Serafin, Z. Sojka, „Alkali Metal Promoters at Catalyst Surfaces - from Model Research to Practical Application”, Przemysł Chemiczny, 85, 741-743 (2006). ·R. Wietecha-Posłuszny, A. Bednarek, P. Kościelniak, J. Dobrowolska, A. Morawska, W. Piekoszewski, J. Chrostek-Maj, „Determination of Selenium and Arsenic in the Blood and Urine of Patients Taking a Part in a Methadon Programme”, Problems of Forensic Sciences, 63, 259-269 (2005). ·M. Kochanowski, M. Kała, “Determination of Tetrahydrocannabinols in Saliva”, Problems of Forensic Sciences, LXII, 178-187 (2005). ·R. Wietecha-Posłuszny, J. Dobrowolska, P. Kościelniak, “Method for Determination of Selenium and Arsenic in Human Urine by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry”, Anal. Lett., 39, 2787-2796 (2006) ·M. Herman, M. Wieczorek, M. Matuszek, J. Tokarczyk, M. Stafiński, P. Kościelniak, “Determination of Chlorite in Drinking Water and Related Aspects of Environment Protection”, J. Elementol., 11, 449-455 (2006)
Examples of papers including student research – Environmental biology • Pis T.,Luśnia D. 2005. Growth rate and thermoregulation in reared king quails (Coturnix chinensis). ComparativeBiochemistry and Physiology 140(A):101-109. • Agnieszka Kocik, Monika Truchan, Anna Rożen, 2007. Application of willows (Salix viminalis) and earthworms (Eisenia fetida) in sewage sludge tratment. European Journal of Soil Biology 43: 327-331. •Sawicka-Kapusta K., Gdula-Argasińska J., Zakrzewska M., Bartyzel E., Graca-Dorociuk W., Głuc M. 2005: Air contamination in a small urban area in southern Poland. Air Pollution XIII. Brebbia C.A. (ed.). WIT Press, Southampton, Boston. Vol. 82: 252-260. • Kraus B. 2003 Seasonal variation In the Barn Owl Tyto alba guttata diet In the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland (South Poland).Buteo 13: 21-30. • Pikunas K.2001. Distribution and abundance of the Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) In Magura Nasiona Park (the Western Carpathians, Polanand).Buteo 12:119-126. • Kramarz P., Zwolak M., Laskowski, R., 2005. Effects of interaction between density dependence and toxicant exposure on population growth rate of the potworm Enchytraeus doerjesi.Environment International 28: 737-742. • Dubiec A., Cichoń M. i Deptuch K. 2006. Sex-specific development of cell-mediated immunity under experimentally altered rearing conditions in blue tit nestlings. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 273: 1759-1764. • Stępska A., Nieszporek K.; Grodzińska-Jurczak M.; Bryda G. 2006. Perception of environmental problems among pre-school children in Poland. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 15, 1, 62-76. • Grodzińska-Jurczak M., Tomal P., Tarabuła-Fiertak M., Nieszporek K., Read A.D. 2006. Effects of an educational campaign on public environmental attitudes and behaviour in Poland. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 46, 182-197. • Bartoszewicz R., Barbacka-Surowiak G.2007: Serotonin Increases Phase Shift of the circadian locomotor activity rhythm In mice after dark pulsem and constant Ligot conditio. Folia Biologia vol.55,3-4.
Environmental protection conferences organised by Faculty of Chemistry (2005-2007) - M. Najbar, A. Białas, International Symposium on Air Pollution Abatement Catalysis, Kraków, 21-24.09.2005 r. (131 participants), - T. Sawoszczuk, „Degradation of Paper – New Research Methods”, Kraków, 7-8.07.2005 r. (18 participants), - M. Poźniczek, P. Bernard, P. Broś, Z. Kluz, M. Krzeczkowska, K. Łopata, L. Michalska, E. Odrowąż, Sesja Naukowa dla Nauczycieli Chemii i Przyrody, „Katalizatory i ich rola w chemii i ochronie środowiska”, Kraków, 18.11.2005 r. (in Polish, 245 participants) - M. Najbar (Organised together with UMCS Lublin) 1st International Seminar on Application of Catalysis in Environmental Protection, Lublin, August 31 - September 02, 2006 (43 participants) - M. Nowakowska, K. Szczubiałka „Biodegradable Polymers from Renewable Resources”, Kraków, 25-26.06.2006 r. (32 participants), - M. Najbar, P. Kornela, J. Banaś, A. Białas, International Symposium on Air and Water Pollution Abatement (AWPA 2007), Zakopane, 21-23 lipca 2007 r. (80 participants).
Environmental protection conferences organised by Faculty of Biology (2005-2007) 4th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS4, Kraków, 22-26.08.2005, (organised together with Polis Academy of Sciences and Warsaw University, (300 participants) Xth Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, 15 to 20 August 2005, Kraków, 15-20.08.2005, (1100 participants) Seminar: "The Human Dimensions in Natural Resource management”, Kraków, 25-28.04.2005, (10 participants). Seminar "Qualitative research in Geographical and Environmental Education", Kraków, 15-17.03.2005, (17 participants). 8th International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology, Kraków, 4-9.09.2006, (190 participants) XIII Ogólnopolskich Warsztatów Bentologicznych Polskiego Towarzystwa Hydrobiologicznego na temat: „Zastosowanie hydrologii w badaniach biologicznych wód płynących". 8-20.05.2006, (in Polish, 68 participants).